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Some strange behaviour recently from Vic. Of the two brothers he is definitely the more cool and self-contained one while Lil’ Bob is needy and would wither without love and approval. Today we left the house for a walk and to get the papers. We were about 15 yards from the house when Vic appeared, miaowing is a very distressed manner and clearly upset at our departure we were pretty much forced to go back and settle him down. It punctured the image we have of him as the strong independent type who keeps odd hours (and stays out more than he’s in) but it’s strange to think he has separation anxiety after being with us for the last five years. Perhaps it’s down to there usually being at least one of us in - with Mrs SFM WFH and me going out to work - but us going out together freaks him out. He has done this once before but surely he knows we’re always coming back by now? 🤔
Anybody else experienced unexpected neediness among their furry chums?

Some strange behaviour recently from Vic. Of the two brothers he is definitely the more cool and self-contained one while Lil’ Bob is needy and would wither without love and approval. Today we left the house for a walk and to get the papers. We were about 15 yards from the house when Vic appeared, miaowing is a very distressed manner and clearly upset at our departure we were pretty much forced to go back and settle him down. It punctured the image we have of him as the strong independent type who keeps odd hours (and stays out more than he’s in) but it’s strange to think he has separation anxiety after being with us for the last five years. Perhaps it’s down to there usually being at least one of us in - with Mrs SFM WFH and me going out to work - but us going out together freaks him out. He has done this once before but surely he knows we’re always coming back by now? 🤔
Anybody else experienced unexpected neediness among their furry chums?

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Not unexpected, but Lilith has this habit of miaowing when she can hear Tim's voice but he's not in the same room. It's as if it freaks her out a bit that he's there but also not there!
Not unexpected, but Lilith has this habit of miaowing when she can hear Tim's voice but he's not in the same room. It's as if it freaks her out a bit that he's there but also not there!

I suppose my surprise is that he’s revealing a vulnerability I’ve not seen before. At least it goes some way to putting the “cats are aloof” stereotype to bed 🙂
Some strange behaviour recently from Vic. Of the two brothers he is definitely the more cool and self-contained one while Lil’ Bob is needy and would wither without love and approval. Today we left the house for a walk and to get the papers. We were about 15 yards from the house when Vic appeared, miaowing is a very distressed manner and clearly upset at our departure we were pretty much forced to go back and settle him down. It punctured the image we have of him as the strong independent type who keeps odd hours (and stays out more than he’s in) but it’s strange to think he has separation anxiety after being with us for the last five years. Perhaps it’s down to there usually being at least one of us in - with Mrs SFM WFH and me going out to work - but us going out together freaks him out. He has done this once before but surely he knows we’re always coming back by now? 🤔
Anybody else experienced unexpected neediness among their furry chums?

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Yes. They're also quite elderly - 16 and about 11. A bit concerned about going away which we really want to do next year. :(
Chloe big paw

That's not a paw... THIS is a paw.

I got a new/old cat! Our extremely precious and much loved Oshawott had to be put to sleep the week before last (I made a hand wringing thread), and the house felt so empty. I think it was a bit soon but my kids were desperate. So this is Chewy. She's about 10, was sleeping rough in a park. Very sweet and affectionate. She's got a lot of attitude and seems to shit constantly. Hoping the latter will improve once she's settled in a bit :hmm:

I got a new/old cat! Our extremely precious and much loved Oshawott had to be put to sleep the week before last (I made a hand wringing thread), and the house felt so empty. I think it was a bit soon but my kids were desperate. So this is Chewy. She's about 10, was sleeping rough in a park. Very sweet and affectionate. She's got a lot of attitude and seems to shit constantly. Hoping the latter will improve once she's settled in a bit :hmm:

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Sorry about Oshawatt but Chewy sounds nice.

I just obtained an old but new cat too - my housemate had to move back to Bulgaria suddenly and I've taken responsibility for his black cat Lilith. I'm moving into his old room as it's twice the size of mine and I want her to be comfortable with as little disruption as possible. She's a very shy cat but she's only 15 months so hopefully young enough to adapt. Thanks to living with her for a year, I already know what food she does and doesn't like, how often to change her litter, when her vet appointments are and how she likes to be stroked. I'm honoured that Tim trusts me to care for her, and will be keeping him updated.

I got a new/old cat! Our extremely precious and much loved Oshawott had to be put to sleep the week before last (I made a hand wringing thread), and the house felt so empty. I think it was a bit soon but my kids were desperate. So this is Chewy. She's about 10, was sleeping rough in a park. Very sweet and affectionate. She's got a lot of attitude and seems to shit constantly. Hoping the latter will improve once she's settled in a bit :hmm:

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Sorry to hear about Oshawatt, but it is very nice that you have taken in this serial shitter Chewy. Looks quite a confident creature for a feral.
Sorry about Oshawatt but Chewy sounds nice.

I just obtained an old but new cat too - my housemate had to move back to Bulgaria suddenly and I've taken responsibility for his black cat Lilith. I'm moving into his old room as it's twice the size of mine and I want her to be comfortable with as little disruption as possible. She's a very shy cat but she's only 15 months so hopefully young enough to adapt. Thanks to living with her for a year, I already know what food she does and doesn't like, how often to change her litter, when her vet appointments are and how she likes to be stroked. I'm honoured that Tim trusts me to care for her, and will be keeping him updated.

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You're gonna have fun with that cat.
She is very cute LeytonCatLady - woohoo free cat!

Sorry to hear about Oshawatt, but it is very nice that you have taken in this serial shitter Chewy. Looks quite a confident creature for a feral.

Haha! Thanks. They think she had a home at some point, which I would agree with having had a feral cat in the past - this one is accustomed to having staff, for sure.
Oh she looks lovely polly! I've been looking at rescue sites this week even though I think it might be too soon for me after having Delilah put to sleep 5 weeks ago. But its like you say - my flat feels so empty without her, I'd like another little companion.

I'm sorry about Delilah. It does feel like a bit of a betrayal tbh. If you have the luxury of not being harassed, I would take it slowly. (And if you're like me don't look at those sites or you will just end up with a cat :D )
You're gonna have fun with that cat.
She's adorable. Still plays like a kitten, and she's got loads of toys. I'm a childfree woman of 35, and haven't had a pet since childhood, so this is the first time I've been responsible for another sentient being. Although I've worked and paid rent since I was 16, my personal life has been lived like a single person, which is what I am. But now I'm Lilith's mum and I believe she's going to change me for the better because I"ll need to put her first.
I'm sorry about Delilah. It does feel like a bit of a betrayal tbh. If you have the luxury of not being harassed, I would take it slowly. (And if you're like me don't look at those sites or you will just end up with a cat :D )

Thank you, she was a grand old age of 21 bless her! And yeah its just me so can take it slowly, I just really miss having the company. I've made a pact nothing can happen this year as I'll be at my dads over Xmas but it hasn't stopped me looking - honestly there's about 10 I'd like to take on!
I got a new/old cat! Our extremely precious and much loved Oshawott had to be put to sleep the week before last (I made a hand wringing thread), and the house felt so empty. I think it was a bit soon but my kids were desperate. So this is Chewy. She's about 10, was sleeping rough in a park. Very sweet and affectionate. She's got a lot of attitude and seems to shit constantly. Hoping the latter will improve once she's settled in a bit :hmm:

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Sad to read that you lost Oshawott..

Chewy looks like a bit of a rogue 🙂
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