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Here is Korky, she used to love to lay in wait and catch them (my two dogs, sadly gone) on their morning wee, she used to shortcut it out the kitchen window.
I'm afraid I take a slightly harsher stance (with cats, not prison inmates) - if I allowed myself to be pinned in a sitting or supine position as long as my lot allowed, I would be found mummified in that position in the distant future, having died there months if not years (possibly centuries) beforehand, unable to move.

Thankfully my cats respond to the terms "Scuze-umps" or "Offski McOffski" (I am not sure what part of my brain is responsible for the latter, probably the same part of my brain that nicknamed Radar "Splodgkins", and Jakey "JakeyWakeyWoodleNoodles") and when I say it they know they have to get off me.
himself tries to get up and she backs up himt make him sit back down. and yells at him and digs her cflaws in to claim position on the bed.

i gove her a pat on the bum and she hops off me. and i shove her over on the bed and she responds by snuggling into me and purring like mad.

cats know when you mean it and when you can be bullied into submission.
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It is lovely to have them on your lap - and I would never deny them that - up to the point where my bladder is demanding attention!

we also had to work on the not sitting on us all night. because its nice for 10 mins but not fun if you wake up and hurt cause shes been on your legs for hours.

but we had to let her in because she used to get so scared. rather have her in with us than have to let in and calm down a panicking kitty. but its only occasionaly now and her manners have improved. mostly she sits on the end of the bed for half the night, she sleeps near us during the day and watches over us at night.
This cat actually lives in a house nearby but is very sociable, so hangs out on the platform a lot. Her name is Fanny.
Fanny is an excellent name for a cat. My first cat was called Fanny because she looked like a little victorian maid with a bustle when she sat down. I've loved both the subsequent cats but she was very special. It sounds like your raikway cat is a worthy holder of the honourable name of Fanny.
Fanny is an excellent name for a cat. My first cat was called Fanny because she looked like a little victorian maid with a bustle when she sat down. I've loved both the subsequent cats but she was very special. It sounds like your raikway cat is a worthy holder of the honourable name of Fanny.
She's got her own Twitter account:
The Gipsy Hill Cat (@TheGipsyHillCat) on Twitter
Since yesterday morning, there's been a kitten hiding inside a car in the car park outside my flat. Heard her howling yesterday - have been taking her wet food and milk in at attempt at coaxing her out. She creeps out to eat (she's ravenous) but if I try to get her she hisses/runs away, climbing up inside the car. She's gorgeous..want to give her a home, at least while she's so tiny.
Since yesterday morning, there's been a kitten hiding inside a car in the car park outside my flat. Heard her howling yesterday - have been taking her wet food and milk in at attempt at coaxing her out. She creeps out to eat (she's ravenous) but if I try to get her she hisses/runs away, climbing up inside the car. She's gorgeous..want to give her a home, at least while she's so tiny.

It might be an idea to put a note on the car to tell the owner that they have a stowaway.
Back from taking Jakey to the vet for his annual checkup - dental work needed again, will cost between £400-£600 :rolleyes:
He can't have many teeth left at this point surely?
He could do with losing 100-200g weight, that shouldn't be difficult as it's not much, just have to stop him scoffing Sonic's leftovers for a couple of weeks :D
Wailed all the way there and back :rolleyes: but this time I remembered to put on a thick long-sleeved sweatshirt before the "get in the carrier" battle ensued, so mercifully scratch-free this time :)
Funniest thing was, this was a new vet we hadn't seen before (she seems really good), and when I opened the carrier and Jakey poked his long pointy face out she said "Oh an exotic, that explains the noise" (he had been wailing indignantly for 15 minutes in the waiting room).

Then as he finally emerged from the carrier "Oh my god he's massive, is he half lion or something?" (he is a very large muscular cat)
There's lots of houses /gardens round here and he likes killing so he may have gone hunting but missing meals is unheard of. Been for a cursory walk nearby, nothing seen
Oh no! sorry twentythreedom. Come back home Colin you handsome monster.

In other news, not mine, but relevant to your interests: The Bear, aka @mysadcat, possibly Britain's most famous feline, a moping worldweary philosopher of a black cat with a keeper who has capitalised on his viral fame, is TWENTY YEARS OLD TODAY. So he's even more worldweary than before.
Oh no! sorry twentythreedom. Come back home Colin you handsome monster.

In other news, not mine, but relevant to your interests: The Bear, aka @mysadcat, possibly Britain's most famous feline, a moping worldweary philosopher of a black cat with a keeper who has capitalised on his viral fame, is TWENTY YEARS OLD TODAY. So he's even more worldweary than before.

I love The Bear. I could stare into his eyes for hours.

I've read his human's first two books, have the third, will order the fourth at some point. They're quite sweet.
Funniest thing was, this was a new vet we hadn't seen before (she seems really good), and when I opened the carrier and Jakey poked his long pointy face out she said "Oh an exotic, that explains the noise" (he had been wailing indignantly for 15 minutes in the waiting room).

Then as he finally emerged from the carrier "Oh my god he's massive, is he half lion or something?" (he is a very large muscular cat)

When our previous senior cat was still alive the vet used to measure his paws. Not for any vetinary reason, she'd just not seen such big paws on a domestic moggy before.
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