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Loancat won't eat pate-type foods unless nearly starving either - and with cheaper brands he'll just suck all the jelly or gravy off and spit out the chunks. And also has this same thing of loving a food for about 3 days maximum, then going off it and not wanting to touch it. Some remnant of being a nearly omnivorous hunter, maybe? So I lay in stocks of the few brands he likes temporarily, and keep changing them around constantly before he can realise the trick.

Kind of, it's natural for cats to eat something for a while and then lose interest in it - as they are very territorial, it prevents over-hunting one particular prey within their territory and then going hungry. So going off food is natural, only liking 1 or 2 things isn't, that seems to be something that domestication (maybe lack of exposure to different foods when weaning?) has done to them.
Got Beaker's results back from the vet - mostly normal apart from raised urea (but not creatinine). I now have to obtain a urine sample <sigh> I look forward to her refusing to go in the litter box as soon as that plastic bead stuff hits the bottom :mad:

Shirl your cat is the spit of my lovely old Malcolm (RIP) :)
Was just taking a look at Natural Instinct raw food. Reading lots, it sounds very good. Took a look at the 'meet the team!' page and the MD breeds hunt horses and the vet who oversees nutritional advice is a fucking HOMEOPATH.

I mean. Raw food is raw food, but for fuck's sake.
Was just taking a look at Natural Instinct raw food. Reading lots, it sounds very good. Took a look at the 'meet the team!' page and the MD breeds hunt horses and the vet who oversees nutritional advice is a fucking HOMEOPATH.

I mean. Raw food is raw food, but for fuck's sake.

Think that means I'll avoid them ...
Kind of, it's natural for cats to eat something for a while and then lose interest in it

I'm sure I post this every year, is your heating now on May? When the weather is good my lot sup outside but as the weather turns they drink indoors and also more as it's drier with the radiators on.
Presumably they did a T4 (thyroid hormone function) test? It's separate to the full panel they do for liver, kidneys etc.
We had a lovely home made Katsu Chicken dinner on wednesday night with plenty left over for the next day. Except, either i left the fridge door ajar or new boy Tango desperate for its deliciousness managed to open it himself & scoffed the fucking lot :mad::D
I believe that sometimes the kidneys can start to bugger up before it's detectable by tests. If that's the case, it's not dangerous that she's drinking lots of water, in fact it's helping her kidneys work as efficiently as they can under the circumstances. If there are no other symptoms and she seems perfectly happy in herself I don't suppose there's much to worry about at this point. You could perhaps get a phosphorus binder and add it to her food (dodgy kidneys can't process the phosphorus in their food), but perhaps check with your vet first. I don't believe it would do any harm, but I don't know what phosphorus deficiency might do... nothing probably. But check!

Worth remembering the blood tests are just a snapshot in time and those results can be variable from hour to hour. If you are still worried after a few weeks, if it's possible maybe get another test done to compare. Ideally I believe it is best 8 hours after food to eliminate any metabolism stuff (which is why they sometimes ask you to fast your pets before tests), but that's not always doable.
cats and dogs, do they generally get on?

trashpony any advice? we're thinking of getting a couple of mini daschunds...

oh and for anyone who remembers, i did, in the end, ask the feeder cat lady to leave. it was over an issue not relating to the cats (although the obvious feeding of them after I'd repeatedly asked her not to played a big part in my decision), but directly after giving her notice, when we were in bed, she fed the big cat like an entire packet of the cat crack stuff and he profusely and repeatedly projectile vomited ALL OVER the house. so glad she's gone. the cats are returning to their pre-cat lady temperaments. oh and they're slowly losing the excess podge she caused them to gain :mad:
I'm not a very nice person. I firmly believe that if madamme isnt hungry enough to eat one of the variety of foods offered to her, she is more than welcome to go avail herself of as much mouse as she wishes.

oh and since we got home, she has taken up residence on the laptop bag that went with me. never interested in it before, but i reckon that sleeping on it means that i have to stay here.
Aw poor Jakey. Higgins had to have 6 teeth out a couple of months ago :eek:

And then wouldn't let the nurses clean him up so we had to take him home with blood down his face, neck and front paws :rolleyes:

He recovered pretty quick and was right as rain in no time - hope Jakey doesn't find it too traumatic
Jolly good, Epona - what did they do in the end? Any teeth needed to come out, or just lots of intensive cleaning?

When Charlie had all but 2 of his teeth out the poor bugger had a terrible time of it because it coincided with a huge spike in his T4 and liver enzyme levels that was missed because Ted was on holiday (of course he was) and the other vets are shit. Once we worked out what was going on, though, he came through it fine. With a stupid Elvis lip curl thing going on, but otherwise fine.
Jolly good, Epona - what did they do in the end? Any teeth needed to come out, or just lots of intensive cleaning?

Not a clue how many he had to have removed, they phoned Nate who didn't think to ask. The vet this morning thought some of the big ones at the back would have to come out, meaning stitches and a course of painkillers, and nothing hard or mushy to eat for the next week (just boiled fish or chicken cut up small).
Just got home with Jakey - 2 large molars removed (had to have stitches) and all his incisors that hadn't already fallen out.

The poor sod is completely out of his tree right now - pupils like dinner plates and can't walk in a straight line.
(when we asked whether we needed to give him painkillers tonight, the vet said "no, we gave him the good shit - he is VERY happy right now" and laughed).
Jakey is now at the vet for his dental surgery *bursts into tears* :(

Jakey is doing fine, coming out of the anaesthetic. We have to pick him up at around 6pm. :) :)

Just got home with Jakey - 2 large molars removed (had to have stitches) and all his incisors that hadn't already fallen out.

The poor sod is completely out of his tree right now - pupils like dinner plates and can't walk in a straight line.
(when we asked whether we needed to give him painkillers tonight, the vet said "no, we gave him the good shit - he is VERY happy right now" and laughed).

I've ignored all other posts until I got to the happy ending - Phew - happy for Jakey and happy for you Epona - right back to the thread
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