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Your daily cat and kitten news

Thanks Epona and seeformiles
Kizzy is better but still looking a bit sorry for herself, also found some sick in the garden
We think they get fed elsewhere as they often come in licking their lips!
Also got them some new toys today in case they are bored in this weather

Kizzy had stuff in her eye last night which we gently removed with a wet tissue
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Glad she’s perking up. Don’t be too worried about the eye stuff. It’s a bit like us having hay fever - Lil’ Bob frequently has a runny eye but a quick wipe sorts it out and he’s none the worse for it 🙂
The good news re. Sonic is that he has a lot of energy - OH got a new fleecy blankie/throw type thing a couple of days ago and Sonic has just spent the last hour trying to either eat it or kill it, not sure which :D

I will get him up to the hospital if I feel it becomes necessary over the festive period and next week. He's always been a skinny wee bugger so he doesn't have a lot of emergency padding iykwim - it doesn't take much for his ribs to start showing bless him. And it's not like he isn't eating. I've got an appointment booked for the 3rd so all being well in the meantime I'll have them take some bloods then, or get him to hospital before then if need be.

He's my special little boy so of course I am worried - but he doesn't seem ill as such (other than his long-term snottiness which is an ongoing issue that despite loads of tests we never did get to the bottom of) and has energy for running around and wailing, maybe I am worrying about something quite minor.
Merry Christmas from Chloe (and Bella and Rogue)

The cats haven't seen my parents since Xmas Day 2019, but they remembered and Jakey still adores my mum and went straight to her lap as soon as she sat down.
Sonic doesn't sit on other peoples' laps (he is very much a 1 person cat and I am his person) but he was comfortable enough to curl up and sleep next to my dad.

Xmas Cats.JPG
I think Jakey is dreaming about being a kitten, he is making loud suckling noises in his sleep. He had to be bottle fed when he was very little because his mum got mastitis and lost her milk, he is nearly 15 now and if he sees anything that resembles one of those little bottles that are used to help feed kittens he goes a bit misty eyed and makes sucky noises :D Well he was just doing that in his sleep bless him :)
Thankfully, Jakey was really good around Xmas dinner with guests - he usually begs horribly and tries to snatch stuff from my plate when I am eating, so I was a bit worried that there might be a scene in front of guests while I chased him round the room with a roast potato in his gob...

He was really quite good (for him) and just sat looking and sniffing and wailing most of the way through - towards the end it got a bit much for him and he got very close to nicking a bit of yorkshire pud but didn't succeed. Odd cat, absolutely zero interest in the salmon. Mind you when I have chicken he can be a right pain as I am eating.
Was outside in the communal garden with Chloe when she quickly dashed back in. I thought she needed to use the litter tray as she usually rushes in when she needs to use it. So I go back in and find a worm just outside the bedroom. Yuck. She clearly had it in her mouth. So used a tissue to chuck it back in the garden. she then started making noises to go out again. So off we went. Again she rushed back in. This time dropping another worm on the communal stairway. Yuck. Same again. Got a tissue and chucked it out. Wiped her paws with sanitizers wipes. Will have to give her de-worming tablets just in case as god knows what parasites these worms were carrying. She has developed a habit of worm hunting after it rains as she knows thats when the worms come out. Usually its a case of just putting her paws over it, but this picking it up with her mouth is something new and not a thing I like at all.
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