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pound shops are pretty good for sets of widgets to deal with wired screws. son owns a set that he's so precious about, i'm not allowed to use it, i had to go buy another for myself

I was sure I'd bought one ages ago but I couldn't find it anywhere, so maybe I only planned on buying one? I'll see if I can track one down, shouldn't be that difficult. I shouldn't have left it until the night before the rubbish was going to try to take it apart :rolleyes:
I was sure I'd bought one ages ago but I couldn't find it anywhere, so maybe I only planned on buying one? I'll see if I can track one down, shouldn't be that difficult. I shouldn't have left it until the night before the rubbish was going to try to take it apart :rolleyes:

idk, they are the sort of thing you put somewhere 'safe'
We're really happy he's home and so is he :) View attachment 75491

Told you not to give up hope :)
Really, really pleased for you.
Reminds me of walking to the back door and opening it forlornly as I had done every morning for weeks and there he was. "Mawr?" he said and ambled in like it wasn't no thing. Half the size he'd been when we last saw him, but oh my that feeling.
The missus was woken up to me holding him in her face with a massive shit-eating grin on mine :D
I'm afraid I can't help, Dolly. Before I left home mum adopted a second cat, and they had a strained relationship although generally tolerated one another. It wasn't really fair on the first cat, with hindsight, but she adapted as best she could. It certainly would have been too much for her to have a third, but then not all cats are alike. You know Winnie and Pip best. Having gone through it once and seen Pip unhappy, I don't think I'd be able to do it again. But as I say, you know them best.

yeh you're right, i'm being selfish. i won't get a new kitteh :( :( :(
I have a Peggy.

She cried ALL the way home, but the moment I let her out she started purring and sniffing around and rubbing against me and she didn't stop for about half an hour. I've had my first head rub too :)

Her front claws are getting caught in the carpet with every step she takes. She's been in a metal bottomed cage since May and while she had a scratching post in there I don't know whether she used it or not. I've already found one of her shredded nails, so fingers crossed she manages to shed them and make them more manageable, but failing that when I take her to the vet for a checkup I'll ask them to clip them (can you even clip front claws? I've only known cats to have troublesome back claws).

I've left her to have a sleep. I'll check on her in a bit, and I think she'll be okay with exploring the rest of the house later this evening, but I'll play it by ear, I might let her spend the night in the back bedroom and let her explore tomorrow.

Welcome to the new office, Agent Carter!
(it looks immaculate btw, @VintagePaw - now perhaps it just needs a large cardboard box for dedicated shredding and a few coughed-up hairballs to tie everything together... ;))
Every time I leave the room and come back again she acts like its the first time she's ever seen a friendly person. She comes running over, purring and mewing and chirping and rubs vigorously against me. And she's very definitely a headbutter. I've had several very purposeful head (and face, and neck, and shoulder, and back, and ankle, and leg, and arm, and hip, and bum) rubs so far. She's also very chatty. Little mews, big miaows, and the cutest little chirps.

She's not at all fussed about the two types of treats I've bought her.

I've taken some video. I'll post it later.

Two comfy pieces of cat furniture ... I'll sleep on the floor in between them, thanks.

I've put sheets down in her bedroom* to stop her getting her claws caught. It makes a big difference. She'll have to run the carpet gauntlet in the rest of the house though.

*let's face it, it's hers now. As is the rest of the house.
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I have trimmed my cats' claws in the past VP - it's easy to do (with a proper claw clipper). You just need to make sure that you don't cut into the live part of the nail. A grooming salon can do it for you if you're nervous.

Took bubbles for s once over at my vet. He's lost 2 kilos - nearly a third of his body weight :eek: he's allowed to put on another kilo or so and remain within acceptable weight. I predict this will take approx two weeks at the rate he's currently stuffing his face :oops:

And he's allowed outside! Think God because finding carefully hidden cat shits all over the house is getting on my tits (or my toes) :mad:
Lovely news Vintage Paw. And your house is immaculate!!

It's really not, just that room :D

She's staying in there for the most part, although I've opened all the doors and she has the run of the house. She's turned her nose up at some wet food, so more dry it is. I've lost the plug for my cat fountain - she likes drinking from a tap apparently, and hasn't touched the water in a bowl I've left for her. I'll try a sneaky glass of water to see if she prefers that.
It's really not, just that room :D

She's staying in there for the most part, although I've opened all the doors and she has the run of the house. She's turned her nose up at some wet food, so more dry it is. I've lost the plug for my cat fountain - she likes drinking from a tap apparently, and hasn't touched the water in a bowl I've left for her. I'll try a sneaky glass of water to see if she prefers that.

Keep her in for a couple of weeks so she knows imprints the place on her mind and remembers which house she owns. If memory serves she's been in and out of cages at shelters so may start wanting to be out and about relatively quickly. We kept Midnight in for our first two weeks at our place when we moved in and she promptly disappeared for 24 hours (probably because she's clever enough to know we'd worry, the sneaky little madam).
Keep her in for a couple of weeks so she knows imprints the place on her mind and remembers which house she owns. If memory serves she's been in and out of cages at shelters so may start wanting to be out and about relatively quickly. We kept Midnight in for our first two weeks at our place when we moved in and she promptly disappeared for 24 hours (probably because she's clever enough to know we'd worry, the sneaky little madam).

She's an indoor cat, so no worries there. By opening the doors I just meant internal doors. I'd kept her in the back bedroom for a couple of hours when she first got here, so she could get used to new smells. She was so friendly and excited though I thought she'd be fine taking a bigger look around. Having been in that cage since May she's probably feeling safer and happier staying in the back bedroom for the most part, although she's making the occasional foray into the main bedroom. She's been downstairs a couple of times, but I don't think she knows what to make of it yet. Baby steps.
Someone's making herself at home.

IMG_0087 22.jpg

IMG_0091 22.jpg

Having had enough of being upstairs on her own, she came down, climbed all over the settee to explore it, then clambered over me and flopped straight in her coracle (cat bed). She's sleeping now. Barely. She's been far too excited all day to get any proper sleep, she is awake at the slightest noise or movement. I bet she's knackered.
Oh, and she's so starved for love, she does that kneading thing with her paws no matter what she's doing. She does it lying down on her side with her paws kneading in the air, she does it while sitting straight up on the windowsill, she tries to do it while walking. I think that might be partially responsible for her claws catching so badly on the carpet. They look fine to me, and it's only the front ones that are doing it. I think she's kneading as she walks.
Liking all your posts Vintage Paw. I knew she'd be a talker and she looks wonderfully content already :)

Sorry I bombard this thread. I'm a bit stream-of-consciousness when it comes to this sort of thing :D

If she's like this on her first night, I feel quietly confident she'll settle down happily after a while.

She hasn't really reacted to her name at all today. She doesn't show any awareness that I'm saying it, although apparently that's been her name at least since her last owner, and likely since the beginning.

However, she's all curled up in her cat bed atm, face down in between her front legs, and I quietly said her name and she didn't move a muscle but chirped once at me.

She's quite adorable.
Sorry I bombard this thread. I'm a bit stream-of-consciousness when it comes to this sort of thing :D

If she's like this on her first night, I feel quietly confident she'll settle down happily after a while.

She hasn't really reacted to her name at all today. She doesn't show any awareness that I'm saying it, although apparently that's been her name at least since her last owner, and likely since the beginning.

However, she's all curled up in her cat bed atm, face down in between her front legs, and I quietly said her name and she didn't move a muscle but chirped once at me.

She's quite adorable.

madamme has never responded to a name.
When the boys have been out for a bit - and I want them to think about coming in - I'll stand in the garden and call their names and clap my hands - to be honest, I think that they just respond to the noise, not me calling their names - but, more often than not, both of them'll come to the house "soon" after I've called them
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