Right, well it was a bit of a struggle getting our Jocks into his carrier this morning! I normally tempt him in with a trail of Dreamies, but after last week's manhandling/enema, he was just taking the Dreamies and running off to eat them. Ended up having to manually shove him in
Thank christ the vet gave him his vax after his check up too cos it gives me plenty of time now to get back into carrier training with him. He bit the vet too, proper bite, broke flesh. He was NOT LIKING the belly-palpating that he was doing! Vet reckons he's still a bit constipated, even though he's been doing one a day since the enema, so I'll give his little system 24 hours to recover/react to the vax, then give him a dose of lactulose. He's only got a few more days of steroids now too.