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A couple of weeks ago I put on a bird video for her, and after sniffing the screen and being very interested she spent absolutely ages trying to find them in the speakers. She knows they're in there somewhere. Clever girl.

Sonic is my television-loving cat - his favourites are wildlife documentaries and Formula 1 racing, but he will often sit glued to the screen whilst I am playing games. He particularly likes Skyrim, ESO, and The Witcher 3 - I think because they all have wildlife like deer and birds that will scatter quite quickly when you approach them.
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Oh yes, Peg is fond of Dogmeat. She likes it when he comes on screen. Sometimes I just stand around a bit, letting the camera follow him as he idles, so she can watch. She also sometimes looks for him in the speakers.
Oh yes, Peg is fond of Dogmeat. She likes it when he comes on screen. Sometimes I just stand around a bit, letting the camera follow him as he idles, so she can watch. She also sometimes looks for him in the speakers.

Oh bless her :D
When I am gaming all the sound comes out of the TV speakers, so all Sonic's concentration is centred on the TV. He will sit and watch a quite lengthy cutscene in a game sometimes, completely taken with what is happening on-screen.

Nothing will ever be better telly for him than that series about baboons a few years back though, he couldn't get enough of it, he was fixated on the screen from start to finish every week. I did try to tell him that baboons are a hell of a lot larger than him and could eat him without noticing, but he loved it anyway.

Sometimes when he's on the sofa and I think he's asleep I'll look round at him and realise he's awake and his attention is on the TV.
Yesterday my cat distracted me causing me to miss the bus, forcing me to walk 2 miles to school.

Today she tried again, but failed! [emoji1]

Another candidate for the belly treatment. :)

I see your thinking - but we've got 3 at the moment and it's a racing certainty when I say that NONE of them regard themselves as up for belly rubs

FiFi - would rip your face off
Clive - would run for the hills long before you got near belly rubs


His Nibs above - he'd be in front of Clive in the race for the hills

We really do have a pretty poor showing of cats at the moment
Molly is an only cat again, I wish I could say that Smudge has gone to a loving home, but sadly it wasn't to be. This Monday I noticed that he was having trouble peeing, I then kept a really close eye on him, and he kept hovering over the litter tray, nothing, going outside trying out various spots in the garden, nothing. On Tuesday this was still going on, so I phoned the vet and was told that in tomcats not being able to pee was really really bad news. On Tuesday evening he went to the vet as an emergency. The vet examined Smudge and told us that whatever accident Smudge had been in (which broke his tail) had seriously compromised his digestive system and that the poo was not being passed out (I hadn't noticed, there was definitely some poo coming out, but apparently not all of it / enough of it). Because there was poo stuck inside of him, it was blocking the bladder, so that was why he now wasn't able to pee. The vet gave Smudge some drugs and sent us home again, wishing us the best of luck that it would make Smudge pee overnight. When we woke up the next day, still nothing and Smudge still desperately trying to, but nothing. So we went back to the vet. The vet said that we could have the bladder emptied (operation needed), but that in his opinion the damage to Smudge's rear meant that we'd be looking at a recurring problem with operations regularly needed. He also thought it likely that Smudge had been abandoned by his previous owners for this reason (the accident having been long enough ago to heal any other injuries). He thought that with this kind of diagnosis it would be very hard to find Smudge another home. His recommendation ultimately was to have Smudge put to sleep. We went with the recommendation and so on Wednesday morning Smudge went to cat heaven. What a horrible horrible thing to happen to the poor cat, I feel so bad and so guilty that we couldn't keep him either because of how it was affecting Molly. The only consolation I have is that at least my neighbour and us gave Smudge a good home for a while and that he didn't have to die alone and cold hiding underneath a car. :(
I'm so, so sorry about Smudge. Life hands some cats a really awful deck, and all you can do is what is most kind for them. He might have been in some discomfort, even before the peeing stopped, they're just rubbish at ever letting on, so you definitely did the right thing making sure it wasn't going to keep happening. x
Poor Smudge :(
I have taken to accosting random cats in the street and stroking them for ages.
Here's today's cat:

It lives right next to my workplace. I saw it on the other side of the street on my way to get lunch last week and waved at it. When I came back, it had crossed the road and was waiting for me, so I gave it some love. I saw it again today and it came bounding up to me so i ecstasystroked it for about 15 minutes. :cool:
What a sad tale haushoch - but you really did go above and beyond the call of duty with poor ol' Smudge. Sounds like without your intervention he could have had a really horrible time, and what you and the fam did for him was absolutely the right thing. But while it was a sad story it wasn't a tragedy. And now Molly can get back to being the house alpha-and-omega again, at least.
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