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if it reaches the stage where the cats think the mouse is part of the household, they won't catch / eat it.

feline ethics is complicated.

It's not with my lot, their 'ethics' seem to be "if if moves and it doesn't bring me food regularly, I'm going to kill it". :hmm:
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It's not with my lot, their 'ethics' seem to be "if if moves and it doesn't bring me food regularly, I'm going to kill it". :hmm:

maybe the ones i lived with had done advanced feline ethics at cat college. mouser kitty wouldn't kill the mouse that (i assume) dopey kitty brought in and put down and forgot about
Radar is our top mouser, with Jakey a close second.
Sonic is lazy but intelligent.
He'll just lay there watching until the prey is dead, then with lightning speed he'll swoop in and eat it, leaving the hunter wondering what the fuck has happened, whilst he has expended virtually no energy.
OMG Epona - they are all absolutely GORGEOUS. Jakey looks impressively displeased with that inflatable collar, poor little mite. Sonic has the most exquisite cheekbones, and lovely Radar looks like the soft soppy sod of the bunch, going purely on those pictures of course - what you've told us of them suggests they're all lovely and soppy, to varying degrees :)

As for pictures of whiskers, obviously a decentish camera, but light is important, I think. They show up really well if the light is behind in some way, they illuminate while the rest of the head is slightly silhouetted. Otherwise, the light being in front of them reflects off them. Daylight, of course. I can't say I have other tips. Charlie had cracking whiskers, it was impossible not to get at least a half-decent picture of them:


The ones on his forehead were glorious:


Even in shitty light they looked pretty good:


Peg's are naff in comparison.

that last pic....my heart goes *thump* x
Sorry, still confused. Was he wearing the boxers on his head or his bum?

Either image is making me smile.

Ha ha - he wore them on the bottom half, only at night as we could supervise during the day. I'd tried making some from a dishcloth without success, but the build a bear pyjamas fit perfectly. Even had a tail hole. For some reason can only find a photo of him wearing the pyjama top though.

CRI - tell me about Plaque Off. I've seen it mentioned a few times, supposedly fine as long as the cat doesn't have hyperthyroidism (too much iodine in there otherwise). Peg has some tartar, although not too much yet, but I'd like to avoid dental work if possible. Most reviews I've seen have been positive, more "yes this works" than "hmm, not sure this works" and I've not seen any "STAY AWAY FROM THIS IT WILL KILL ALL CATS" which is a rarity tbh.
Well, it was recommended by Charlie's daycare, and by the vets the other day. As you say, all the online reviews seem to be positive - nothing adverse at all. They make a version for people and I am tempted. I think it takes 3 or 4 weeks to work, so I'll keep you posted. Brushing animal teeth really sucks, so anything that makes that easier (as in just a bit to get rid of what's already loose) I'm for it.
Does anybody have a view on good low calorie cat food? I don't give Bonnie that much to eat buy as she's an indoor cat she is getting a little on the chubby side. Any recommendations would be welcome.

She's around the 5-6 age mark, otherwise in good health.
Epona can tell you way more about cat nutrition than I can, but rather than spending a lot of money on special low cal cat food that's quite possibly not very good quality anyhow (like the Hills, Royal Canins and such) it's probably best to give a high meat content wet food, but just less of it, and encourage more exercise. Also, if you give treats, perhaps switch from the high calorie not-good-for-you ones like Dreamies to something high meat and lean like Perito Snacks or Natures Menu, or just bits of lean chicken or turkey.
Great advice from CRI - that is exactly what I would recommend.

The food I use is Bozita wet food (I get mine from zooplus.co.uk ) as it is great value for money with high meat content and no carbs, cats really don't do carbs and too many foods (both wet and dry, including low calorie foods) are stuffed full of wheat and other cereals. Cats really need a sort of 'Atkins diet', high protein and a bit of fat is OK, but no carbs.

The exception to this is cats with kidney problems who need to be on a low protein diet to manage the condition.

Exercise is also important, especially for indoor cats - cats do tend to be lazy most of the time with bursts of activity, so when she is awake try throwing toys for her to chase or play with her in some way before a meal to simulate natural hunting activity and burn some calories :)
We did, didn't we?

Which is handy, given your fondness for giving her fist-sized pieces of chicken. Well, she prefers steak, but ordinary beef, chicken, lamb or handmade burgers will do in a pinch.

thank fuck she int an indoor cat, cause she would be a bal on legs if she wasnt out and about loads from the way you indulge her
I wish Bozita did mixed packs. I've been trying Peg on it and she ran full pelt at me when she smelled it, but barely ate a morsel. :rolleyes: I got a lamb flavour, since she goes potty for lamb Sheba trays, which... yeah. It's expensive and annoying to try new flavours because the smallest amount you can order is 6 tetra packs of the same flavour :mad:
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Cat-kins diet! :)

he's a fucking doormat to anything feline.

right on the edge of the bed all night, cause he wouldn't move her. and she ignores him. I give her a quick shove on the arse so ive got enough space and she snuggles up to me purring. finds herself a space where there isn't any bit of a person. oinly person who believes she's a dictator is the person who wants a dictator.

drives me fucking potty
In the non-ending search for something with high meat content to replace the Sheba (which she doesn't have too often, maybe twice a week - the rest of the time she's on RC Ultra Light wet, which she likes, and James Wellbeloved senior dry) I got some Hi-Life senior stuff. It's got a higher meat content than most easily buyable cheap brands, and she really likes the fishy versions, but I'm wary of feeding her too much fish, so again she only gets one of those once or twice a week. But no. We do not like the Hi-Life chicken senior stuff.

Great advice from CRI - that is exactly what I would recommend.

The food I use is Bozita wet food (I get mine from zooplus.co.uk ) as it is great value for money with high meat content and no carbs, cats really don't do carbs and too many foods (both wet and dry, including low calorie foods) are stuffed full of wheat and other cereals. Cats really need a sort of 'Atkins diet', high protein and a bit of fat is OK, but no carbs.

The exception to this is cats with kidney problems who need to be on a low protein diet to manage the condition.

Exercise is also important, especially for indoor cats - cats do tend to be lazy most of the time with bursts of activity, so when she is awake try throwing toys for her to chase or play with her in some way before a meal to simulate natural hunting activity and burn some calories :)
Thanks everybody - that's helpful - I shall investigate.
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Shades of the last man off the "Rohilla" !

This Hospital ship wrecked off Whitby at the end of October 1914 on her way to evacuate wounded from Dunkirk. !49 out of 229 persons on board survived.
That was Captain Neilson, who had the ship's cat under his coat, as he climbed down into the motor-lifeboat "Henry Vernon".
In the non-ending search for something with high meat content to replace the Sheba (which she doesn't have too often, maybe twice a week - the rest of the time she's on RC Ultra Light wet, which she likes, and James Wellbeloved senior dry) I got some Hi-Life senior stuff. It's got a higher meat content than most easily buyable cheap brands, and she really likes the fishy versions, but I'm wary of feeding her too much fish, so again she only gets one of those once or twice a week. But no. We do not like the Hi-Life chicken senior stuff.


Oh good grief Peg!

When left to it, cats predate on over 2000 species of mammal, bird, amphibian, reptile, and insect. Basically anything that moves and is smaller than them. Eating out of a bowl, that seems to narrow down to 2 flavours of something hard to get, which they go off after a couple of weeks. Horrible little buggers!
In the non-ending search for something with high meat content to replace the Sheba (which she doesn't have too often, maybe twice a week - the rest of the time she's on RC Ultra Light wet, which she likes, and James Wellbeloved senior dry) I got some Hi-Life senior stuff. It's got a higher meat content than most easily buyable cheap brands, and she really likes the fishy versions, but I'm wary of feeding her too much fish, so again she only gets one of those once or twice a week. But no. We do not like the Hi-Life chicken senior stuff.

Mine liked Hi Life for a few months but then went off the fish and then the chicken, they're now on Purely Holistic :rolleyes: - though starting to go off it a bit after a couple of weeks so I'll give the Bozita a go. They really are horrible little buggers indeed

ETA - Bozita comes in Elk flavour! :eek:
Mine liked Hi Life for a few months but then went off the fish and then the chicken, they're now on Purely Holistic :rolleyes: - though starting to go off it a bit after a couple of weeks so I'll give the Bozita a go. They really are horrible little buggers indeed

ETA - Bozita comes in Elk flavour! :eek:
Breeze is kind of meh about Bozita. She'll inhale it one time then ignore the next. She's same with Natures Menu Pouches, which is another reasonably priced high meat content one (multipack of 48 for £31.60 at Pets at home - and they're 100 grams while most pouches and tins are 70 or 80 grams.)

At the moment, we're mixing and matching Thrive Complete (not cheap), Feline Fayre (not a complete food but not as bad as some really cheap ones) and High Life complete with the odd Purina Gourmet 70% fish one thrown in as well as the odd Bozita chunk.

I've found sprinking a couple Natures Menu Freeze Dried Raw Nugget Treats over food she's not terribly keen on can entice her to eat it. Problem is, it's hard to find said nugget treats - I get Charlie and Ella's daycare / pet shop to order them for me.

She's quite partial to James Wellbeloved dry dog food, but prolly not a good idea to give that more than just as a treat.

Always keen to find out about other high meat wet foods. Tempted to try raw feeding, but Pets at Home don't sell it in shop (only dog raw food in the freezer) and having anything delivered is a pain. I don't have a big enough freezer anyhow.
I had some Grau for Charlie, it's a tinned pate style food (which Peg won't touch for love nor money - has to be chunks in gravy or jelly) and is high meat. They do a grain-free version, but some people report their cats do better on the grain version, which is generally rice or spelt. Charlie liked some flavours more than others. The Senior version was a go-er. Some are a bit wetter than others. They do a mixed pack (unlike Bozita GOD).

I'll check out the various things in your post, CRI, see if Peg likes any of them. I'm going to get a box of Royal Canin Aging 12+. She's only 11, but the 7+ has a slightly different consistency to the 12+. Charlie adored the 12+, it has a bit more gravy iirc, it might suit her better. It's not a high meat one, but it's also not Sheba.

She'd be quite happy just eating biscuits. Although she's drinking a bit more now, I'd still like her to have wet as much as possible. She has James Wellbeloved Senior biscuits, which is high meat no grain, so even accounting for the cooking process, at least she's getting something better than the Sheba there. She is not a massive fan of the James Wellbeloved wet, though. Because of course she isn't. To be fair, it looks rank and utterly uninspiring.
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Oh, yeah, looked at the Nature's Menu link, I had that for Charlie. It's pate again, I know Peg won't even lick it. GOD PEG. I *might* try and get a small pack, I seem to remember they had a bit of oily liquid in the pack that was quite pungent, it might pique her interest. (Who am I kidding?)
Oh, yeah, looked at the Nature's Menu link, I had that for Charlie. It's pate again, I know Peg won't even lick it. GOD PEG. I *might* try and get a small pack, I seem to remember they had a bit of oily liquid in the pack that was quite pungent, it might pique her interest. (Who am I kidding?)

Yep Radar and Sonic are both like that about paté, neither of them will touch Nature's Menu. A preference for chunks of food seems to not be that uncommon in cats.
Loancat won't eat pate-type foods unless nearly starving either - and with cheaper brands he'll just suck all the jelly or gravy off and spit out the chunks. And also has this same thing of loving a food for about 3 days maximum, then going off it and not wanting to touch it. Some remnant of being a nearly omnivorous hunter, maybe? So I lay in stocks of the few brands he likes temporarily, and keep changing them around constantly before he can realise the trick.
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