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In Cornwall eh! - nothing to do with that Bakunin chap ;)

And on another note - one step forward (Clive) one step back (Casper)

Having left FiFi and Clive alone today (and coming home to find a dead Robin in the living room - thank you Clive) - my evening has been nicely rounded off after throwing away my left over from the weekend and whilst re-heating tonight curry because it fell over in the oven spilling and making a general mess - to find that Casper had followed FiFi upstairs, there was a little curfuffle and when FiFi came down stairs she was sporting a natty dot of blood on the end of her nose where Casper had dapped her - nothing too bad, it really is a pin prick rather than a full on swipe but Mrs Voltz is a bit upset about this and me away from Tuesday morning for pretty much the rest of the week
I've had Sonic and Jakey wrestling for the prime spot on top of my computer (it's the warmest place in the house) for several days now, and whenever they both manage to get on there together the one at the front rapidly scrambles onto my lap - and given that I don't tend to wear trousers around the house (it's not cold in here at all, and fuck knows why they can't share the top of the computer tower the same way they share a cat bed 90% of the time) and Jakey is a clumsy git that tends to fall off a lap rather than balance on it, my right leg looks like some sort of bizarre crime scene, it's shredded. I have accidental scratches on my right leg that vaguely resemble a map of the London underground.

Radar is the only sensible one here (now that is a phrase I never thought I would utter!), he's slightly less in need of being right up next to me whatever I am doing and makes a little nest for himself on my bed instead of arguing over who the top of the computer "belongs" to.
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She's sitting on my mouse.

She likes watching other people's pets scurrying around.

actually, the look says he's going to shred the duvet then shit on it next time.

Although I think cats are immune to being shamed on social media, his scowl shows an inner fury that I don't think mere defecation will calm... I would be more worried about the bed being filled up with half-dead rodents.

My mog's been upset this morning (as she usually is when the weather is bad - she wails plaintively as though she thinks I am some sort of weather god that can fix the rain and am just not doing so because I'm a bastard) because the ground is frozen and she can't dig herself a hole.. I think this is the first time she's encountered freezing conditions! Hopefully she will be happy to use the litter tray...
Carpet is now allowed out of his "panic room" to explore the house when I am around and can lock the cat flap / monitor the situation.

He is very interested in the windows and doors and would clearly like to go out but otherwise seems quite happy. The other cats are ignoring him and he is keeping a low profile in their "area" (the basement) and mostly sticking to the upper floors of the house. He likes lounging on the day bed in the spare room, and regularly rubs up against my legs. I think we need to keep him in for another few weeks though.
Probably best to keep him in until he feels comfortable with the other cats, so he doesn't feel like he needs to get away from them.
Carpet is now allowed out of his "panic room" to explore the house when I am around and can lock the cat flap / monitor the situation.

He is very interested in the windows and doors and would clearly like to go out but otherwise seems quite happy. The other cats are ignoring him and he is keeping a low profile in their "area" (the basement) and mostly sticking to the upper floors of the house. He likes lounging on the day bed in the spare room, and regularly rubs up against my legs. I think we need to keep him in for another few weeks though.
Carpet :D Glad to hear he's settling in :)
So a couple of days ago this little kitten runs in the house when the doors open, scoffs two bowls of catfood left out for the residents and makes herself at home for an hour or two, then potters off. Today she's returned again. done another two bowls of food and is now asleep on my bed. I've advertised her on the local FB lost cats pages and will get her down the vet to see if she's chipped once the cars out of the garage. My two are a little fazed but pretty good with her considering that they hate/fear each other.
Is three too many?
Why did you shave it? Was it matted? Sounds a bit grim so maybe just have a fortnightly snip in future :D
I trim the girl's bums
Why did you shave it? Was it matted? Sounds a bit grim so maybe just have a fortnightly snip in future :D
I trim the girl's bums
She was having 'hygiene issues' due to having an extremely fluffy bum. Got some cheap clippers and stopped her wriggling for a few minutes to do it.
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Ugh, don't even go there. He was extremely traumatised and sporting a massive lump on his back yesterday, I suspect she bit him. We've had to put her upstairs and him downstairs again :(
Oh bugger :( All I can say is mine are evil this week with endless fighting and biting so I hope their relationship improves with better weather.
She was having 'hygiene issues' due to having an extremely fluffy bum. Got some cheap clippers and stopped her wriggling for a few minutes to do it.
When I was dog grooming I bought some scissors that had proper round ends rather than pointed, they are good for delicate areas :)
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