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Have decided to only offer him food tonight if he asks for some, the vet said she didn't think he would be likely to want to eat tonight but he could have a small bit of chicken or fish if he fancied it - but he's not begging and he usually begs when he wants feeding.
Poor little bugger. Here's hoping he manages to sleep it off, fighting wolves in his dreams, and wakes refreshed and ready to bug you for food again.
Other little things from the vet visit:

- He was worse to get in the carrier than last time, and he needs to go back Friday for a checkup (not going to be fun)
- Apparently he was extremely good at the vets but very shy, when he was in the cage they gave him a blankie and he hid under it the entire time (new one on me, he usually can't stand to have any covers over him!)
- 2 lovely young lads (very early teens I reckon) were very interested in him on the way home on the bus and used lots of young person slang that I believe means they thought he was a great looking cat. One of them told me that his 2 cats recently died within the space of a few weeks and he'd cried his eyes out, the other one complained that "my dad says we can't get a new kitten, but man, I live for cats, I can't be wivvout a cat, innit, I'm gonna tell him we HAVE to get one". Really nice lads :)
It got to bed o'clock and the wee horror decided he was starving, so I have cooked and flaked a haddock fillet and am currently waiting for it to cool down. He's only getting a small portion now (he hasn't eaten since monday night before he started fasting for surgery, and I don't want him bolting and puking), I'll put the rest in the fridge and he can have it for breakfast.

EDIT: The haddock didn't touch the sides, right decision to feed him. If it stays down he can have a bit more in half an hour.

EDIT AGAIN: He is sitting staring up at me hopefully, all full of purrs - his purrs sound a bit different and louder now they are coming out through more gaps in his teeth!
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This is a nightmare - Jakey cannot have any of Sonic's food, and Sonic eats really really slowly (he grazes rather than sticking his face in and getting down to it).

I am feeding Jakey in the dog crate (always used to feed him in it because he used to be food aggressive), but Sonic, instead of eating his own food, goes and stares at Jakey's bowl through the bars. I even put a couple of flakes of haddock in Sonic's food bowl, but he doesn't want them there, he just wants to stare at Jakey's meal :facepalm:
When we left the vets, Jakey had some gauze taped to his leg where the drip had been during surgery. When we got home the gauze and surgical tape was gone, and I cannot find it anywhere. I sort of assumed that he had pulled it off and it would be in the carrier, but no. I hope he didn't eat it. I wouldn't put it past him. :(

He's snoring quite badly, I hope he's OK.
Oh thank fuck, he finally seems to be sleeping peacefully! Now to creep off to bed without disturbing him.

(He'll probably sleep all evening the vet said. No, he was on the go from when he wobbled out of his carrier at 6.30pm last night until 5am this morning).
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Hope Jakey continues to do well and you get some rest in there somewhere Epona.

I think Breeze still doesn't know what to make of Ella and Charlie. Chuck still growls at and chases her when he fancies it and only occasionally she raises a paw. Ella gets so excited about little things and wags her tail so frantically, she often slaps Breeze, and herself in the face with it. Pigs are completely nonplussed about all of this! :)

watermarked-Sceptical Breeze.jpg
watermarked-Ella and Breeze.jpg

watermarked-Charlie and Breeze, 26 Oct 15-001.jpg
Jakey has been able to sleep normally today, had some more haddock earlier, and his chicken breasts have been delivered (had a Tesco order, I don't have some sort of special premium cat nibbles delivery service in operation or anything like that!) so he can have some chicken for dinner before I go to bed tonight.
He scoffed his chicken faster than I have ever seen him scoff before. I do hope this isn't going to cause a problem for when he has to go back onto his normal food.
Today is National Black Cat Day! Both of our black kitties would appear to be oblivious to this celebration.


haha! sounds about right! :D
The baby gates (I got 2 pressure ones from Argos so you can move them around) were really helpful at first so that the cats were aware that the dog was trapped until they realised he wasn't going to kill them. I keep them up because I don't have a door between my kitchen and the hall and the dog is very enthusiastic about visitors (the visitors are less so :D )

He also slept in a crate at first (now he's on/in my bed along with everyone else in my house :rolleyes: ) which I think helped - so they got the run of the whole house when I was out/when I went to bed. He tries to play with the cats a lot but sometimes they chase him round the house so I'd say they were fairly evenly matched now (I think it helps that he's outnumbered). They eat each other's food tbh
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Jakey was supposed to go back to the vet for a checkup this evening, but he got wind that something was up and disappeared behind furniture that we couldn't move. He's been there for an hour and a half and counting...

Rebooked appointment for Monday. Apparently this happens all the time, they seemed quite relaxed about him missing the appointment. He is perfectly back to normal now, eating fine, and doesn't appear to have any issues thank goodness!
Jakey was supposed to go back to the vet for a checkup this evening, but he got wind that something was up and disappeared behind furniture that we couldn't move. He's been there for an hour and a half and counting...

Rebooked appointment for Monday. Apparently this happens all the time, they seemed quite relaxed about him missing the appointment. He is perfectly back to normal now, eating fine, and doesn't appear to have any issues thank goodness!

oh yes. very common if i do recall.

about as common as passing round the kidney dish after a dog has had a bowel obstruction surgically removed trying to work out what exactly the silly fucker ate.
and im still waiting on news about kitten fostering. suspect i won't get put on the active list until next kitten season.
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