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Hmmm! So, rightly or wrongly, I made the decision to not get our three cats regularly injected, we're in a low / zero cat neighbourhood so I'm not concerned of infection, so not looking for a row about this, please


We're looking at trying to start getting away, we've got a neighbour who's more than happy to come in and feed them all, but now that FiFi's diabetic she now needs twice daily injections and it's not fair to ask said neighbour to take on that responsibility, which means putting her into a cattery for the time we're away, which then means she needs up to date injections. Which is fine


I have to monitor her daily food intake to adjust insulin which means I KNOW exactly how much she's eating. Up to the first injection she was pretty consistent in what she ate. THE DAY AFTER the injection she started eating a LOT less, gradually picking up after . . . 4-5 days, but still down. Then she had the second injection and her eating level has fallen off a cliff and that was over a week ago

Into the vet she goes . . . (insert joke here using words "shaved" "£220" "Mrs Voltz" "pussy")

Complete set of bloods taken, she was down about 100g from the last injection, 10 days previous (4.85kg - 4.75kg, so still not exactly wasting away, but, yunno, down 100g)

Results came in yesterday - there's no BAD news, some GOOD news and what appears to be a diagnoses

Good New - her kidney function is back to the top end of normal - it had just tipped into the not good zone, so an improvement

News - little dehydrated, her glucose(?) level was a bit high, probably down to the fact that we've dropped her insulin level from 6 units per day down to 2 units per day, but nothing to stress about - all in all not a bad result

BUT what's the problem? - suspected chronic pancreatitis possibly caused by STRESS - not the stress of, say, going to the vet, but the medical "thing" of stress ie the body has been stressed . . . possible cause . . . a recent set of vaccinations which trigger reactions in the body . . . and there's your stress. Hopefully this will gradually sort itself out, but in the mean time her eating levels are a bit of a cause for concern

We have tried:-
Usual diabetic biscuits - used to eat 2 x 30g per day, no problem - now, not so
Dreamies - obviously these work
Glucosamine treats - again she likes these and eats 2 x a day - HAS improved her joint stiffness and, I think, the condition of her fur
Morrisons sliced chicken breast - will eat if fed "roman emperor style" by hand
Tesco sliced chicken - not eating that muck
Morrisons - sliced turkey - not eating that muck
Morrisons - sliced beef - not eating that muck
Morrisons - roasted chicken thighs - will eat if fed "roman emperor style" by hand in tiny small cut up bits - about a teaspoon full at a sitting
Wells Market - skinless chicken thighs, especially cooked for the damned cat - will eat if fed "roman emperor style" by hand
Home Cooked and part of my breakfast - scrambled egg - not eating that muck, whereas I thought it was fine, but what do I know
From the Vet - diabetic wet food - will lick the gravy off
From the Vet (with the assurance that "all cats love this") - some AD food that needs to be mixed with warm water into a puree - might as well have shat in her bowl for all the good that did
Assorted cats foods (getting on for half a dozen different types) - not eating that muck but will lick the gravy off leaving the "icky" bits behind

Other tools in our arsenal include:-
Some paste that needs to be rubbed into her inner ear
An anti nausea meds
Some more vet cat food that's meant to be good for cats who aren't eating

At the moment she's being hand fed, maybe 6-8 times a day, not eating a lot at each session but eating several small amounts - we've just started to creep her insulin amounts up, as of this morning, and I'm hoping that this will encourage her to eat a bit more

Bloody Cats
Hmmm! So, rightly or wrongly, I made the decision to not get our three cats regularly injected, we're in a low / zero cat neighbourhood so I'm not concerned of infection, so not looking for a row about this, please


We're looking at trying to start getting away, we've got a neighbour who's more than happy to come in and feed them all, but now that FiFi's diabetic she now needs twice daily injections and it's not fair to ask said neighbour to take on that responsibility, which means putting her into a cattery for the time we're away, which then means she needs up to date injections. Which is fine


I have to monitor her daily food intake to adjust insulin which means I KNOW exactly how much she's eating. Up to the first injection she was pretty consistent in what she ate. THE DAY AFTER the injection she started eating a LOT less, gradually picking up after . . . 4-5 days, but still down. Then she had the second injection and her eating level has fallen off a cliff and that was over a week ago

Into the vet she goes . . . (insert joke here using words "shaved" "£220" "Mrs Voltz" "pussy")

Complete set of bloods taken, she was down about 100g from the last injection, 10 days previous (4.85kg - 4.75kg, so still not exactly wasting away, but, yunno, down 100g)

Results came in yesterday - there's no BAD news, some GOOD news and what appears to be a diagnoses

Good New - her kidney function is back to the top end of normal - it had just tipped into the not good zone, so an improvement

News - little dehydrated, her glucose(?) level was a bit high, probably down to the fact that we've dropped her insulin level from 6 units per day down to 2 units per day, but nothing to stress about - all in all not a bad result

BUT what's the problem? - suspected chronic pancreatitis possibly caused by STRESS - not the stress of, say, going to the vet, but the medical "thing" of stress ie the body has been stressed . . . possible cause . . . a recent set of vaccinations which trigger reactions in the body . . . and there's your stress. Hopefully this will gradually sort itself out, but in the mean time her eating levels are a bit of a cause for concern

We have tried:-
Usual diabetic biscuits - used to eat 2 x 30g per day, no problem - now, not so
Dreamies - obviously these work
Glucosamine treats - again she likes these and eats 2 x a day - HAS improved her joint stiffness and, I think, the condition of her fur
Morrisons sliced chicken breast - will eat if fed "roman emperor style" by hand
Tesco sliced chicken - not eating that muck
Morrisons - sliced turkey - not eating that muck
Morrisons - sliced beef - not eating that muck
Morrisons - roasted chicken thighs - will eat if fed "roman emperor style" by hand in tiny small cut up bits - about a teaspoon full at a sitting
Wells Market - skinless chicken thighs, especially cooked for the damned cat - will eat if fed "roman emperor style" by hand
Home Cooked and part of my breakfast - scrambled egg - not eating that muck, whereas I thought it was fine, but what do I know
From the Vet - diabetic wet food - will lick the gravy off
From the Vet (with the assurance that "all cats love this") - some AD food that needs to be mixed with warm water into a puree - might as well have shat in her bowl for all the good that did
Assorted cats foods (getting on for half a dozen different types) - not eating that muck but will lick the gravy off leaving the "icky" bits behind

Other tools in our arsenal include:-
Some paste that needs to be rubbed into her inner ear
An anti nausea meds
Some more vet cat food that's meant to be good for cats who aren't eating

At the moment she's being hand fed, maybe 6-8 times a day, not eating a lot at each session but eating several small amounts - we've just started to creep her insulin amounts up, as of this morning, and I'm hoping that this will encourage her to eat a bit more

Bloody Cats
And you know you can do all that and if you died she’d still only give it a day before eating you.
I've assured Casper that he'll be the last one we eat out of the three

FiFi would be tough but cooked low 'n' slow I bet she's got some good eatin' on her

Which leaves Clive - there's a LOT of meat on him, so a true "Not just for Christmas, but cold with pickles the next day, sandwiches for work and and end of the week curry" pet
Hmmm! So, rightly or wrongly, I made the decision to not get our three cats regularly injected, we're in a low / zero cat neighbourhood so I'm not concerned of infection, so not looking for a row about this, please


We're looking at trying to start getting away, we've got a neighbour who's more than happy to come in and feed them all, but now that FiFi's diabetic she now needs twice daily injections and it's not fair to ask said neighbour to take on that responsibility, which means putting her into a cattery for the time we're away, which then means she needs up to date injections. Which is fine


I have to monitor her daily food intake to adjust insulin which means I KNOW exactly how much she's eating. Up to the first injection she was pretty consistent in what she ate. THE DAY AFTER the injection she started eating a LOT less, gradually picking up after . . . 4-5 days, but still down. Then she had the second injection and her eating level has fallen off a cliff and that was over a week ago

Into the vet she goes . . . (insert joke here using words "shaved" "£220" "Mrs Voltz" "pussy")

Complete set of bloods taken, she was down about 100g from the last injection, 10 days previous (4.85kg - 4.75kg, so still not exactly wasting away, but, yunno, down 100g)

Results came in yesterday - there's no BAD news, some GOOD news and what appears to be a diagnoses

Good New - her kidney function is back to the top end of normal - it had just tipped into the not good zone, so an improvement

News - little dehydrated, her glucose(?) level was a bit high, probably down to the fact that we've dropped her insulin level from 6 units per day down to 2 units per day, but nothing to stress about - all in all not a bad result

BUT what's the problem? - suspected chronic pancreatitis possibly caused by STRESS - not the stress of, say, going to the vet, but the medical "thing" of stress ie the body has been stressed . . . possible cause . . . a recent set of vaccinations which trigger reactions in the body . . . and there's your stress. Hopefully this will gradually sort itself out, but in the mean time her eating levels are a bit of a cause for concern

We have tried:-
Usual diabetic biscuits - used to eat 2 x 30g per day, no problem - now, not so
Dreamies - obviously these work
Glucosamine treats - again she likes these and eats 2 x a day - HAS improved her joint stiffness and, I think, the condition of her fur
Morrisons sliced chicken breast - will eat if fed "roman emperor style" by hand
Tesco sliced chicken - not eating that muck
Morrisons - sliced turkey - not eating that muck
Morrisons - sliced beef - not eating that muck
Morrisons - roasted chicken thighs - will eat if fed "roman emperor style" by hand in tiny small cut up bits - about a teaspoon full at a sitting
Wells Market - skinless chicken thighs, especially cooked for the damned cat - will eat if fed "roman emperor style" by hand
Home Cooked and part of my breakfast - scrambled egg - not eating that muck, whereas I thought it was fine, but what do I know
From the Vet - diabetic wet food - will lick the gravy off
From the Vet (with the assurance that "all cats love this") - some AD food that needs to be mixed with warm water into a puree - might as well have shat in her bowl for all the good that did
Assorted cats foods (getting on for half a dozen different types) - not eating that muck but will lick the gravy off leaving the "icky" bits behind

Other tools in our arsenal include:-
Some paste that needs to be rubbed into her inner ear
An anti nausea meds
Some more vet cat food that's meant to be good for cats who aren't eating

At the moment she's being hand fed, maybe 6-8 times a day, not eating a lot at each session but eating several small amounts - we've just started to creep her insulin amounts up, as of this morning, and I'm hoping that this will encourage her to eat a bit more

Bloody Cats
I feel your pain, after my fun and games with trying to get Zoe to take pills. :D at 'might as well have shat in her bowl'.

Zoe has decided she doesn't even like Dreamies :eek: .

This is her yesterday after being fed. Contrary to her expression, it was Sheba and not freezing cold poison:

Walking back from town today I bumped into a furry friend I only sometimes meet. He/she saw me from a reasonable feline distance (about 15 metres) and came trotting up to say hello. We proceeded with a lot of nose-rubbing and ankle brushing, before they finally rolled over. That was when I discovered that the tummy was out of bounds.
Hmmm! So, rightly or wrongly, I made the decision to not get our three cats regularly injected, we're in a low / zero cat neighbourhood so I'm not concerned of infection, so not looking for a row about this, please


We're looking at trying to start getting away, we've got a neighbour who's more than happy to come in and feed them all, but now that FiFi's diabetic she now needs twice daily injections and it's not fair to ask said neighbour to take on that responsibility, which means putting her into a cattery for the time we're away, which then means she needs up to date injections. Which is fine


I have to monitor her daily food intake to adjust insulin which means I KNOW exactly how much she's eating. Up to the first injection she was pretty consistent in what she ate. THE DAY AFTER the injection she started eating a LOT less, gradually picking up after . . . 4-5 days, but still down. Then she had the second injection and her eating level has fallen off a cliff and that was over a week ago

Into the vet she goes . . . (insert joke here using words "shaved" "£220" "Mrs Voltz" "pussy")

Complete set of bloods taken, she was down about 100g from the last injection, 10 days previous (4.85kg - 4.75kg, so still not exactly wasting away, but, yunno, down 100g)

Results came in yesterday - there's no BAD news, some GOOD news and what appears to be a diagnoses

Good New - her kidney function is back to the top end of normal - it had just tipped into the not good zone, so an improvement

News - little dehydrated, her glucose(?) level was a bit high, probably down to the fact that we've dropped her insulin level from 6 units per day down to 2 units per day, but nothing to stress about - all in all not a bad result

BUT what's the problem? - suspected chronic pancreatitis possibly caused by STRESS - not the stress of, say, going to the vet, but the medical "thing" of stress ie the body has been stressed . . . possible cause . . . a recent set of vaccinations which trigger reactions in the body . . . and there's your stress. Hopefully this will gradually sort itself out, but in the mean time her eating levels are a bit of a cause for concern

We have tried:-
Usual diabetic biscuits - used to eat 2 x 30g per day, no problem - now, not so
Dreamies - obviously these work
Glucosamine treats - again she likes these and eats 2 x a day - HAS improved her joint stiffness and, I think, the condition of her fur
Morrisons sliced chicken breast - will eat if fed "roman emperor style" by hand
Tesco sliced chicken - not eating that muck
Morrisons - sliced turkey - not eating that muck
Morrisons - sliced beef - not eating that muck
Morrisons - roasted chicken thighs - will eat if fed "roman emperor style" by hand in tiny small cut up bits - about a teaspoon full at a sitting
Wells Market - skinless chicken thighs, especially cooked for the damned cat - will eat if fed "roman emperor style" by hand
Home Cooked and part of my breakfast - scrambled egg - not eating that muck, whereas I thought it was fine, but what do I know
From the Vet - diabetic wet food - will lick the gravy off
From the Vet (with the assurance that "all cats love this") - some AD food that needs to be mixed with warm water into a puree - might as well have shat in her bowl for all the good that did
Assorted cats foods (getting on for half a dozen different types) - not eating that muck but will lick the gravy off leaving the "icky" bits behind

Other tools in our arsenal include:-
Some paste that needs to be rubbed into her inner ear
An anti nausea meds
Some more vet cat food that's meant to be good for cats who aren't eating

At the moment she's being hand fed, maybe 6-8 times a day, not eating a lot at each session but eating several small amounts - we've just started to creep her insulin amounts up, as of this morning, and I'm hoping that this will encourage her to eat a bit more

Bloody Cats

Having had a cat (my departed Radar) go through a horrendous period of anorexia (from which he recovered, it wasn't that what got 'im in the end), I feel your pain, it's horrendous when they won't eat.

Have you tried to warm food at all? It tends to smell stronger to them and hence is more appetising.

Obviously don't feed it when it is piping hot, let it cool so that it is safe to eat without burning their mouth. You can try this with wet cat food, dry cat food (including prescription food) that has been mashed up with a bit of water so it can be warmed, or a bit of chicken freshly poached in water and allowed to cool a bit but still warm when offered.

No guarantees that will work ofc, a cat that is off its food is a tricky beast indeed, but if you haven't tried that it might be worth a go.

Best of luck and I hope she starts feeling better soon.
When one of my cats was poorly and not eating, I decided to cook her some liver (which I like as well, but don't really enjoy the mess of preparing it). When I drained off the blood, instead of chucking it down the sink, I poured it over the rejected and now rather stale cat food in the bowl, just to see if it sparked any interest.

And it certainly did. This rather revolting mess was the best soup ever. I still feel queasy thinking about it, and realised that I might eat meat, but I'm not an obligate carnivore.
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