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I am delighted for you - I've feared the worst but always hoped for the best - one like doesn't seem very much - now all you've got to do is get a ball and chain and lead and various other keep Bubbles at home toys and you're sorted
Steve "Bubbles" McQueen

That's only got a range of a couple of hundred metres


If you Google there's proper full on GPS ones that you can track the little shit darling little cat from space so there's no where to hide they're not exactly cheap but I know that if I could get them ON the chuckle brothers I'd have them wearing them in a heart beat -
Bubbles has been found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool::D:D:D:D:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:He's very thin and has fleas but otherwise is in reasonable nick. He was nearly 8 miles away and some woman was feeding him. Then she went on holiday and asked her neighbour to feed him who thought it would be a good idea to take him to the vet and see if he was chipped.

Loki is not very convinced and hissed at him. Bubbles is a bit mystified by the puppy too but I think we'll work it all out :D

I can't believe it - he's been gone nearly 3 months :eek:

Soo pleased for you.
omg trashy, that is wonderful! If only he could talk, the stories he'd tell. Best not tell him about fake bubbles, eh?
Loki will tell him (when they're speaking to one another again). I just stopped him doing another wee on the sofa and when I put him in the litter tray, he seemed to have a bit of lightbulb moment about what it was for.

So glad that I have my cat back at exactly the time I've acquired an incontinent puppy :facepalm:
When we moved we "lost" Bob and Rusty at different times for a few days - something like 5 days IN TOTAL for both cats - and we were in a hell of a state and we don't live on a main road and and and

3 months - you need to sit that young man down and have a very long and stern talk to him - from ALL OF US - we can't stand any more of this

and that's a general ticking off to all the cats on this thread - buck your damn ideas up, no more getting lost, or sick or "other things"

enough already
That's brilliant. I'm going to get some - they need collars anyway as apparently people thought he was a stray because he didn't have a collar.


as long as your cats (yay for the return of the plural btw) don't get really upset by them, or loose them on a near daily basis. which active cats who like to explore are wont to do.

I would love to get a cat cam for her at some point, but i'd probably better warn the pub and the neighbours first, before collecting covert video courtesy of the creature that owns the whole neighbourhood
Trashy our cat's collar has 'I am chipped' on the disk so people know to take her to the vet if she gets lost. Which is unlikely now as the furthest the lazy sod goes is the end of the path :D
Loki will tell him (when they're speaking to one another again). I just stopped him doing another wee on the sofa and when I put him in the litter tray, he seemed to have a bit of lightbulb moment about what it was for.

So glad that I have my cat back at exactly the time I've acquired an incontinent puppy :facepalm:

WOW!! thats AWESOME news!! So so so happy for you :)
That's a good point toggle makes about losing collars - FiFs had a lovely collar, complete with a shiny cat disk engraved with name, house number and phone number - well, that lasted for a month or so before she came back sans collar - total cost for that collar combo <£4

Now imagine if that collar combo cost >£50 or a lot more as some of the ones I've seen cost - granted you'd be able to find the GPS tag but even so
I was texted with the happy news trashpony and I honestly couldn't be more pleased. I was so sad to hear of his disappearance and not optimistic about his future but I'm just thrilled that he's back. I guess he'll seem like a new cat to Loki and they will definitely have to sort the hierarchy out again but please do update us with progress and of course, when he feels up to it, pictures :D
DPD and Zooplus are, in my experience, an awesome combination - you should get a tracker e-mail where you get a 1hr window for the delivery and you can see where you courier chap/ess is and how far they are away from you - it's brilliant

Yep, that's always been my experience so far. Why would anyone choose Yodel at checkout instead?

I usually get stuff from them in about 3 days, so I'm crossing my fingers and toes that they come by Thursday so I can set up her little room for her in plenty of time, and then spend Thursday night poking my head around the door and smiling in anticipation of seeing her ignoring everything I've bought the next day :D
. . . (And scared in case she hates me. Or is a chronic tray ignorer. Or gets ill within the month. But mostly excited.)

Yes. But that's not very likely now is it - she came up to you at the shelter and that's got to be the most stressful time for a cat - so she's definitely showing signs of being interested - if it's any help FiFs was all over Mrs Voltz like a rash when we went to look at her - the 2 boys were and still are totally different - I could just about get Clive to eat treats from my hand and now 5 short months later with all of them at home, he's now sitting on my lap having 5-10 minutes of strokes most days - but Casper is still very very wary indeed - so I wouldn't worry about Missy if I were you
I was texted with the happy news trashpony and I honestly couldn't be more pleased. I was so sad to hear of his disappearance and not optimistic about his future but I'm just thrilled that he's back. I guess he'll seem like a new cat to Loki and they will definitely have to sort the hierarchy out again but please do update us with progress and of course, when he feels up to it, pictures :D
Someone texted you to tell you he was home? Bloody hell, that's made me cry :oops: (again - I have cried a lot today)

Bubbles is/was not a wanderer - every now and then we'd get a bit freaked because they started to come on the school run but they didn't get any further than 50-70m from our house - certainly not 100m. I really like the idea that if either of them leave the 'zone', I'll know so I'm going to get trackers. He and Loki definitely know one another - the crossness is nowhere near what it was when we brought fake Bubbles into the house. They touched noses and then Loki hissed but when Bubbles walked off, Loki followed him and did blinking. No fighting :)
Bubbles has been found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool::D:D:D:D:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:He's very thin and has fleas but otherwise is in reasonable nick. He was nearly 8 miles away and some woman was feeding him. Then she went on holiday and asked her neighbour to feed him who thought it would be a good idea to take him to the vet and see if he was chipped.

Loki is not very convinced and hissed at him. Bubbles is a bit mystified by the puppy too but I think we'll work it all out :D

I can't believe it - he's been gone nearly 3 months :eek:
Great news! My finger went to 'like' that post before I'd even read it!
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