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I am getting annoyed while watching the snooker with one cat on the back of the sofa snoring in my ear and the other sitting on the arm of the sofa doing her constant, squeltchy cleaning in my other ear.


At least they aren't in front of the telly swatting at the balls! :D

Sonic used to love the F1, he'd sit in front of the screen and try to "catch" the cars as they disappeared off the side :D (And however annoying I found it at the time when I was trying to watch something, I wish he was still doing it ❤️ )
I've noticed when Lilith jumps on my lap for cuddles, she never does it while I'm making eye contact with her. So I have to look away and pretend I haven't seen her, as she likes to take me by surprise, or think she has.

Eye contact with cats is a challenge*. Unless you then look away to one side after, thus admitting defeat. Apparently.

*ETA: as in, you are challenging them.
It's odd though, I mean it was absolutely clear to me that Sonic adored me (in a "nothing in this universe has ever or will ever love me as much as he does" kind of way) yet he never ever slow-blinked at me and was quite starey, he was a very intense and slightly odd cat.

I always thought that Jakey hated face to face contact with me as he would always shy away, but he's started rubbing his face on my cheek and wanting kisses on his head since Sonic died, I think Sonic was a bit intimidating to the others and territorial about me, and that Jakey didn't want to get in trouble by getting too close to me, probably a good job Sonic was a small cat and not a human!
Chloe has that serious look. Looking down on her subjects from her throne

Tihomoon wondered into the kitchen this morning through the cat flap. Cheeky fucker headed straight upstairs into mine and Lilith's room! I gently tried to persuade him to leave and he growled really aggressively and wouldn't move for anyone. In the end, I had to chase him downstairs, as much as I hated doing it. I was amazed as he usually puts up with Cookie pushing him around and seems to be the beta male to Cookie's alpha.
Esteé has realised that if she scratches at the wardrobe door, I will get out of bed and open it for her. Therefore she has started scratching at it when she wants me to get up and feed her. Last week she began doing this at 5am - I'd get up, open the wardrobe, and rather than jump in, she'd dash into the kitchen for breakfast.

She did it yesterday. Now wise to her, I ignored her and went back to sleep. On waking again at 9am, I was greeted with this:

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