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Not good news. the RSPCA bloke turned up. The smell of the fox was very bad. he said it means the injury is infected and nothing they can do so he will put it to sleep. That seems to be RSPCA go to policy. I've read about it. Its a shame the fox project lot ambulance service closed at 9pm. Sad.

you're a sweetheart for trying, seriously.
poor foxey looked in a bad way.
Spotted our neighbours cat with a very painful and swollen paw in out garden, I encouraged her in as her family are on holiday, but don't have their number.
I phoned the vet as they use the same vet as us. I said I'd take the cat in if needed, the vet contacted the family and they made an appointment for tomorrow and someone it returning to look after the cat tonight. The cat is currently asleep on our window cill.
Lyndon is discovering the joy of other places to sit...

Different soft furnishings:

Half on cushions, half on person:

Fully on person:

It's like he's suddenly "got" it just over the last week - there have been odd ocassions before, but this is every day for the last week :)
Spotted our neighbours cat with a very painful and swollen paw in out garden, I encouraged her in as her family are on holiday, but don't have their number.
I phoned the vet as they use the same vet as us. I said I'd take the cat in if needed, the vet contacted the family and they made an appointment for tomorrow and someone it returning to look after the cat tonight. The cat is currently asleep on our window cill.

Kitty reunited with her owner, hopefully it's nothing serious.


Toby is growing fast! Very playful, but has quickly learnt what is a toy and what isn't. Very vocal as well and loves to sing the song of his people whenever we go into the kitchen, hasn't quite got the hang of what time the wet food goes down. Active but still loves his cuddles.



Tilly seems like she'll be small forever. Still learning to meow rather than squeak. Loves to scrape the floor and wall near her food, a lot. Definitely more laid back than Toby and could just snuggle all day.
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Toby is growing fast! Very playful, but has quickly learnt what is a toy and what isn't. Very vocal as well and loves to sing the song of his people whenever we go into the kitchen, hasn't quite got the hang of what time the wet food goes down. Active but still loves his cuddles.

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View attachment 284018

Tilly seems like she'll be small forever. Still learning to meow rather than squeak. Loves to scrape the floor and wall near her food, a lot. Definitely more laid back than Toby and could just snuggle all day.
Little cutie pies!
I normally see Bloom out the back of the house, and he is rather confused seeing me out in the front, in the street.
Anyway this is Bloom this morning who came to greet me on Wendy’s front wall, the thing is his radar was totally out for feral Harry, and he bogs off if there is any hint of confrontation. Bloom being the peace loving type.

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View attachment 284017

Toby is growing fast! Very playful, but has quickly learnt what is a toy and what isn't. Very vocal as well and loves to sing the song of his people whenever we go into the kitchen, hasn't quite got the hang of what time the wet food goes down. Active but still loves his cuddles.

View attachment 284016

View attachment 284018

Tilly seems like she'll be small forever. Still learning to meow rather than squeak. Loves to scrape the floor and wall near her food, a lot. Definitely more laid back than Toby and could just snuggle all day.

Please post more

The little cat that hangs out in our garden pretty often had enough of the shite weather and decided to come in to say hello this morning. Which then left me in a tricky position when I finished breakfast, since I didn't want to either trap them in the house or else go away and leave the back door wide open, so I was just kind of stuck there until they got bored and wandered off:
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