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Thanks for the reassurance. I'll consult that picture when she's next up and about (she's just settled with a big grump, time for more sleep!). I suspect she is indeed more or less on the normal side of things. This is good to know!

She's drinking more water now. Which of course sends me into "OH GOD WHAT'S WRONG?" mode. She doesn't drink much: there's something wrong. She starts drinking more: there's something wrong. It's going to take some time before the trials and tribulations of Charlie's ill health let me calm down a bit.

She's fine in every other respect. If she shows any other weirdness, of course I'll see about getting her checked over. She's probably just feeling a lot more settled now and getting into a routine, understanding the old rules don't apply (she doesn't like my taps, it seems). I see her take a drink most days now, and today she's had three! But then she's managed to try to lick off some of her wormer so that'll be why.

That's not going to kill her, is it? I'm sure there's plenty of cats agile enough to reach and get a taste of it? She seems otherwise fine, it's been nearly 24 hours since I dosed her.
There's nothing funnier than watching a saggy cat run, seeing it flapping freely from side to side :D

Well, watching a cat try to reverse, that's quite funny too. Or getting stuck in a bag. Or jumping 3 foot in the air because you moved your foot in the wrong way. Those are all funny.
Thanks for the reassurance. I'll consult that picture when she's next up and about (she's just settled with a big grump, time for more sleep!). I suspect she is indeed more or less on the normal side of things. This is good to know!

She's drinking more water now. Which of course sends me into "OH GOD WHAT'S WRONG?" mode. She doesn't drink much: there's something wrong. She starts drinking more: there's something wrong. It's going to take some time before the trials and tribulations of Charlie's ill health let me calm down a bit.

She's fine in every other respect. If she shows any other weirdness, of course I'll see about getting her checked over. She's probably just feeling a lot more settled now and getting into a routine, understanding the old rules don't apply (she doesn't like my taps, it seems). I see her take a drink most days now, and today she's had three! But then she's managed to try to lick off some of her wormer so that'll be why.

That's not going to kill her, is it? I'm sure there's plenty of cats agile enough to reach and get a taste of it? She seems otherwise fine, it's been nearly 24 hours since I dosed her.

there's nothing that's going to kill them.

and yeah, relax a little.

it does look a bit silly though. particularly when ti's all flapping about when they are in full queen of the world pose

I know, Jakey sits in some positions that make him look like a great big irregular lump of fur because his tummy is sagging one way or the other. And when he runs it sways from side to side (I suspect this is where the petticoat likeness sprang into my head, it looks like some period dress with full skirts flapping in the breeze LOL). :D
Thank you all for your continued patience. I know I'm a bit of a nightmare. I had to be the sensible one looking after Charlie, getting him his medicine, taking him to the vet, cleaning up his sick... inside I was screaming and crying but had to keep it together. I think it all comes out here, I suppose I feel safe enough to let myself fall apart a bit and not be certain about things.
this thread makes me feel like a psychopath sometimes as I don't feel for animals in that intense way that people on here do. i must have been a crap cat owner.
There's nothing funnier than watching a saggy cat run, seeing it flapping freely from side to side :D

Well, watching a cat try to reverse, that's quite funny too. Or getting stuck in a bag. Or jumping 3 foot in the air because you moved your foot in the wrong way. Those are all funny.

watching madamme reverse vertically out of a 4x4 inch gap behind my bookcases was absolutely hilarious. she got out while i was doing a risk assessment on a 'hauling a cat out of a gap by grabbing her back legs' maneuver, thankfully making the performance of such a manourver unnecessary.

and then went and sat across the room, posuing in that way that says - i intended to do just that. don't you dare contradict me. in the waythat only a cat that's just made themselves look like a fucking idiot can manage.
Nah. It's just we're all weird.
i don't think so - i'm sure i neglected my cat cos i just didn't think of her needs. i fed her and stroked and let her in and out, but i never really worried that she pissed everywhere and was sick a lot. i just thought that that's what cats do.
i don't think so - i'm sure i neglected my cat cos i just didn't think of her needs. i fed her and stroked and let her in and out, but i never really worried that she pissed everywhere and was sick a lot. i just thought that that's what cats do.

It always came across that you took good care of her, and that comment ^ doesn't sound like neglect to me at all. Not everyone sort of bonds with pets in the same way that some of us (myself included!) do, but it doesn't mean your care was sub-standard or anything - especially with a cat, most of them are fairly emotionally self-sufficient iykwim.
i don't think so - i'm sure i neglected my cat cos i just didn't think of her needs. i fed her and stroked and let her in and out, but i never really worried that she pissed everywhere and was sick a lot. i just thought that that's what cats do.

And some of them do. Every cat is different, and some of them are vomit machines. The key is watching for changes of behaviour, because that is more of an indication of something than them necessarily always doing X, and of course getting an annual check up at the vet. No one is born knowing what stuff to look out for. It doesn't mean you're an awful person.
One day I want to have a cat like the one I saw in the vet a few weeks ago. It was possibly a Russian Blue, or something like that, I wasn't close enough, nor do I have teh skillz to tell.

Anyway. I want to live with a cat who says miaow. Not a cat who miaows. A cat who says miaow. That's what that cat did. It was frankly remarkable.
One day I want to have a cat like the one I saw in the vet a few weeks ago. It was possibly a Russian Blue, or something like that, I wasn't close enough, nor do I have teh skillz to tell.

Anyway. I want to live with a cat who says miaow. Not a cat who miaows. A cat who says miaow. That's what that cat did. It was frankly remarkable.

I like Russian Blues, very pretty cats. Notoriously shy and nervous though, don't always get along with more boisterous pets or loud households!

My cats don't say miaow, they say "WAAAAAH" or "NOOOO" - which is good imo :D
oh and madamme has given up on wondering round the neighborhood so much and has ntaken to just hanging about in her own garden close to the door and warmth. this has severely curtailed her ability to kill small furry things, but she has discovered that her own tail does make a reasonable substitute.

the only thing funnier than watching a cat kill their own tail is watching a cat killing their own tail on a trampoline
Oh interesting fact about Russian Blues, a few decades ago there was a massive shortage of breeding cats and a lot were related, so they were outcrossed to Siamese for genetic health - because the gene that causes siamese markings is recessive, this occasionally results in a rare Russian Blue with siamese blue-point markings instead of solid blue
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A cat came and sat on my knee, unbidden, when I was waiting for my train this morning.
It waited til the train arrived then jumped off my lap, looked back at me, nodded, and left the platform. :cool:

what's jeremy corbyn's policy on the nationalisation of railway cats?
Vintage Paw - in terms of the wormer, this was a spot on treatment?
I have 3 cats, they all groom one another. As they are indoor only I don't flea/worm them regularly, I've only done it on 2 occasions in 9 years that I have had them when they got fleas (flea eggs can be brought in on shoes if you walk through grass, but indoor cats aren't at regular risk).
Last time I used a spot-on treatment, advice was to keep them separate so they don't groom one another until the spot on had dried - which takes about an hour after treatment. Bit of a nightmare with 3 cats to keep them all separate for an hour, but I didn't have to stop them licking one another for days or anything like that.

I remember reading the instructions that came with the spot on - do not ingest, if you get any in your mouth or eyes, rinse out with copious amounts of water immediately. I remember thinking "hahaha who would be so stupid as to put it in their mouth or eyes?" I sat Sonic on my lap and put a syringe dose on the back of his neck - he immediately shook his head and a few seconds later I was rinsing out my mouth and eyes with copious amounts of water and regretting laughing at the instruction leaflet!

Sorry, that was a little comedic aside, it should be OK VP.
this was a few years ago. and i no longer have a trampoline and my mother has that feline. but i do wish i had video

get another trampoline

and another cat if necessary


mine did the railway social club. now that's closed, i suspect she may well spend some more time in the station.

cats are good at that sort of thing. there's an arts centre in farnham with a 'resident' cat who nominally lives nearby. and the doctors' that mum goes to has a cat that wanders in and dozes in the waiting room
get another trampoline

and another cat if necessary


cats are good at that sort of thing. there's an arts centre in farnham with a 'resident' cat who nominally lives nearby. and the doctors' that mum goes to has a cat that wanders in and dozes in the waiting room

i nknow.

they are also good at finding places where they will be completely welcome. or just finding places and being completely undignified until they are welcome.
Back when I used to live in Surrey, one of the busier pubs in town had a resident cat - he was extremely friendly and completely blind. He would wander around the pub, bump up against a leg, have a bit of a sniff and push his face up against your leg to check out what his whiskers detected and determine that there was indeed a human sitting there, then he would just fling himself in the general direction of your lap, utterly trusting that if he missed by a bit he wouldn't be allowed to fall! He always found a lap to sit on. :)
I have a plan to save the country millions, if not billions.

No need to build more prisons, or even keep the ones we have. There is no form of imprisonment more effective than a cat sitting on someone's lap.

I'm surely not the only one who, after having sat painfully needing a wee for hours, shouts "FREEDOM!!!" jubilantly when moggy dearest vacates the area of their own free will?
I have a plan to save the country millions, if not billions.

No need to build more prisons, or even keep the ones we have. There is no form of imprisonment more effective than a cat sitting on someone's lap.

I'm surely not the only one who, after having sat painfully needing a wee for hours, shouts "FREEDOM!!!" jubilantly when moggy dearest vacates the area of their own free will?

I'm afraid I take a slightly harsher stance (with cats, not prison inmates) - if I allowed myself to be pinned in a sitting or supine position as long as my lot allowed, I would be found mummified in that position in the distant future, having died there months if not years (possibly centuries) beforehand, unable to move.

Thankfully my cats respond to the terms "Scuze-umps" or "Offski McOffski" (I am not sure what part of my brain is responsible for the latter, probably the same part of my brain that nicknamed Radar "Splodgkins", and Jakey "JakeyWakeyWoodleNoodles") and when I say it they know they have to get off me.
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