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Paddy and Zoe in a rare moment of togetherness on the 'barbecue':


(It was a barbecue - we don't do barbecues so it has now become a kind of feline Martello tower against other cats, foxes, squirrels etc., most of which are entirely imaginary).
i haven't seen anything of neighbours' kittehs (or neighbours for that matter) for a few weeks now (although i'm not at home all the time at the moment)

hope it's just the cold weather and they are staying close to a radiator...
But I check out the local cats up for adoption and for sale by owners
Spotted this pair.

Kizzy doesn't seem bothered, ears twitching at the odd bang but doesn't seem that freaked out so far

Misty chilling on bed as usual

edit - partner wants to keep them in over weekend to avoid injury, reckon it's up to them myself!
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Clive has managed, somehow, to get the feline equivalent of a stigmata on his back right foot

Although not causing him any obvious pain or discomfort it's a trip to the V. E. T. Come Monday for a certain young gentleman

Along with accompanying bill
Hope your little uns are OK with the fireworks. 2 of ours are behind the sofa and 1 under the bed, but Marvin wants to go out, he's not bothered by the noise at all.

Mine are completely unfazed about fireworks - I determined earlier that they would be fine if I went to the pub for a couple of pints so I could at times stand outside and see the surrounding fireworks going off (better view than from our flat) and came back to find them curled up in their thermal cat bed together fast asleep while what sounded like the Somme was going on outside. Radar used to like to sit on the windowsill to watch fireworks.

I hope your frightened ones have a quick recovery, I realise that we are lucky here having "bombproof" cats.
Well Monday's vet visit has been cancelled after we noticed that Mr Tubby's foot looked swollen and a bit weepy

Luckily a quick phone call got us an appointment to be at the vets in 10 minutes - just fell right not an emergency one

Only one problem was he wasn't already boxed up and ready to go - a bit of struggle later and he was all secured in the cat basket

vet saw him and squeezed out . . . well yunno . . . "stuff"

couple of injections later and the question we'd been dreading was asked "So, what's he like taking tablets then?"

our last experience of trying to get eye wateringly expensive meds into him resulted in total failure

luckily I've gained a lot of experience injecting FiFi with insulin so we now have 6 preloaded syringes ready to stick him with over the next 6 days

Oh! and a bill for just shy of £60 - and after reading some of the vet bill horror story posts on here I'm taking that as a win

And his weight has been managed down from 5.2kg to 4.8kg . . . still a couple of hundred grams to go I think - he's not got that correct weight profile just yet . . . maybe its just big bones
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