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I am actually really getting quite upset and fucked off now that Sonic was due for his annual checkup and vaccination at the end of July and the vet clinic has kept putting it off because they don't have any stocks of the vaccines.

They said 2 weeks ago when they cancelled my most recent appointment that they would phone me when they had more vaccine in stock and "not to worry because he can still have it in the next 4 weeks" but I have heard nothing.

He doesn't just go in for his vaccination btw, he is 15 years old and is supposed to have his weight monitored due to some weight loss issues previously, and I also have them clip his claws, he has arthritis and I can't do it (I can do Jakey's fine) but Sonic hasn't now seen a vet in months - and I don't want to take him to somewhere where there might be other cats that might be sick UNLESS he is going to get his fucking vaccination, especially as being an elderly cat his immune system might not be quite up to standard.

I am starting to get really stressed about it.
Hope you get him sorted soon. If it makes any difference, Milo's vaccinations have been delayed by a month due to the vaccine shortage, so I guess it's a national thing.

Milo's supposed to get some bloods done to monitor his CKD and diabetes too, but the fewer vet trips the better as far as he's concerned, so hopefully it can all wait.
Jakey has earned his keep tonight, leaving me to dispose of a small soggy mouse corpse - he doesn't have teeth so kind of gums them to death, they are typically intact but sopping wet with saliva and a bit of an odd shape once he has finished with them, rather than being just bits of them or a sliver of innards left.

I'm just grateful that at the age of nearly 15 he still has the energy to hunt - he was really very excited and is still very hyped up and lively bless him :)
He flaked out after a while (that is him in the foreground, resting after his Great Hunting Adventure)20211026_053831.jpg

(His fur normally looks a bit sleeker than that, I'd been stroking/massaging him on the neck and shoulders and telling him what a good and lovely boy he is, so his fur looks a bit ruffled :D )
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They left another dedder as a gift for me at some point today - of course I discovered it when I trod on it, I don't know why I always have to tread on them. They always leave them on the floor just under the desk which is where I eat my dinner of an evening, probably seems like a sensible place to them, leaving it where I eat.

So anyway, someone has had a busy day today!!! I gave them a pouch of their favourite food as a reward.
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Jakey just caught another (a mouse must have had babies somewhere and they are all just emerging) - he ran over to me with something in his mouth, leaped onto me and dropped the fucking thing on my lap still fucking alive... He finished it off on my fucking sofa seat after I'd stood up, but I was a bit horrified, I don't want a half dead soggy mouse being dropped on me when I am not expecting it! :D

EDIT: He is now after another one - definitely some new batch of young mice wandering in unawares that it is a mouse death-trap in here... am getting a little bit concerned that he is overdoing it, he is elderly and does have a heart murmur - still it is probably how he'd want to go, he's having a great time. Me, somewhat less so, it's been a bit of a mouse massacre over the last 36 hours - and he's just grabbed the next one and dropped it down the side of my fucking sofa cushion (saw it disappear between the seat cushion and the arm of the sofa), I cannot find it. Having a bit of a 'mare in all honesty.
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So I phoned the vet surgery this afternoon and they said that supplies of vaccines are limited and due to their policy they won't be able to vaccinate my Sonic (who was due for his jabs in early August) until 2022!!!

I am reading this as they have some vaccine supply but their policy is that as an elderly cat he is of low priority - I COULD have misread that but that is what is in my head and I am fairly upset about it.

The fact they didn't call me back like they said they were going to and weren't concerned that they cancelled his annual checkup - when he is supposed to be having his weight monitored regularly due to a weight loss issue earlier this year and as an elderly cat should be having regular checkups even if they can't offer the vaccinations - has really quite annoyed/upset me.

If anyone in London (East or North London, or out as far east as eg. Barking which I can get to by bus) knows that their vet is doing routine vaccinations, please let me know so I can try to get them done elsewhere if possible.
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I just know they are going to charge me a consultation fee for bringing him in to have a senior checkup and then will charge me full fucking price for 2 vaccinations 3 weeks apart next year because instead of needing his annual booster (which is £45) they'll say he needs to start from scratch and have 2 jabs (which will cost £70+ and require 2 trips to the vet 3 weeks apart as if he were a kitten).

EDIT: Sorry, I am absolutely fuming about it - I understand a shortage or delivery issues, what I don't understand is them never calling me back like they said they would, instead I had to call them and sit on hold for ages before speaking to someone who told me "oh sorry we can't vaccinate your cat this year at all" when previously I had been told they would book him in for vaccinations before the end of next week. :mad: 😭
I'm kind of hoping that when I take him in for his wellness check the vet kind of vaccinates him on sort of autopilot - it nearly happened with Jakey last time I took him for an appointment (sprained muscle) when he wasn't due for vaccinations.

(Apparently a lot of the vaccine shortage is due to a lot of people getting new pets last year, there was a backlog built up during lockdown of new pets needing vaccinations)
Just a towel

Three cat special this morning.

Firstly Napoleon sitting on my gatepost on the lookout for his rival feral Harry.


Then you can see Harry in the background who has sneaked to Wendy’s front door for breakfast.


So if you’re sweet three legged Matilda from over the road it’s best to keep a low profile if the boys are about to kick off!

Another 2 dedders today, OH dealt with one when he got in from work this morning (Jakey must have caught it and brought it to him, there is no way that OH would have noticed a dead mouse on the floor or anything) and when I got up after a nap I found a small soggy gift had been left for me on my sofa cushion.

So that is up to 6 now in the space of a couple of days? They are all small, juvenile mice - how big do mouse litters tend to be? I'm hoping that's it and that mother mouse has fled and will never return to the site of the massacre of her offspring.
Three cat special this morning.

Firstly Napoleon sitting on my gatepost on the lookout for his rival feral Harry.

View attachment 294463

Then you can see Harry in the background who has sneaked to Wendy’s front door for breakfast.

View attachment 294465

So if you’re sweet three legged Matilda from over the road it’s best to keep a low profile if the boys are about to kick off!

View attachment 294466

Great photos.
What absolute characters you have around you 🙂
It's so nice to see photos of kitties. There are absolutely NONE around here where I live anymore. It's pretty strange.
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