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Another 2 dedders today, OH dealt with one when he got in from work this morning (Jakey must have caught it and brought it to him, there is no way that OH would have noticed a dead mouse on the floor or anything) and when I got up after a nap I found a small soggy gift had been left for me on my sofa cushion.

So that is up to 6 now in the space of a couple of days? They are all small, juvenile mice - how big do mouse litters tend to be? I'm hoping that's it and that mother mouse has fled and will never return to the site of the massacre of her offspring.

Swap you for the one MASSIVE rat that we just had ... I fear it means more to come, like last time. I also worry that someone is poisoning them and that he might get ill as a result ... so far so good, he doesn't seem to eat them, unlike the sparrows :oops:

Hope you manage to sort vaccinations out soon.
Akiro being Akiro



Cutie used to somehow get onto the roof of the house, and I had to go up a ladder and rescue her on numerous occasions. :facepalm:

(story told before but some years ago)

when I lived with two mogs, I had a house where the kitchen was a single storey / flat roof extension at the back of the house.

One day, much meowing from outside somewhere - eventually realised that one of the mogs was on the kitchen roof and sounded in distress.

I opened one of the windows that opened on to this roof and tried to encourage mog to jump in. He didn't, and more distressed sounding meowing.

Some swearing on my part, and I went and got the ladder, thinking i could get him in through the window.

I went up the ladder - absence of mog on roof.

Looked down, mog was sitting at bottom of ladder looking up at me.

Little sod.

(story told before but some years ago)

when I lived with two mogs, I had a house where the kitchen was a single storey / flat roof extension at the back of the house.

One day, much meowing from outside somewhere - eventually realised that one of the mogs was on the kitchen roof and sounded in distress.

I opened one of the windows that opened on to this roof and tried to encourage mog to jump in. He didn't, and more distressed sounding meowing.

Some swearing on my part, and I went and got the ladder, thinking i could get him in through the window.

I went up the ladder - absence of mog on roof.

Looked down, mog was sitting at bottom of ladder looking up at me.

Little sod.


Lil’ Bob does this on a regular basis. He does it if he sees me talking to the neighbours and not giving him my full attention so I’ll have to go upstairs and open the window when he may or may not come in. After I decided to deliberately leave him up there for 20 mins or so he’s stopped that nonsense and now comes in every time. He also does it if Mrs SFM (who works in the back bedroom) closes the door for a Zoom meeting. Needy doesn’t even begin to describe it 🙄

(story told before but some years ago)

when I lived with two mogs, I had a house where the kitchen was a single storey / flat roof extension at the back of the house.

One day, much meowing from outside somewhere - eventually realised that one of the mogs was on the kitchen roof and sounded in distress.

I opened one of the windows that opened on to this roof and tried to encourage mog to jump in. He didn't, and more distressed sounding meowing.

Some swearing on my part, and I went and got the ladder, thinking i could get him in through the window.

I went up the ladder - absence of mog on roof.

Looked down, mog was sitting at bottom of ladder looking up at me.

Little sod.


Yes - Late black and white cat was really good at this in her youth - She could be straight up on top of the house in moments - then meow plaintively at you from over the door till you went to get her - but by the time you got the ladder out and went up to look for her, she had gone to the other end of the roof, deftly jumped on to the top of a narrow wall, run along it to the lowest point where she could easily jump down and be round at the foot looking up at you!

And on a hot day, she would even coax her sister-up and they would bask on the tiles for hours.
I made a new friend this morning. I'm sure I've never met this one before, but he/she came bounding up to me along the front of a row of houses on a footpath and, after a brief sniff of my fingers to check I was legit, fully indulged in the stroking skills I had to offer.
It is my lovely little Sonic's birthday, he is 15 years old today

Sonic is the little blue kitten (the darkest one), the bigger blue cat is his mum, the 2 lilac boys in the litter are Homer and Yoshi, I didn't keep in touch with the people who had his sisters, I know one of them was named Lydia - they were all gorgeous creatures! - they were about 6 weeks old when this photo was taken (not by me).

blue kitten.jpg

And this is an utterly terrible photo of Sonic today on his 15th birthday

Sonic Birthday 15.JPG
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Happy birthday Sonic! No idea when Vastra's is just vet reckoned she was about 6 months old in April 2012, so I think she's recently turned 10.
Happy birthday Sonic! No idea when Vastra's is just vet reckoned she was about 6 months old in April 2012, so I think she's recently turned 10.

Aye, although we know for certain what Sonic and Jakey's birthdays are, Radar was a bit of an unknown quantity in that regard - we picked a date for him based on how old he looked when we got him (too young to be away from his mum, bless him) and just said that was his birthday.
I can never remember the exact day that Bernard was born, but I know it was Easter Sunday so we roll with that no matter where in the year it falls.

That is as good a reckoning as any other measure of their years - it's not like they know or care anyway! It is more important in health terms to know whether they are getting old and may have health needs as a result. But as long as they have a sunbeam to lay in and a bowl of food and a lap with cuddles when they want it, these dates mean nothing to them. They are more important to us - I like to mark their birthdays, but I know it is for me, not for them - and to make sure they get appropriate veterinary care :)
I bumped into Adolf on my way home today, having not seen her for well over a year. She seemed keen to come up to me at first, but then taunted me by rolling on her back and scampering away when I went close.
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