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How the fuck am I supposed to get any work done? :mad: :D

Questions that seem completely normal if you have cats:

"Why is there a small lump of something unidentifiable that may be shit or may be furball stuck solid to the top of my computer case?" (probably ought to be thankful that it isn't lurking in a shoe or something :rolleyes: )
That's de rigeur here. I often come home to blown furry chunks on the armchair which is why I need a new one and it has a washable throw covering it.
I was playing on my tablet sat at the dining table. Mookie is feeling neglected because her comfort butler isn't on hand 24/7 as I'm working and has been whining this morning So when the flip over cover for my tablet flapped down on the table she sat on it and refused to move until fuss was administered. Best photo I could get of my smug hermaphrocat with the evil genius smile sitting on said cover.

Our three had special, non cheap tuna this morning. Ethical tuna too, not that those kittens give a shit about that.

Otherwise their Xmas consisted of resting in the warm house, while the hearing was on for far longer then normal.
Rollo, see above, is always in the mood for a belly rub. Its kind of odd really, never met a cat who liked it so much. I do wonder if its because he grew up with dogs. He also played fetch when we first got him. Seriously, would bring the toy back and drop it at your feet. Stopped after a couple of years. Peculiar cat :)
Idiot cat plays fetch. And comes when you call him. And loves having his belly rubbed- you can nuzzle your face in and he just purrs
OH accidentally let the cats into the kitchen when he went to work this morning (I was still asleep) - normally that would be OK but last night I had sort of given up after 2 days of heavy cooking duties and left the place in a right mess with stuff out that they shouldn't have had access to - woke up today to shredded tin-foil, Sonic lapping sunflower oil out of a dish that I had left out (meaning he'll probably have the shits tomorrow - his coat will be silky-soft though :rolleyes: ), and brussel sprouts batted into every corner of the room. AND the fridge hadn't been locked, so was sitting open, Jakey is a veteran fridge-raider and knows how to open the door. I think I interrupted them as they were deciding what to have as a snack. :facepalm:
OH accidentally let the cats into the kitchen when he went to work this morning (I was still asleep) - normally that would be OK but last night I had sort of given up after 2 days of heavy cooking duties and left the place in a right mess with stuff out that they shouldn't have had access to - woke up today to shredded tin-foil, Sonic lapping sunflower oil out of a dish that I had left out (meaning he'll probably have the shits tomorrow - his coat will be silky-soft though :rolleyes: ), and brussel sprouts batted into every corner of the room. AND the fridge hadn't been locked, so was sitting open, Jakey is a veteran fridge-raider and knows how to open the door. I think I interrupted them as they were deciding what to have as a snack. :facepalm:

at least we have discovered a practical use for sprouts - cat toys...

Peggy has hurt her cheek. I don't know how. She rubs her head vigorously on anything that she can, so presumably she's done it against something sharp and/or pointy. There's a hunk of fur missing, from what I can see (which isn't easy because as soon as your face gets close to hers she headbutts you) it looks pink under there, possibly a slight scratch, it doesn't look red and inflamed, no oozing of anything, but a bit raw. I'll keep an eye on it for any changes, I hope it doesn't require a trip to the vet, at this point it might just be a bit of missing fur and a tiny scratch but my eagle eyes will be watching. It's really very difficult to see.

In the meantime, is bathing with warm salt water a good idea or is it no good for cats? That's if she'd let me of course. I'd have to go in while she's asleep, probably.
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Peggy has hurt her cheek. I don't know how. She rubs her head vigorously on anything that she can, so presumably she's done it against something sharp and/or pointy. There's a hunk of fur missing, from what I can see (which isn't easy because as soon as your face gets close to hers she headbutts you) it looks pink under there, possibly a slight scratch, it doesn't look red and inflamed, no oozing of anything, but a bit raw. I'll keep an eye on it for any changes, I hope it doesn't require a trip to the vet, at this point it might just be a bit of missing fur and a tiny scratch but my eagle eyes will be watching. It's really very difficult to see.

In the meantime, is bathing with warm salt water a good idea or is it no good for cats? That's if she'd let me of course. I'd have to go in while she's asleep, probably.

Radar scrapes his cheek sometimes when he races around the top of the bookcases through all the narrow gaps (he is a bit insane tbh) - it always looks quite nasty but I just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get inflamed or infected. If you want to wash it with anything, do it with plain water that has been boiled and left to cool down, not salt water because on a fresh wound that will hurt like fuck. It will probably be OK and scab over normally, just monitor it to check that it doesn't start oozing pus or start to smell odd (in which case vet visit). Good odds it will heal up fine without intervention though.
Thanks Epona - all useful advice. It's been some time since I've been subject to the old salt water thing myself, so I didn't think about the stinging.

My bet is that it was her rubbing against a tile that sticks out in the bathroom. The people here before me made a little low shelf behind the sink, only a few inches high, to put bottles and whatnot on, and it's tiled on top, but on the corner the tile sticks out with its sharp corner and I've seen her try to rub her face against there in the past. I shall have to childproof it!
Thanks Epona - all useful advice. It's been some time since I've been subject to the old salt water thing myself, so I didn't think about the stinging.

My bet is that it was her rubbing against a tile that sticks out in the bathroom. The people here before me made a little low shelf behind the sink, only a few inches high, to put bottles and whatnot on, and it's tiled on top, but on the corner the tile sticks out with its sharp corner and I've seen her try to rub her face against there in the past. I shall have to childproof it!

That's probably it, just get some putty or polyfiller and round off the corner a bit (don't let her in there until it's set though, washing stuff like putty or polyfiller off a cat is not fun!) or if it is a right angle you can easily get something to put over it, just make sure it's not something she will pull off and eat (thinking of Radar again here LOL!)

Cats often get infected wounds deep in the skin because of fights with other cats and getting bitten or scratched with dirty claws, and that is something that requires vet treatment because it has a high chance to get infected or abscessed, but a small scrape or cut that isn't caused by claws or teeth or had saliva in it is not any more likely to get infected than if you had scraped yourself on the same thing - just give it a rinse and keep an eye on it.
We got home tonight to find the possibly stray cat that has been hanging around intermittently in the house!! We have a microchip cat flap so he must have tailgated one of ours. They were not happy at all, understandably. He's a sweet thing who isn't aggressive and doesn't seem particularly interested in food. I ejected him but I think if he appears again (he has a habit of sitting right outside the basement front door and sauntering in as soon as it's opened) I will take him to the vet to be scanned for a chip.
We got home tonight to find the possibly stray cat that has been hanging around intermittently in the house!! We have a microchip cat flap so he must have tailgated one of ours. They were not happy at all, understandably. He's a sweet thing who isn't aggressive and doesn't seem particularly interested in food. I ejected him but I think if he appears again (he has a habit of sitting right outside the basement front door and sauntering in as soon as it's opened) I will take him to the vet to be scanned for a chip.
And buy another cat bed and dish :D
Some sad news. Brother-in-law kitty Sam was diagnosed with a large, inoperable tumour under his tongue today. He's on steroids and antibiotics to try and make him more comfortable for now.

He's 14, so not a spring chicken, and has noticeably slowed down in the past few weeks. Was struggling to eat over the weekend and seemed to be very subdued and in some pain. Inlaws thought it might be teeth, but it's much worse. It's likely he'll be pts sometime in the next week unless the meds make a significant impact, but that's not likely. Poor dude :(

Sleepy Sam 1, 1 Feb 14.jpg
Wow, thank you all. Sam is a tiny wee guy - one of those cats that never really grew up, personality wise either. He arrived as a kitten the same week my father in law's mother died, so I have a feeling it's going to be really hard for them when he goes - well, it would be hard any way. Will see them tonight and find out more about the state of play. I'll see if they'd like some photos taken, but if he's too poorly, I wouldn't do that. I took some a couple weeks back that I can work on. I noticed he was looking quite old in them :( Thanks again everyone.
And buy another cat bed and dish :D
I think you might be right! He was back again today, tried to get in through the cat flap which wouldn't open for him. So I got the carrier out of the garage and took him to the vet. There is no chip. :( He wouldn't come out of the carrier so she couldn't check if he was neutered.

I've brought him back and given him some food because he is very thin. He is now trying to make friends with Hendrix by following him round the house making chirupping sounds. Hendrix is unimpressed but is limiting himself to hissing if stranger cat gets too close. Stranger cat (who we have provisionally named Carpet) does not hiss back. He is now sitting on the rug grooming himself. :hmm:
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