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So I made an appointment for Carpet the stray at the vet on Friday, intending to keep him in the house from today onwards when I'm mostly at home and can keep an eye on him. Predictably, he hasn't been to visit for a couple of days. :facepalm:
So the new cat is still acting like she owns the place, and bullying the old cat to the point he spends most of his time skulking about outside. Not sure how to remedy this one. I feel quite bad that I'm putting him through this. :(
He's back and shut in the spare room with food, water and a litter tray. He is deeply unimpressed. :D

but at least won't have a small child climbing under the bed after him.

(who has now taken to following bakunin's lead and becoming the servant of all felines)
and his majesty and i are coming to an understanding. almost 3 weeks now and i'm starting to read his more subtle signs. he may not flick his tail, but he will bush it up, shift his posture. and sometimes the shift indicates that he wants to me left alone, sometimes it's an indicator that he wants to play.

and he's easing off on the attack. no biting. and he's starting to bat with no claws. if he bats me away, i'll put my hand down flat in front of him, so he can see it. he will pat it some if he wants to play. or just stare at it a bit if he dosen't. and he's got the energy to play a bit, only a few mins at a time, but he does want to play. so toys on strings have been purchased. the ones we got for madamme went in the bin ages ago, cause she isn't interested in them at all.

and his weight gain is good. still more to go, but there will come a time when he isn't eating everyhting in sight and needing to sleep off the meals all the time.

someone did piss on my laundry though. and he's scratching stuff a bit. it's something i don't care much about, so i'm going to let him for now.

and madamme has taken to sitting on himself's laptop. which needs to me stopped asap. so i'm ordering a stand that holds it at an angle that is not conducive to becoming bed.
So the new cat is still acting like she owns the place, and bullying the old cat to the point he spends most of his time skulking about outside. Not sure how to remedy this one. I feel quite bad that I'm putting him through this. :(
Apparently our bed isn't warm enough...
Hullo urban cat thread, seeing as I was off work with a cold today I was able to catch my mog going about some of her usual household chores for the day.

Say hello to Coraline who is doing her best to blend in with the spare bedding whilst enjoying the heating being on.

She's a rescue cat a little over a year old and as can be seen from the picture she somewhat resembles the bastard offspring of Dick Turpin and Salvador Dali. She's one of the least ladylike cats I've ever met but she is very affectionate; she has a very quiet and melodious sing-song meow but a purr like a tractor engine. Her typical cat hobbies include rolling around on any available surface asking for belly rubs, attacking my feet when I'm asleep in bed and she wants feeding (OW!), hunting earthworms and finding the warmest place in the house to sit.

She's also quite fond of sitting in the bath but only when chasing spiders... after an early experience of getting soaked she now pegs it out of the bathroom whenever the taps are turned.
*waves to my old sofa* It's comfy, isn't it?

Perry has been going out in the garden loads when I'm out there. He didn't even want to come in today. I need to make sure the fencing's done before I risk letting him out on his own though - he's just too soft to go wandering. Even the new cat who is half his size could beat him up.

New cat now shows no interest whatsoever in going outdoors. I think her time getting lost must have scared her off. She has stopped pissing in J's bedroom though :)
*waves to my old sofa* It's comfy, isn't it?

Perry has been going out in the garden loads when I'm out there. He didn't even want to come in today. I need to make sure the fencing's done before I risk letting him out on his own though - he's just too soft to go wandering. Even the new cat who is half his size could beat him up.

New cat now shows no interest whatsoever in going outdoors. I think her time getting lost must have scared her off. She has stopped pissing in J's bedroom though :)

It really is :) :cool:
Carpet has had the snip, been microchipped and vaccinated and treated for worms and fleas. He seems to be settling down, and is no longer right behind the door when you enter his room, trying to get out.

I guess he's ours now. My plan is to keep him in the spare room for another week, then start introducing him to the other two cats.
Bit of a progress report regarding the 3 little pigs

Mrs Voltz has been away this week on work, this has allowed me to implement a bit of extended integration involving FiFi and Clive (Clive's slightly more of a gentleman than Casper and shows slightly less interest in FiFi - I've also run this by the rescue we got FiFi from many months ago and got a "thumbs up" from them as a way to progress)

Last Monday, when Mrs Voltz had set off all cats were released as per normal but before I went to work I put Casper back into "his" room and let FiFi and Clive have the remainder of the house and outside

Came back that evening and apart from Clive being a bit worried about not having seen his brother for 10 hours all seemed well - no blood, no chunks of fur, no stress wee patches, both bowls of food had been eaten and FiFi was in her usual sleeping spot rather than hidden away in a bolt hole that she uses when attention from the boys gets too much for her

Same again Tuesday but this time Casper was shut outside (he's got access to heated shelter and food and drink) so that left FiFi and Clive in the house, both of them had access to their own "safe" rooms - and again, apart from coming home to a very pissed off and starving cat all seems to have again passed pretty uneventfully (he wasn't starving . . . well, he might have been in his head but he'd had plenty of food and is a bit of a greedy guts when it comes to eating)

And so on for the remainder of the week - so, tentatively, I think we've made progress with FiFi and Clive. Given that the weather is turning a bit fresh at the moment I'll have to watch what Casper's like when he's shut out for the day but he does have access to part of the house - so I'll continue with this, getting FiFi and Clive to spend whole days in the same proximity and let them sort their "stuff" out

Now Casper . . . he's another matter altogether
Sounds like a decent enough plan, HV. Of course, the worry comes with how FiFi will be with Casper down the line, since this experiment suggests it's him she's got a problem with. It might be that if she becomes comfortable enough with Clive, that seeing Clive being cool beans with Casper might help put her at ease, combined with her feeling more comfy with Clive on her own terms. There is the worry that it might alienate Clive and Casper from one another though, if Casper things Clive's gone and got himself a new best friend, and if Clive starts sticking up for FiFi. That's all conjecture though. All you can do is try.

And you are a gem for going to these lengths :)
The boys are OK "one on one" with FiFi ('ish) or more realistically at least FiFi can fend one of them off - but it's when they turn up mob-pawed, that's the cause for concern - again, not in the fighting way but they do use their bulk and number to block her into a corner or a hidey hole - now how long she's kept blocked in we're not actually that sure as at the first sound of anything a bit "bumpy" or "hissy" or Casper serenading (read: yowling) either a shout up stairs stops it or one of us will go upstairs and the sound of our footsteps on the stairs is enough to result in a highly guilty sounding pitter patter as one or both boys scoot along the landing back into their room with a casual look over their shoulders and a "What!1111!!!" expression on their little faces - as if butter wouldn't melt
New bloody cat has gone missing again. We had a couple of people over and she ran away in terror and hasn't come back. Between this and her attacking Perry, which is getting worse, not better, and pissing all over my daughter's room, when we get her back I'm returning her to the cat charity. She's not happy here and she's not making us happy either.
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