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Oh other fruit and veg that can be toxic for reasons other than in the article I linked above, are grapes and raisins, and avocado.
No shits but I did detect some ...erm ... gaseous motion a bit later.
I do know about the garlic/onion thing, he's only ever tested a tiny (pencil-end-rubber-sized) dab of hummus (but would have a whole tub at a time if he was allowed).
So the broccoli, they like it raw or cooked? I'm scummy and get frozen broccoli, so it's never hanging around in its raw state, but I eat it every week so I could potentially get some fresh to see if Peg likes it. Remember, broccoli is one of the foods credited for the long life of the longest lived cat, who reached 38 I believe.


On scratching posts, Peg already has one of those big barrel types you mention, Epona. It stays upstairs and she likes to scratch around the bottom of it while flollopping (totes a word) around on her side, but she will sometimes stretch out a bit too, she never stretches up to full length. She's a bit too fat to fit in the holes :oops: That's staying upstairs for the time being, but I've ordered a standard trixie one for a tenner, and we'll see how we go. Her tray is behind the kitchen door at the moment (apart from when it needs to be moved to get out - but my new front door should be being fitted on Thursday so the back door won't be in as much use after then), and she's using it with seemingly no problems. Because she doesn't drink a lot, she doesn't wee a lot, but at the moment I'm being attentive whenever she asks me to be, and I'm keeping an eye on her and following her into the kitchen (if I'm around) just to see if I can catch her in the act. So far, she hasn't done it for 4 days, and it's usually been every 4-5 days that she's done it. We will see. If having the tray there fixes it then that's great. Last time she did it I was eating my tea and she wanted attention but I wasn't giving it her because well, I was eating my tea! At the moment I think she's still anxious because of not having the love she needed while in the shelter, so I'm happy to stop what I'm doing and pay attention to her. Hopefully over time she'll become more comfortable with her own company, and will learn that being ignored for 10 minutes is okay. She's happy to go off and sleep on her own upstairs during the day now - for the first couple of weeks she wanted to be in the same room as me all the time.
Sonic tends to go and hoover the kitchen once I have finished cooking, he particularly looks for grated bits of cheese that may have missed the plate and not been cleaned up yet, pans in which I mashed potato, and oil in which I may have fried fish. I have got into the habit of quickly hiding the pan so I can sit down and eat before I do the washing up if I have cooked tuna or salmon for dinner, so that he doesn't burn his tongue on hot oil or something stupid.
Vintage Paw - it really does just sound as if she is terribly insecure, which is completely understandable. I think litter tray in that spot, scratching post nearby, and really just settling in and learning that she is there to stay will be the best thing for her. There may still be times when she wees inappropriately (giving a stern but loving look at my loose-bladdered Jakey as I say that), but if you can minimise it that is good.

EDIT: Oh and with Radar it is always uncooked broc, he just nicks it before I have cooked it.
Peg's developed a habit of hiding herself under the sheet on the bed to sleep:


Usually her feet her hidden too, but last night I found this daft pile of legs.

Now, I wouldn't have thought under a sheet is your typical "I'm scared and anxious and hiding" place, but rather under the bed or in a dark sheltered corner somewhere. So this is just cute keeping warm behaviour rather than "she's freaked out" behaviour, yes?
Peg's developed a habit of hiding herself under the sheet on the bed to sleep:


Usually her feet her hidden too, but last night I found this daft pile of legs.

Now, I wouldn't have thought under a sheet is your typical "I'm scared and anxious and hiding" place, but rather under the bed or in a dark sheltered corner somewhere. So this is just cute keeping warm behaviour rather than "she's freaked out" behaviour, yes?
Looks like "I'm a cat and will do what I will irrespective of what my humans think of it" behaviour to me :D
Peg's developed a habit of hiding herself under the sheet on the bed to sleep:


Usually her feet her hidden too, but last night I found this daft pile of legs.

Now, I wouldn't have thought under a sheet is your typical "I'm scared and anxious and hiding" place, but rather under the bed or in a dark sheltered corner somewhere. So this is just cute keeping warm behaviour rather than "she's freaked out" behaviour, yes?

I just want to say - her legs sticking out from under there is completely adorable :)

EDIT: And yes that looks completely relaxed and happy cat sleeping position. Housecats (at least those that are allowed in the bedroom to sleep with their humans) often view their human's bed as the safest place and the core of their territorial area - if the human sleeps there without having to be alert, that means they are not afraid = this is a very safe place. ;)
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Housecats (at least those that are allowed in the bedroom to sleep with their humans) often view their human's bed as the safest place and the core of their territorial area - if the human sleeps there without having to be alert, that means they are not afraid = this is a very safe place. ;)

I did not know this, but it makes complete sense.

Peg's new scratching post arrived. She's currently snorting all the catnip that I'd rubbed on it so she'd be attracted to it.

Woo, first scratch as I'm typing this. Charlie could never work out what scratching posts were for, and far preferred the sofa arms. Peg knows what they are for straight away. She's obviously had very conscientious owners in the past (unlike me with Charlie :facepalm:)
Peg's developed a habit of hiding herself under the sheet on the bed to sleep:

Usually her feet her hidden too, but last night I found this daft pile of legs . . .

But are you absolutely SURE that it's Pegs Legs (Yhaaarrrr!!) - it's not beyond the realms of possibility that they are, in fact, artificial legs that have been skilfully positioned to give the illusion that there's a cat fast asleep on your bed whilst she's off raising hell elsewhere - you "think" that she's an indoor cat, but she could be a mistress escapologist leading a double life on the "out"
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wheres the equivalent dog thread? i cant find it...thanks

To be honest, there isn't an equivalent dog thread - the nearest you'll get is

This sad offering

Which, although started within a week of the cat thread and cat people have posted on it - is only 35 pages / just over 1000 posts long

Whereas the mighty cat thread, without even trying, is 188 pages long and over 5600 posts long
Poor Mr. Kippers had been bitten on the bum by another cat :(

The vet tidied it up and it is healing nicely plus he has yet to notice the medicine secreted in his food!

He is still a little limpy on his back leg but otherwise okay
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I'm sure he was only bitten on the bum because they were too scared to attack him from the front. Dastardly cowards! Is Mr Kippers still wearing his catcam? Can you ID the perp? :mad:

I hope he's better soon.

We had to throw firecrackers on the pavement this evening to stop the cats following us to the beach this evening (we were going to see fireworks) :rolleyes:
Peg's developed a habit of hiding herself under the sheet on the bed to sleep:


Usually her feet her hidden too, but last night I found this daft pile of legs.

Now, I wouldn't have thought under a sheet is your typical "I'm scared and anxious and hiding" place, but rather under the bed or in a dark sheltered corner somewhere. So this is just cute keeping warm behaviour rather than "she's freaked out" behaviour, yes?
i can relate to this a lot
looks like very healthy behaviour to me :thumbs:
that room is way too bright for a start
Day 9 and no naughty wee :thumbs: I'm quietly confident 'twas but a phase and she's settling more.

She's becoming quite the lap cat. And more often than not I wake up in the middle of the night and find all 6.5kg of her lodged on my ribs, or on my side, depending on how I'm sleeping. Which of course doesn't feel uncomfortable for the first couple of minutes until I'm awake enough to realise what is happening, and then feels like I'm being crushed to death slowly by a cute, furry hippopotamus.
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