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I think you might be right! He was back again today, tried to get in through the cat flap which wouldn't open for him. So I got the carrier out of the garage and took him to the vet. There is no chip. :( He wouldn't come out of the carrier so she couldn't check if he was neutered.

I've brought him back and given him some food because he is very thin. He is now trying to make friends with Hendrix by following him round the house making chirupping sounds. Hendrix is unimpressed but is limiting himself to hissing if stranger cat gets too close. Stranger cat (who we have provisionally named Carpet) does not hiss back. He is now sitting on the rug grooming himself. :hmm:
He sounds lovely. :)

I'm hoping someone will take New Cat to a vet, because she has been chipped. I'm calling round the vets today to alert them now places are finally open.

Perry's being his usual brilliant self. He's just so easy! He'll lie in your arms like a baby, starts purring even in anticipation of being stroked, and is generally just really chilled, but if you want to play he turns back into a kitten and does backflips trying to get the sparkly thing. :D He also plays fetch (with elastic bands), comes when you call him, doesn't scratch furniture and doesn't shed. The one thing he does is turn the taps on to drink. I think I've been a bit spoilt by him TBH.

Here's a belly pic:

[I've posted this in the recycle forum too but thought it might be OK to post it here too?]

I'm looking to rehome my cat. She's gorgeous and looking for an adult home without any other cats. She's currently an indoor cat though may venture outside if given the opportunity (I can't as I don't have access to an outdoor space).

She came to me through the Celia Hammond animal home. So they are responsible for ensuring that she has a suitable home - which means a short home visit, but this should not be a problem if you are serious about rehoming her

She's nervous but very sweet. I'd love to keep her but as I live on my own I think she needs somebody who is at able to be at home more than I am (I work late a lot).

If anybody would like to meet her or potentially give her a home, please get in touch. Some more details and a picture below:

CRI - Sorry to hear about Sam. If it's inoperable that's a horrible thing to go through for both him and his family. Wishing him and them all the best wishes in the world, and that they have peace with any decision they may have to make xx
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[I've posted this in the recycle forum too but thought it might be OK to post it here too?]

I'm looking to rehome my cat. She's gorgeous and looking for an adult home without any other cats. She's currently an indoor cat though may venture outside if given the opportunity (I can't as I don't have access to an outdoor space).

She came to me through the Celia Hammond animal home. So they are responsible for ensuring that she has a suitable home - which means a short home visit, but this should not be a problem if you are serious about rehoming her

She's nervous but very sweet. I'd love to keep her but as I live on my own I think she needs somebody who is at able to be at home more than I am (I work late a lot).

If anybody would like to meet her or potentially give her a home, please get in touch. Some more details and a picture below:


I hope you manage to find a good home for her. She looks absolutely lovely, so sweet.
It's hard to get anything done with this lovely little face staring at me :)


He's settling in v well now. Got noticeably more confident in the last few days. We had 10 people over for lunch the other day and he came out for behind the sofa and tarted himself around good and proper :D

He's also started to look longingly outside do we'll have to get a cat flap fitted next week once he's had his final round of jabs.

We've also changed his name to Mash :) Seems to suit him better and means we'll sound less stupid calling for Mistletoe in the middle of the summer :D
Sam's gone to the Rainbow Bridge today. Saw him last night and the steroids had obviously given him a lift, but he started bleeding from the mouth this morning and it wouldn't stop, so they decided it was time. Bart's missing him something rotten, so getting lots of cuddles. RIP Samuel Sprout.

watermarked-Sam 2.jpg
Poor Sam :( Terribly sad news, he looked like such a sweetheart, with that cheeky patch of white on his bib. Big hugs to all involved.
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Sam's gone to the Rainbow Bridge today. Saw him last night and the steroids had obviously given him a lift, but he started bleeding from the mouth this morning and it wouldn't stop, so they decided it was time. Bart's missing him something rotten, so getting lots of cuddles. RIP Samuel Sprout.

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Sad news. :( I haven't read the whole thread, so I take it that Bart is your other cat? When we lost Gremlin, Gizmo mourned him for nearly a year. Although they weren't litter mates, they were very fond of each other.
Radar scrapes his cheek sometimes when he races around the top of the bookcases through all the narrow gaps (he is a bit insane tbh) - it always looks quite nasty but I just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get inflamed or infected. If you want to wash it with anything, do it with plain water that has been boiled and left to cool down, not salt water because on a fresh wound that will hurt like fuck. It will probably be OK and scab over normally, just monitor it to check that it doesn't start oozing pus or start to smell odd (in which case vet visit). Good odds it will heal up fine without intervention though.

Cats have a natural bacteriostat in their saliva, which is why surface wounds rarely infect. It's the deep puncture wounds that cause the problem.
Cats have a natural bacteriostat in their saliva, which is why surface wounds rarely infect. It's the deep puncture wounds that cause the problem.

Actually that's bullshit, the reason cats get infections from fighting is because their skin is loose and a deep puncture wound (from teeth or claws) will get a lot of bacteria trapped under the skin - and the skin is loose so moves around on top of the wound preventing it bleeding or being cleaned, and trapping bacteria in the wound with no route for infection or pus to escape, hence abscesses. Humans don't have that problem because our skin (no matter how thin anyone is) is fixed in place with a layer of blubber, so it doesn't move around so much and potentially seal off a wound.
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So Peggy enjoys headbutts, lots and lots of mutual face rubbing. Of late, she's been getting a bit more... into it. I'll kneel down and put my head down for her so she can smash herself against me with gay abandon for a while. The glasses flew off today.

Well, in the past few days she's taken a liking to my hair. It must feel good to rub against (it's very coarse when I don't straighten it). Every now and again she'll have a little nibble, before rubbing her face all over it.

Today, that nibbling got a bit overexcited. Tried to take a chunk out of my scalp, she did! *CHOMP*
So Peggy enjoys headbutts, lots and lots of mutual face rubbing. Of late, she's been getting a bit more... into it. I'll kneel down and put my head down for her so she can smash herself against me with gay abandon for a while. The glasses flew off today.

Well, in the past few days she's taken a liking to my hair. It must feel good to rub against (it's very coarse when I don't straighten it). Every now and again she'll have a little nibble, before rubbing her face all over it.

Today, that nibbling got a bit overexcited. Tried to take a chunk out of my scalp, she did! *CHOMP*

Radar is a horror for that, he'll be getting some affection and it overloads his brain circuits or something and it goes from "aww I love you soooo much" to "fuck yeah, hair to eat". I have long hair (curly and easily tangles) and a few times I have been sat here pinned to my chair with Radar hanging from my hair. Cats are weird. Lovely, but sometimes weird :D
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