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I am rapidly running out of enthusiasm for regularly cooking for the wee sod (Nate complaining about the smell of meat being cooked and fussing over what pan I cooked it in doesn't help), can't wait until he can go back on his usual wet food the same as the other cats! If I have to get more chicken for him I'm just going to get a whole small chicken and boil it, that way I'll have several meals worth in one go.
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I am rapidly running out of enthusiasm for regularly cooking for the wee sod (Nate complaining about the smell of meat being cooked and fussing over what pan I cooked it in doesn't help), can't wait until he can go back on his usual wet food the same as the other cats! If I have to get more chicken for him I'm just going to get a whole small chicken and boil it, that way I'll have several meals worth in one go.
If you're not fussed on the life the chicken it had before it went for food, some supermarkets do ready roast chickens.
My three adult and two no longer feral kitten cats are all gathered around me sleeping, like a happy protection circle. :)

They all have their own specific chairs in a semicircle in a corner of the front room, like proper bureaucats.

Rocky has just jumped on my knee and is punching me in the face to get my attention for strokes.

All is well with them and so all is well with me :)
My three adult and two no longer feral kitten cats are all gathered around me sleeping, like a happy protection circle. :)

They all have their own specific chairs in a semicircle in a corner of the front room, like proper bureaucats.

Rocky has just jumped on my knee and is punching me in the face to get my attention for strokes.

All is well with them and so all is well with me :)
Sounds delightful, how long did it take your feral kits to cease ferality ? High Voltage and I have had two very badly socialised chap cats since March and they still run away if approached.
About a day once i brought them home. Been feeding them and their outdoor family for about three or four weeks - still three kittens to catch, foster, neuter and rehome, and three adults to trap, neuter and decide what to do with. All still outdoor kittens and one adult at out my hands, except some twat kids chucked a firework at us all the other night. The cats scattered, i called the police, and it was dark by the time i had chance to go back and feed them yesterday and i didn't feel safe going alone.

I have potential homes for at least one kittens and one adult already. They are just nervy and need love and nurture and patience and be around people who aew basically massive human cats - they are nowhere near aggressive or owt.

Sounds delightful, how long did it take your feral kits to cease ferality ? High Voltage and I have had two very badly socialised chap cats since March and they still run away if approached.
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A local cat charity is paying for vet checks, flea ing, worming, neutering and other vet stuff on account at a surgery round the corner, and helping trap and sort the adults. The kittens are my job, and will go in the bathroom at first, then be fostered in the closeable back room that the others have only been in the last week out of the last year, once it has been thoroughly cleared and cleared.

. Might bring their mum with them.

Whole Litter is about 13 weeks old and is a total of five beautiful kittens, two of which sleep in my jumper at home and are called Pod and Pete.

Rocky, angel and pepper have welcomed them, defined their own boundaries and spaces firmly, spent time getting used to each other, and now spend time sharing food with, playing with and grooming the kittens, when not Doing Their Own Things :)
So yeah. Been a bit much, and having two peaceful kittens to soothe me, and me to soothe them, has been a blessing.
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Managed to get him up the vets this evening thank fuck, he's healing well and can go back on his normal food in 2 or 3 days.

Picked up some zylkene because he still has to go back for one more checkup (although I put my foot down about bringing him in Friday, new Australian vet not familiar with the fact that from midweek until Sunday it is likely to sound like the Somme around here, NOT taking a cat out of the house until the hopefully firework-free gap between bonfire night and Diwali, which I think is on the 14th this year?)
Epona - I wonder if a dose of the zylkene would help with getting Jakey into the carrier ?

Glad to hear that he's healing up nicely ...

That is what I hope, I'll start him on it with his meal tonight as it can take a week to work, but yeah it's worth a try to see if it helps him be a bit calmer in the carrier (he cut his ear last week thrashing about in it poor sod). If it doesn't help, then no harm done (except the £21 it cost :eek: )
£21 is a lot more than I would expect to pay.
When we started Harry (large dog) on it as he was suffering from the canine version of night terrors. He took it by us putting a dose into his evening meal, I have to say the response was immediate. He laid down and kipped after eating, and didn't suffer any noticeable disturbance that same night.
Yeah the £21 is London vet price for 7 days supply, if it does the trick I expect I'll be able to order it online for future (I think it's classed as a food supplement, so that should be possible?)
I bought it online, it's available all over the place. I probably only have one or two capsules left, otherwise I would have sent it to you, save you some money. I'm not convinced it did anything at all for Charlie, but others have a lot of success with it. Just like Feliway I guess, and catnip, it's down to the cat.
Yep I found Feliway didn't have much effect at all, yet I know others who have good results with it.

Hopefully also the fact that this visit was short and he didn't have to stay there without me and he wasn't having anything horrid done to him may have helped a bit. He is the most nervous of my cats though, I think taking him places will always be problematic.
Yep I found Feliway didn't have much effect at all, yet I know others who have good results with it.

Hopefully also the fact that this visit was short and he didn't have to stay there without me and he wasn't having anything horrid done to him may have helped a bit. He is the most nervous of my cats though, I think taking him places will always be problematic.
Feliway seems to have no impact at all on Breeze.

Glad to hear Jakey is recovering well!
If you're not fussed on the life the chicken it had before it went for food, some supermarkets do ready roast chickens.

Thing is, I AM fussed about that, but I don't have many options (either for chicken that had a happy life, or pre-cooked chicken - tbh I'd be a little concerned that the latter had salt added at some point during cooking, so no good for the cat) - it has to be whatever they have in Iceland because that is all we have locally and I can't go on a trek anywhere to find anything else. As we don't eat meat, I've not really looked into where I would be able to buy more ethical meat. Will have to have whatever I can get.
One thing I find really sweet about Jakey is that even though he fights not to be put in the carrier and I am the one putting him in there, as soon as we get to the vets and winkle him out of the carrier, he comes to me for comfort and sort of squishes himself up as close to me as possible. He also doesn't bear a grudge when we get home, he gets really clingy and wants me to hold him and comfort him.
Also although I don't tend to cook meat at home (I'm not vegetarian, just don't cook or eat it at home 'cos Nate doesn't eat meat, I will occasionally eat meat when out for a meal though, or get the occasional bit of ham for sandwiches) I've become a bit of a dab hand at the poached chicken thing. I tried some of what I had cooked for Jakey and it was really nice, not at all dry like chicken breast can end up sometimes. If I am ever called upon to cook chicken breasts for human consumption, I'd now be inclined to do it that way - although in stock with some herbs, garlic, and seasoning, rather than in plain water.
I used to just boil the breasts for Charlie. I'd store it in a tupperware with some of the water I boiled it in, and it helped keep it moist for longer. I never had any problems with it being dry, but I know it can be a problem.

I used to help myself to good amounts of it whenever feeding him. Mostly because he would refuse it after the first warm plateful :rolleyes: :D
He ate his zylkene on his dinner ok, but I realised after that I should have given him the contents of 2x 75mg capsules because he's a big cat.

I guess it doesn't matter too much if Sonic ends up eating some zylkene by mistake as it's just an amino acid supplement? Jakey is going to be off his meds in a couple of days and will also be back on his regular food, and I'd prefer to not have to play this game of separating the cats every time one of them wants feeding for any longer than necessary.
View attachment 79049 Went through and found this last night, apparently it's cat for tea!

Hmmm, cat casserole, my favourite!


(Yes his eyes look a bit wonky, at the time this photo was taken he had Horner's Syndrome caused by bruising to the nerve that controls eyelids and pupil dilation so he had slight palsy involving the eyelids on one side, he's fine now)
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