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The old lady has not been at all well today.

Fine yesterday, eating well but she brought-up a hairball this morning, then tried to be sick again and just brought-up white froth. Since then, she has eaten/drunk nothing and had several more episodes of frothy sick. Its like she's struggling to bring up more but not getting there.

She's never happy about having her abdomen prodded at the best of times but I do feel she is protesting a bit more than normal when I tried to see if I could feel any bumps etc but it seems ok.

Definitely vet first thing tomorrow if there is no improvement overnight. :(
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Hmmm! Let's just say that a syringe with antibiotic in it is a LOT thicker and harder to push in than a teeny tiny needle used for insulin

Clive was not amused


But not amused
The old lady has not been at all well today.

Fine yesterday, eating well but she brought-up a hairball this morning, then tried to be sick again and just brought-up white froth. Since then, she has eaten/drunk nothing and had several more episodes of frothy sick. Its like she's struggling to bring up more but not getting there.

She's never happy about having her abdomen prodded at the best of times but I do feel she is protesting a bit more than normal when I tried to see if I could feel any bumps etc but it seems ok.

Definitely vet first thing tomorrow if there is no improvement overnight. :(

Aw hope she feels better soon, hopefully it's just a short bug and she gets her appetite back tomorrow.
She has perked-up a little bit and hasn't been sick/wretching for a good few hours now but still shows no interest in food or liquid. Mostly she just wants to stay curled in the warmest possible spot beside me.
Just back from the vet myself for Sonic's wellness check - he's lost a tiny bit more weight but not a terribly worrying amount, he's elderly and looking a little scrawny but had billions of tests in the summer and all was normal, so we're going to put them both on a higher calorie senior food since it seems mostly to be age-related rather than a specific health issue. Otherwise he is in good health for a 15 year old cat. He had an FELV vaccine but they are out of the others - I am actually relieved that they were able to give that one, since that is the one that doesn't provide as long lasting immunity.

He screamed and hissed and growled and yowled and threatened and struggled while he was having his claws clipped. He doesn't bite or scratch but he doesn't half sound like he might be dangerous! Big old drama queen, thankfully he is all mouth and no trousers.

We have fleas! Which explains why I had a couple of itchy bites over the last few days, I thought we'd got a mosquito in the bedroom or something but no it is fleas, thankfully they can't have had them long because I've not noticed them scratching or anything. I hate doing spot on treatments, because they groom one another they have to be separated until it dries (usually an hour or two after application) and so Sonic is in the bedroom with the OH (who is trying to sleep because he is on nights) and Jakey is in here with me - they are both sat at their respective doors wailing to one another :facepalm: Necessary though because when one of them goes to the vet, the first thing that happens when they are reunited is they bathe one another.
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She's had a better night. Not been sick at all and about 4am, she started drinking a little water, then curled-up beside it and had polished-off most of a dish by just now but she's still very subdued and not hungry. Calling the Vet at nine.

Aww sending love. I hope things go ok at the vet ❤️
Well, that went a LOT better than yesterday's

But he really does have quite tough skin to get through - not rhino tough, but a LOT tougher than Lady FiFi

Still, roll on tomorrow
The vet went OK - Nothing obvious/seriously wrong, so she's been given antibiotics, steroids and something to help her bring anything-up in case its a stubborn hairball.

So she's, had some more water and did nibble a tiny bit of food then curled-up in a very warm/soft spot before I went to work, so fingers crossed!
The vet went OK - Nothing obvious/seriously wrong, so she's been given antibiotics, steroids and something to help her bring anything-up in case its a stubborn hairball.

So she's, had some more water and did nibble a tiny bit of food then curled-up in a very warm/soft spot before I went to work, so fingers crossed!

If she's tried a little bit of food that is a good sign, hopefully she'll try again later. Love and best wishes to her!
A few recent encounters with local cats:

Also, recently met my younger sibling's new cat for the first time!

There is an inordinate amount of plastic-eating involved tbh.

I have these beautiful predatory creatures sharing my home and my life and OMFG why are you chewing that, it's not food?

Radar chewed up loads of cables (plastic coated copper and similar) during his life, I do wonder whether this was a contributory factor to how he ended up.
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