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you can clearly see that.
well i guess i'm a fucking "numpty."
the garden is divided horizontally. i'd imagine that it might be divided vertically so that one tenant wouldn't be passing through the other tenant's space. at least that's what we'd do in civilized cities.
I didn't mean that in the way you seem to have interpreted it mate, take a deep breath...

I simply meant that I can clearly see it because it is the norm around here to have access through the garden belonging to the downstairs flat so it was clear to me, and I then explained it to you as I realised you may well not be familiar with that setup. :)

Any insult you have taken from my post is entirely of your own assumption, I intended nothing of the sort.

Merry Xmas to you, in friendship and peace.
Flora, my first cat wasn't over impressed with her first few check ups / travelling in the new carrier. After she had been spayed, I got another one that she could see out off, which solved that.
Getting her into the first one, though, usually involved rolling her up in a towel, which was a game she played ... we did it so often, that the times she ended up in the basket was such a tiny proportion that it stopped mattering to her.
She was OK travelling, it was the smells at the vet she hated.

Until one chrimble morning.
We found about a three inch cut under her foreleg (armpit) , not bleeding but such a big hole would need stitches.
So, off to the vet.
I scrubbed up to act as assistant [i/c patient control] and the vet did it all under a local + sedative ... and we all got to eat our dinners at almost the right time !
[got a discount off the very high cost, as I had helped out and we were acquaintances of the principal partner, which had started several years earlier - I ordered printed stationery for him at work]

Next check up - Flora was fine, none of the usual yowling.

Flora was fully all black, not a single white hair [until a few grew on that armpit] so when we first took her in to book the spay, she was such a stunner that the principal partner insisted on doing the spay as a midline, just in case ... she was also incredibly vocal at the best of times, enough that I wondered if she had some Siamese in her lineage.
I didn't mean that in the way you seem to have interpreted it mate, take a deep breath...

I simply meant that I can clearly see it because it is the norm around here to have access through the garden belonging to the downstairs flat so it was clear to me, and I then explained it to you as I realised you may well not be familiar with that setup. :)

Any insult you have taken from my post is entirely of your own assumption, I intended nothing of the sort.

Merry Xmas to you, in friendship and peace.
It took me two good looks to see the latch on the gate !
It took me two good looks to see the latch on the gate !

Aye, I'm familiar with that sort of arrangement though (alas not here where I have no outside space :( ) and knew immediately how it likely worked, hence why I took my time to point it out with an explanation, fucked if I will bother in future though!
Flora, my first cat wasn't over impressed with her first few check ups / travelling in the new carrier. After she had been spayed, I got another one that she could see out off, which solved that.
Getting her into the first one, though, usually involved rolling her up in a towel, which was a game she played ... we did it so often, that the times she ended up in the basket was such a tiny proportion that it stopped mattering to her.
She was OK travelling, it was the smells at the vet she hated.

Until one chrimble morning.
We found about a three inch cut under her foreleg (armpit) , not bleeding but such a big hole would need stitches.
So, off to the vet.
I scrubbed up to act as assistant [i/c patient control] and the vet did it all under a local + sedative ... and we all got to eat our dinners at almost the right time !
[got a discount off the very high cost, as I had helped out and we were acquaintances of the principal partner, which had started several years earlier - I ordered printed stationery for him at work]

Next check up - Flora was fine, none of the usual yowling.

Flora was fully all black, not a single white hair [until a few grew on that armpit] so when we first took her in to book the spay, she was such a stunner that the principal partner insisted on doing the spay as a midline, just in case ... she was also incredibly vocal at the best of times, enough that I wondered if she had some Siamese in her lineage.

Buggerlugs, aka Ollie has Siamese, I'm sure of it.

My boys are the same as Siamese just ones that aren't colourpoint are called Oriental Shorthair instead of Siamese - they all have the same origins though, just when cats were imported back in the day people particularly wanted the interestingly marked colourpoint temple cats rather than the ones with more ordinary markings (Siamese markings are due to being homozygous for a recessive gene causing temperature labile albinism which results in a pale body and pigmented extremities - that gene means the melanin they produce breaks down at body temperature - but other cats that are heterozygous for the gene - like my boys - have similar lanky shape but don't have the markings - they are essentially the same breed of cat though, and both my boys have Siamese relatives - Sonic's father and littermates were blue point Siamese, and Jakey's daughter is a rare fawn-point Siamese).
I'm a bit worried about Sonic, he is very skinny and I think he has lost more weight. I'm going to phone the vet and get him booked in hopefully next week. He is eating, but I don't see him eating a lot in one go. I will of course take him to hospital if he goes into a sudden decline or I am otherwise worried before he can be seen after Xmas.

He seems ok in himself but I just think he has lost more weight. It's like Radar all over again in some ways and that has frightened me. Nothing in this universe will ever love me as much as Sonic does.
He's an old boy now so part of me thinks maybe it is just the inevitable - but his nephew Jakey is just 3 months younger than him and a bit plump and muscular and energetic and charging around the place like a kitten.

My aim I think is to maybe get blood tests and/or urinalysis - whatever the vet recommends - he had both done back in the summer but they didn't show any issues then, but at his age it is possible that eg. his kidney function has declined since then - those tests aren't too stressful for a tame and friendly housecat, it will take a minute for the vet to take bloods and I can get a urine sample at home so little to no stress - and if it is something that can be treated with pills or a change of diet then we will do that.
This is not my cat, but I saw this beauty on my travels the other day. I’ve always loved these cats with the blue eyes. Burmese?

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I completely forgot about the Balinese, which is a Siamese with the longhair gene - that would be another option for that particular cat - I do still think it looks more like a Ragdoll though as it is a fair bit more stocky than the typical Siamese/Balinese (which are like the domestic cat equivalent of greyhounds in terms of physique).
We do this as well. The spirit of competition means that, often as not, they’ll fight to get into it - apart from when they twig where it is they’re going…
P'raps what we need is a carrier looking like a cardboard box :D

Yes I know there are carboard box carriers but they're not overly robust and we had an escapee in the car when we used one
I'm a bit worried about Sonic, he is very skinny and I think he has lost more weight. I'm going to phone the vet and get him booked in hopefully next week. He is eating, but I don't see him eating a lot in one go. I will of course take him to hospital if he goes into a sudden decline or I am otherwise worried before he can be seen after Xmas.

He seems ok in himself but I just think he has lost more weight. It's like Radar all over again in some ways and that has frightened me. Nothing in this universe will ever love me as much as Sonic does.
I hope he's OK Epona, and that you are too.
P'raps what we need is a carrier looking like a cardboard box :D

Yes I know there are carboard box carriers but they're not overly robust and we had an escapee in the car when we used one
Or put the cardboard box into another carrier / cat basket.

A mate used to do that worked quite well.

I need a replacement clear cover for the one both Flora & Hilli used.
It's old enough that the clear section has gone brittle. The rest is OK.
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This is not my cat, but I saw this beauty on my travels the other day. I’ve always loved these cats with the blue eyes. Burmese?

Burmese have short dense fur and have a different range of colours than Siamese (there are some different genes involved), that looks like a Ragdoll.

birmans (ancestrally from burma) are similar but think they are usually supplied with white paws so inclined to agree
It's not been a good year for cats on my row of houses, as one died of cancer, another from being hit by a car, and my own darling bundle of fluff from kidney failure.

However I think a newbie has recently moved in, as I met him or her as I came back from the shops this morning. He/she wasn't afraid of me, and allowed a bit of stroking, but was also doing a bit of teasing. Hopefully we build a closer occasional relationship as the months go on.
birmans (ancestrally from burma) are similar but think they are usually supplied with white paws so inclined to agree
Oh quite right, I was trying to think of other longhaired colourpoints as I knew there were more but was struggling to recall!

Another one I thought of after I went to bed was the Himalayan, which is a colourpoint Persian - the cat pictured does not have the typical Persian flat and round face though, which rules that one out!
It's not been a good year for cats on my row of houses, as one died of cancer, another from being hit by a car, and my own darling bundle of fluff from kidney failure.

However I think a newbie has recently moved in, as I met him or her as I came back from the shops this morning. He/she wasn't afraid of me, and allowed a bit of stroking, but was also doing a bit of teasing. Hopefully we build a closer occasional relationship as the months go on.

Liked for the newbie moving in and the possibilities..
Not the sad loss of kitties 😟
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