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Well, they had a no show and agreed to see me early. Lilith's fine, they checked her gums, heart and weight. They gave her an anti- nausea injection as well as diarrhoea meds for the next few days and then half an anti-worm tablet every six months. The vet assured me that cats sometimes have days where they just feel a bit off, same as humans do, and she's a purrfectly healthy cat. We're home now and she's just excited to be out of the carrier!

Good news! Always good to get it checked out though, even if they otherwise seem OK - if there is something wrong, far better to get it diagnosed early!

Fantastic that Lilith got a clean bill of health though, huge relief :)
Great news about Lilith! I've been in that situation so many times in the past.

So the cat that the woman at the pub was looking to rehome no longer needs a home as she's settled in with the other animals now. Which is great for her but a little sad for me. I've got a couple of trips coming up and after that I'm going to start looking proper for a cat that needs a new home.
Shippou-Sensei I am so sorry to hear the bad news about Tig. Absolutely heartbreaking, he was a beautiful creature and had a great life with you even though that might not be much in the way of consolation right now :( ❤️
She sits on the window sill in the mornings soaking up the sunlight, watching me sleep and waiting for me to wake. Then leaps into the bed with me for snuggles.

Cats love a routine. At the moment Vic has gone outside on patrol while Lil’ Bob is sat on a box next to Mrs SFM cleaning himself while she works. At about 10.30, Vic will return indoors, sit himself in the chair next to me and expect me to tickle his ears until about 11.30 when I’ll go to work. He will then catch up on some much needed sleep until I return at about 4.20 pm when he go out to the garden for an hour before coming in for his tea. Similarly, Lil’ Bob will move to our bed just after midday and doze until late afternoon - coming downstairs to eat his dinner along with his brother…. etc. etc.
You interfere with this timetable at your peril 🙂
Idiot cat vommed on the extension sockets that my PC/Monitor/Speakers are plugged into, causing it to short out and start to melt. I hadn't realised until I heard crackling and the smell of burning plastic and hot metal.

He is currently in disgrace, but I don't think he realises it since he is sitting on my lap purring :rolleyes:
Idiot cat vommed on the extension sockets that my PC/Monitor/Speakers are plugged into, causing it to short out and start to melt. I hadn't realised until I heard crackling and the smell of burning plastic and hot metal.

He is currently in disgrace, but I don't think he realises it since he is sitting on my lap purring :rolleyes:



She sits on the window sill in the mornings soaking up the sunlight, watching me sleep and waiting for me to wake. Then leaps into the bed with me for snuggles.
Does she ever try to hurry you with waking? I too used to get cuddles the moment I woke up, but every so often I'd get punched in the face whilst still asleep to quicken the process up.
Does she ever try to hurry you with waking? I too used to get cuddles the moment I woke up, but every so often I'd get punched in the face whilst still asleep to quicken the process up.
Yeah, she does some mornings! Not so much since we opened the cat flap 24/7 but it still happens from time to time.
She sits on the window sill in the mornings soaking up the sunlight, watching me sleep and waiting for me to wake. Then leaps into the bed with me for snuggles.

Does she ever try to hurry you with waking? I too used to get cuddles the moment I woke up, but every so often I'd get punched in the face whilst still asleep to quicken the process up.

My (some time ago) ex lived with a kitty who would hasten the process a bit.

You'd hear a loud yowl, followed very rapidly by a fairly substantial mog (about 14 lbs) landing on you. i'm not quite sure if it was a jump from floor level or from the top of the wardrobe...
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