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I got back from my bike ride this morning to be greeted by the cat who lives next door. Very pleased to see me, she rolled all over the place to have her tummy tickled, performing a Black Life Matters (singular) protest.
My neighbour has a beautiful cat with long blue-grey fur and she’s the sweetest, gentlest cat that you’ve ever met, and so friendly. So I was concerned when I saw her crouched outside my window just now making loud yukking noises as if she'd got a fur ball stuck in her throat. And then I saw the tail of a mouse hanging out of the side of her mouth.
i really shouldn't look at the website of my local animal rescue place

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it's really not practical for me to get a kitteh


Oh no, he looks sad and scared :(:( Are you sure you can't have him?

A friend of mine was out of the country for two years and has come home to find a feral cat colony in the garden. I have to avoid looking at Facebook because she's slowly neutering and rehoming them and I need them ALL. I feel it wouldn't go down well with the moggy, who is still not 100% sure about us.
Lilith's collar was looking really tatty, so I took it off in case she snagged it on something and hurt herself. She seems so much happier without it (Tim bought it her when he was her human) so I don't think she needs another. None of the other cats have collars in our street and they don't get mistaken for strays, and she's microchipped anyway.

We got new collars for both boys but I cut the excess on Lil’ Bob’s collar a bit too short and he managed to lose it. I’ve got him another one but he’s proving elusive when we try to put it on him. I think a joint stealth operation might be in order tomorrow as too many people think “No collar, no owner” and no one steals Lil’ Bob 😾
We got new collars for both boys but I cut the excess on Lil’ Bob’s collar a bit too short and he managed to lose it. I’ve got him another one but he’s proving elusive when we try to put it on him. I think a joint stealth operation might be in order tomorrow as too many people think “No collar, no owner” and no one steals Lil’ Bob 😾

some cats just won't wear collars. cat that lived with my (some time ago now) partner never kept a collar for more than about a day.

he was the sort of cat who would start fights with dogs, so he probably wanted a studded leather collar* or something like that rather than just a cat collar

* yes i know that's not recommended for kitties on safety grounds
some cats just won't wear collars. cat that lived with my (some time ago now) partner never kept a collar for more than about a day.

he was the sort of cat who would start fights with dogs, so he probably wanted a studded leather collar* or something like that rather than just a cat collar

* yes i know that's not recommended for kitties on safety grounds
I gave up on collars as Randy manages to remove them within 24hrs
some cats just won't wear collars. cat that lived with my (some time ago now) partner never kept a collar for more than about a day.

he was the sort of cat who would start fights with dogs, so he probably wanted a studded leather collar* or something like that rather than just a cat collar

* yes i know that's not recommended for kitties on safety grounds

We have lost so many “safety collars” to both cats that it’s silly so, even though Pets At Home refuse to stock them, our boys get proper buckle collars (ordered over the internet) for the sake of the local bird life 🙂
My adventure with feral Harry started today. This evening.
Wendy and Mick from three doors down are not Harry’s ‘owners’, and today have gone away for two weeks. They feed Harry.
Wendy has persuaded me to feed Harry twice a day on their front doorstep or nearby, and Wendy dropped off a big bag of stuff for the duration bless her.
Harry was nervous, preferred the grub not on the step but by his water bowl, and didn’t start eating until I backed off.
Here is a sequence of pictures documenting the adventure.
The last pic has a blurry Harry in the background because I wanted to show he had scoffed everything.



My adventure with feral Harry started today. This evening.
Wendy and Mick from three doors down are not Harry’s ‘owners’, and today have gone away for two weeks. They feed Harry.
Wendy has persuaded me to feed Harry twice a day on their front doorstep or nearby, and Wendy dropped off a big bag of stuff for the duration bless her.
Harry was nervous, preferred the grub not on the step but by his water bowl, and didn’t start eating until I backed off.
Here is a sequence of pictures documenting the adventure.
The last pic has a blurry Harry in the background because I wanted to show he had scoffed everything.

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"Feral" Harry is a chunky fella. I wonder how many other neighbours he's managed to fool.
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Ok. Got to a point where I need to work on my design and plan my front.

Had an onlooker for the job.

I marked and drilled the side entrance.


I cut out the hole


Cut out some foam to insulate the entrance.


Then I just had to put it together. This was a lot harder than I make it sound. Had to reinstall everything 3 ir 4 time for various reasons.


I put together the roof frame.
Then I took off the back panel as I want to make a window at the back.
I reused the back panel on the roof.


I didn't have enough wood for the front so decided to make a temporary wind break.
I worked out how to make my window frame.


Then installed a partial frame along the side and bottom of the front.


I put a bit of off cut on the back to hold in the insulation and put it all together.


I'll update if any of em use it.
I've attracted another one. Only 5 houses where I live and rural. So I suspect another has been dumped ( cost of living maybe).
It's beautiful and very friendly. Unfortunately Charlie has started over grooming and has bald bits on her belly and back legs :(
While I figure out what to do with the stray would a feliway help with the overgrooming?
New kitty on the block, unneutered tom.
I've attracted another one. Only 5 houses where I live and rural. So I suspect another has been dumped ( cost of living maybe).
It's beautiful and very friendly. Unfortunately Charlie has started over grooming and has bald bits on her belly and back legs :(
While I figure out what to do with the stray would a feliway help with the overgrooming?
New kitty on the block, unneutered tom.
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Lovely cat!

Re. Feliway - our Paddy overgrooms. I think Feliway does help (we've had one on the go for a couple of months and his belly is no longer nearly bald). Definitely worth a try.
I've attracted another one. Only 5 houses where I live and rural. So I suspect another has been dumped ( cost of living maybe).
It's beautiful and very friendly. Unfortunately Charlie has started over grooming and has bald bits on her belly and back legs :(
While I figure out what to do with the stray would a feliway help with the overgrooming?
New kitty on the block, unneutered tom.
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Or Pet Remedy, which I find great. It does have a valerian smell to it at first, but that disappears after a few minutes of spraying. Our vet uses it and I've never been able to smell it. Can't recommend it enough.
Or Pet Remedy, which I find great. It does have a valerian smell to it at first, but that disappears after a few minutes of spraying. Our vet uses it and I've never been able to smell it. Can't recommend it enough.
Ordered. Got the spray ( small bottle) and wipes + 6 free wipes for £9 with firstbuyer code.
Going to see how that goes. Cheers.
Hope it helps. (I'm gonna feel so shit if not!) Arnold goes a bit soppy after I spray it sometimes, rolling on his side and purring and that.
If it doesn't it's not your fault. I'll try anything once. I've got the feliway plugs just need the refills if it doesn't.
Weird coincidences, I went to give a quote for a garden tidy up today, and the owner said these weeds are everywhere, it was valerian and I was discussing the benefits of it!
If it doesn't it's not your fault. I'll try anything once. I've got the feliway plugs just need the refills if it doesn't.
Weird coincidences, I went to give a quote for a garden tidy up today, and the owner said these weeds are everywhere, it was valerian and I was discussing the benefits of it!
Your valerian may be bringing the strays to the yard, specially if you have a lot of it. My SIL has her small patch of it trodden down, so popular is it with the locals 🙂

E2a sorry I misread your post and it isn't yours. Ignore me it's early 😀
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