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Brad's had a hard day!
Jakey had his final post-op checkup this evening, not sure the zylkene had much effect, he was worse going in the carrier than usual :rolleyes:

The good news is that his gums have now healed perfectly so he doesn't have to have another checkup for that! The vet was a bit concerned about the stitches because she had to use more suture than usual because she had trouble getting them to hold in place, but he's healed up fine and no infection. So YAY! He is all over me atm, daft boy. :D

Now it's Radar's turn for his annual MOT. :rolleyes: At least he is good in the carrier though, he views vet visits as a bit of an adventure.
Just taken our youngest to the vet tonight for annual boosters and check-up - she was pretty bad at going in the carrier, but has been worse, and at least we got her in in one go!
Peg still does the occasional rogue wee. She's done two in the past week, but it's not usually as frequent as that. idk what it is, maybe she's just been through so many changes in her life she'll never quite settle. She still seems a bit anxious at times, like she wants something but I can't work out what. She seems happy enough to cuddle, give headbutts, curl up on my knee, sleep in her cat beds, and play with her toys. She's in a good routine with her food now, 3 wet meals a day of which she generally eats over half, and biscuits in between. She drinks water, from the bathroom sink, the bath, a bowl in the living room, and a mug on the kitchen counter. She likes to eat grass and seems to get a bit more anxious and restless when I've thrown the old stuff out and we're waiting for the new to germinate (as we are now). She's only vommed the once since she's been here, a few days after her arrival. She's lost some weight, I can definitely tell. She doesn't need to lose any more, so I'm a bit more free with the biscuits now. I'm slowly changing her over from James Wellbeloved to Orijin, which is about the highest meat/protein content biscuit you can get I think. She seems to like both equally. I wish they did smaller bags. I've had the JW since she first moved in, and while I seal it as best as possible it's got to be going a bit stale by now. I've still got over 1/4 left, maybe 1/3.
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This brought to mind Breeze-saves-me-from-burning-tumble-dryer-in-bedroom incident of a couple years back :)

That's kind of what my life with 3 extremely energetic cats is like.

No bugger brings me stuff when the little horrors break something!
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Cute fucker stole my seat. Just managed to get it back.


It is a daily battle between me and Jakey over who my chair really belongs to (it can get very funny because he is one of those cats that goes completely floppy when he doesn't want to be moved, you try to pick him up to move him and it's like picking up the middle of a slinky). I know the look of a cat who thinks "this is my chair" and Peg has that look. :)
Took the sad decision to let Smudgical go today. Not eating, not reacting to the fourth rehydration by drip in the last six months. Had a serious 'quality of life' conversation with the family. Just didn't want him messed around. He purred till the end. 18 years a mousing war horse. RIP :(

Oh god, I'm so sorry :(

Very tough and painful decision for you and the family, but I think you know you did right. Little mite went out while the going was still good enough... the other way would have been worse for you all.

Hugs to all of you. xx
Sorry eatmorecheese :(

We picked up the beastie from Cats' Protection today. She's a bit smelly and her eyes are grubby, but I guess she'll wash when she's settled in. We're calling her Ranking Miss P. Here she is having a go at the chimney. Bizarrely, Stan doesn't seem to have noticed yet that his doppelgänger has moved in. :D

Ranking Miss P.jpg
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