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Colin has reappeared, all casual like :) Would love to know where he's been. He was absolutely starving. Anyway, panic over! :)


ETA - cats do that sort of thing. one of the mogs i used to live with tended to have weekends away - i'd often not see him from friday morning then he'd come home sunday evening - or sometimes monday if it had been a good party, demand a big feed then sleep for a day or two.

he managed nearly a whole week away once and came home shortly after i'd decided it was time to go round the street with flyers.

little sod...
Colin has reappeared, all casual like :) Would love to know where he's been. He was absolutely starving. Anyway, panic over! :)

Thank fuck! Bet he had followed a mouse into a shed then sat horrified while the door was closed on him and the mouse ran out through a knot-hole.

Glad that he is back home :)
I noticed Colin has got a graze on the whisker area just below his nose, and a little cut / nick below his right eye, plus a couple of his front claws look a bit scraped or frayed - not quite the usual injuries from scrapping, wondering if he got a glancing blow from a car or somesuch... Other than that he seems fine - as cocky, superior and smug as usual :)
He certainly wouldn't miss two meals by choice, that's for sure. Regardless of whatever campaign of pillage and slaughter he undertakes or what territorial patrols he goes on, he never ever misses a meal. Would love to know where he was for the lost 24hrs!
I noticed Colin has got a graze on the whisker area just below his nose, and a little cut / nick below his right eye, plus a couple of his front claws look a bit scraped or frayed - not quite the usual injuries from scrapping, wondering if he got a glancing blow from a car or somesuch... Other than that he seems fine - as cocky, superior and smug as usual :)
He certainly wouldn't miss two meals by choice, that's for sure. Regardless of whatever campaign of pillage and slaughter he undertakes or what territorial patrols he goes on, he never ever misses a meal. Would love to know where he was for the lost 24hrs!

without serious injuries, I'd suggest hiding somewhere. until hunger became more important than fear.

or, overscraped claws could indicate being trapped somewhere, a shed he was trying to scratch out of? i wouldn't think it unreasonable to believe he ahd knocked stuff over onto himself, or scraped himself trying to stick his head through a gap to get out. and cats can be very clumsy when they get scared and trapped. and their instinct is to bolt. in any direction, whatever is in the way, as long as its away from the biggest fear. so yeah, trapped, tried to get out hroutgh too small a gap, or got injured trying to bolt when a door was open. not necessarily what happened, but more reasonable than hit by car

because even a glancing blow from a car and you would have more problem than a little scratch, you'd have lots of bruising and worse. cat versus car usually looks like dead cat, or cat with broken bones and torn skin so bad you wonder if there's enough to stitch together to cover them. and a hit to the head and it's often well into dead cat territory, lost eyes are more like best case scenario. it's really nasty because they are so small and however graphic that description may be, seeing the reality is worse. cats just don't stick to the road and get scraped claws if they get hit. and you haven't even mentioned any bits that touching makes him jumpy or sweary. way, way little injury for a car hit i'd reckon.
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My old lady cat is drinking loads of water lately :hmm: She's always been dead secretive about drinking, but now she's constantly harassing me to run the tap. To the vets we must go...
OK some poor quality photos of the boys salvaged from my phone SD card:

Jakey wearing his inflatable collar following surgery to remove a tumour towards the end of last year:


Sonic staring at me, he can be very intense:


Radar looking like butter wouldn't melt:


Such a sweet boy (until he is attacking my feet!)


Blurry cat-love:


Yes, this is my usual view of Sonic... one very devoted cat...


Get off the fucking keyboard!!!


Sonic appearing (very creepily) between my onesie-clad knees...


I know this is not normal, but Jakey sometimes likes it if we 'hold hands' while he is asleep...


Sonic being beautiful in a ray of sunlight (and getting cat hair on the laundry)...
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top picture - you die for this or just wait til 3am

Aye, it wasn't the best of fun - a darn sight better than the plastic "cone of shame" though, the inflatable is a good alternative for cats that panic if their peripheral vision is impeded by a cone. It is quite bulky though, and impedes the front legs a bit, which comes with its own problems - he had to be helped on and off the sofa because he couldn't jump. Better that than pulling his stitches out though!
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Does anyone have any tips about getting good photos that show off a cat's whiskers? (Not on a crappy lo-res phone camera like my photos above, obviously).

Radar has the most amazing set of whiskers I have ever seen (at least on a shorthair) but I have yet to take a photo that does them proper justice. You can kind of see them in the photos of him in my post above, but where it is really obvious IRL that he has magnificent feline face furniture (especially when he is nuzzling up to my face at 4am and begging to get under the covers - tickly!), it just doesn't show up well on camera.

Edit: just a thought, calling CRI who always has awesome pet photos and Vintage Paw who is good at this sort of photographic image stuff :)
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OMG Epona - they are all absolutely GORGEOUS. Jakey looks impressively displeased with that inflatable collar, poor little mite. Sonic has the most exquisite cheekbones, and lovely Radar looks like the soft soppy sod of the bunch, going purely on those pictures of course - what you've told us of them suggests they're all lovely and soppy, to varying degrees :)

As for pictures of whiskers, obviously a decentish camera, but light is important, I think. They show up really well if the light is behind in some way, they illuminate while the rest of the head is slightly silhouetted. Otherwise, the light being in front of them reflects off them. Daylight, of course. I can't say I have other tips. Charlie had cracking whiskers, it was impossible not to get at least a half-decent picture of them:


The ones on his forehead were glorious:


Even in shitty light they looked pretty good:


Peg's are naff in comparison.

Poor little bugger, after his teeth came out the only two left were his bottom canines, and his lip got caught on them all the time, which in turn made his tongue flop out a lot. Just made him even more cute and adorable :)

I miss the little bugger.
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Does anyone have any tips about getting good photos that show off a cat's whiskers? (Not on a crappy lo-res phone camera like my photos above, obviously).

Radar has the most amazing set of whiskers I have ever seen (at least on a shorthair) but I have yet to take a photo that does them proper justice. You can kind of see them in the photos of him in my post above, but where it is really obvious IRL that he has magnificent feline face furniture (especially when he is nuzzling up to my face at 4am and begging to get under the covers - tickly!), it just doesn't show up well on camera.

Edit: just a thought, calling CRI who always has awesome pet photos and Vintage Paw who is good at this sort of photographic image stuff :)

2012-10-17 00.43.50.jpg

direct sunlight, contrast colour background. they show perfectly in the higher res image on my machine.

and patience, i took about 50 shots that day to get this shot that im hapy with, although i whsh id got better most were of the back of her head, or out of focus.
View attachment 78089

direct sunlight, contrast colour background. they show perfectly in the higher res image on my machine.

and patience, i took about 50 shots that day to get this shot that im hapy with, although i whsh id got better most were of the back of her head, or out of focus.


black cats tend to be difficult to photograph well in any case.

black cat that lived with my then partner many years back was even more difficult to photograph - if mog saw a camera, he'd either start washing his backside, hide, or stick his tongue out. Although he had a habit of trying to get in to wedding photos at the nearby church... He was something of a character. Cat that is. Ex less so...
i know.

thats why these days when they use a lot of pics to advertise available cats, black cats always tend to be left on the shelf, as it were.

i should know when black cat day is. i work for a fecking cat rescue charity ffs
It was not very long ago, I think. Maybe a couple of months ago.

I had my heart set on rehoming a black cat, for that very reason. But Peg was such a good fit for here, and she was the cat they'd had the longest, no one was showing any interest, so there we go.
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