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Catsitting for my younger sibling this weekend:


(can't really see it, but the blur in that first image is a bit of string I was swinging, that he was seemingly totally uninterested in playing with. A very friendly cat though.)
I really don't know what they put in dreamies that makes them kitty crack l, but it's something

For FiFi's evening "stick" I find it easier and thus quicker / less intrusive for her, to have her in the same spot, pointing the same way. But she's taken to sleeping in the most awkward to get to spot imaginable. Given she's deaf, or at best with substantial hearing loss, she needs to see the dreamies pot. Once she does she'll make her way over to the sticking station for her insulin / dreamies / 30g of biscuits
Jakey is having a funny five minutes (more like a funny hour at this point) which involves him galloping over me and occasionally using me as a launch pad. I love him but it drives me potty when he does this because he's 5kgs of extremely clumsy feline and when he is dashing backwards and forwards over me like I am part of an obstacle course made just for him, it can be a bit painful.

He's leaped on and off me (including skidding across my lap at top speed) 5 times while I've been trying to type this post! :eek:
Jakey is having a funny five minutes (more like a funny hour at this point) which involves him galloping over me and occasionally using me as a launch pad. I love him but it drives me potty when he does this because he's 5kgs of extremely clumsy feline and when he is dashing backwards and forwards over me like I am part of an obstacle course made just for him, it can be a bit painful.

He's leaped on and off me (including skidding across my lap at top speed) 5 times while I've been trying to type this post! :eek:
Misty does this on the bed, when I need the loo, quite heavy too
We really spent too much time deciding whether we were going to keep it or chuck it, so we compromised by taking a photo then we binned it :D

Which we'll probably regret tomorrow haha

I'd have kept any if I'd found them (they usually swallow them, apparently).
But then I keep some of their shed whiskers, I have a little envelope with Radar's pawprint which is in a condolence card from the vet after he died (they did the pawprint for us before he went for cremation) and I have several of his whiskers in there too. I'd have loved a baby tooth too.
Visited him again this morning:

He's a super friendly cat, but moves around a lot, so he's not keen on posing for photos.
Jakey eventually calmed down (he does pretty well for an old cat with a bit of a heart murmur, he clearly still feels like a kitten sometimes bless him!) and then I spent the next few hours with them BOTH sleeping on my lap at the same time which was a bit of a challenge because that is quite a lot of cat, I did eventually have to shift them so I could go to the loo but it wasn't easy - I moved one off my lap and he'd move back on while I was picking up the other one to move him.

Then when I came back from the loo I didn't see Sonic in my seat and only bloody went and sat on him :( He seems alright, I was holding onto the arm of the sofa anyway and didn't put my full weight on him (thank fuck), but I'll be keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn't start limping or anything untoward.
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. . . Then when I came back from the loo I didn't see Sonic in my seat and only bloody went and sat on him :( . . .
Casper is bloody murder for quickly nipping behind either me or Mrs Voltz JUST as we're sitting down, almost at the point of "fully committing" so far we've not sat on him, and it would really not be good if it did happen
Casper is bloody murder for quickly nipping behind either me or Mrs Voltz JUST as we're sitting down, almost at the point of "fully committing" so far we've not sat on him, and it would really not be good if it did happen

Aye, Jakey is the seat dasher as I am sitting down, he is paler though and I can see him better against the sofa. Sonic seems to be fine, but the worst thing about it is he will sit there if I go out of the room before he has deemed cuddle time to be over, and will wait there for me to return and pick him up to resume cuddling him. So he was there in desperate need of affection and instead nearly got squished, poor wee thing!

Thankfully no harm done (well except to my frazzled nerves! As you know, it can be a bit hair-raising to say the least) :)

We've had Chewy for a week and she's coming out of her shell a bit. She still mostly stays in one room but is much less demanding for food now, I guess as she's worked out it is going to come regularly, and doesn't always get up and shout when we go into the room. My kids brought some leaves home from the park yesterday for her and she chased them round really viciously :D She is still a monster shitter though. The shelter called yesterday and I mentioned it and they said some cats are just like that :mad:
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