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he's also a registered gas fitter, which means he should be able to take my piano as well...


for a moment, i thought you had some sort of gas powered piano.

i was faintly disappointed to read the rest of your post...


Bubbles has been found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool::D:D:D:D:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:


are the banners being hung out?


welcome home, bubbles
trashpony fake bubbles?!?!
Oh! Did I not update this thread on FB? Basically, I was trying to shut and open the catflap so that Loki could get out and she couldn't and I fucked up. She went out one evening and didn't come back. The people who had called me about her originally rang at 7am the next day (1.5 miles away) and said she was sitting outside their back door. So we mutually decided she wanted to live there, rather than here.
Oh! Did I not update this thread on FB? Basically, I was trying to shut and open the catflap so that Loki could get out and she couldn't and I fucked up. She went out one evening and didn't come back. The people who had called me about her originally rang at 7am the next day (1.5 miles away) and said she was sitting outside their back door. So we mutually decided she wanted to live there, rather than here.
I was also wondering about fake Bubbles. I'm pleased its all worked out well. I once had a cat that went missing and I worried about him for years afterwards. It's a huge relief for me that Bubbles is back home and I've never even met him :D
When we moved we "lost" Bob and Rusty at different times for a few days - something like 5 days IN TOTAL for both cats - and we were in a hell of a state and we don't live on a main road and and and

3 months - you need to sit that young man down and have a very long and stern talk to him - from ALL OF US - we can't stand any more of this

and that's a general ticking off to all the cats on this thread - buck your damn ideas up, no more getting lost, or sick or "other things"

enough already
"This isn't a hotel, you can't just come and go as you please" "I'm a cat"
"You've let me down, you've let the foal down, you've let Loki down, you've let yourself down" "I'm a cat"
"Don't you blink at me, young cat". "Purr"
Bubbles has been found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool::D:D:D:D:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:He's very thin and has fleas but otherwise is in reasonable nick. He was nearly 8 miles away and some woman was feeding him. Then she went on holiday and asked her neighbour to feed him who thought it would be a good idea to take him to the vet and see if he was chipped.

Loki is not very convinced and hissed at him. Bubbles is a bit mystified by the puppy too but I think we'll work it all out :D

I can't believe it - he's been gone nearly 3 months :eek:
just seen this - woooo!! so happy for you :D :D
"This isn't a hotel, you can't just come and go as you please" "I'm a cat"
"You've let me down, you've let the foal down, you've let Loki down, you've let yourself down" "I'm a cat"
"Don't you blink at me, young cat". "Purr"

Yep - you can almost hear it can't you

"Talk to the paw!"
trashpony - OMG I cannot express how delighted I am for you that Bubbles is home safe and sound!!!! I know you feared the worst and missed him horribly, and not knowing is sometimes worse - but he is back home!!!!! I am really so pleased to hear that :D I love a happy outcome!

Vintage Paw - argh, if I lived nearer I'd take your piano, I've wanted one for years (not that I'd have anywhere to put it mind you :hmm: ), I'd tune it up no problem, I've tuned pianos a few times. Mind you even if you were next door I still wouldn't have room for it :(
We're really happy he's home and so is he :) View attachment 75491

Awww bless - he does look a bit gaunt the poor lad, I'd suggest worming him as well as flea treatment, with some regular meals he'll be right as rain I'm sure.

He looks really happy to be home :)

EDIT: Oooh, just thought of a tip - if Loki doesn't recognise his scent, get a little bottle of vanilla extract (the more expensive natural stuff rather than the synthetic vanilla essence, should be on the same shelf in a big supermarket though), and dab a drop under each of their chins. It's non-toxic, cats don't find the smell offensive, but it confuses their scent recognition for a couple of days so that they smell the same as one another.

Also take something that Loki sleeps on and rub it all over Bubbles to transfer his scent - then put it on a hot wash as Bubbles came home with fleas!
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Zooplus order is out for delivery.

Not that I've been nervously updating the tracker every few hours while silently panicking it wouldn't be here ready for Friday, or anything.
But the piano VP - tell us about the piano - is that going

No :(

He won't move pianos. Says they're too much of a ball ache.

But he pulled my cooker out and showed me how to disconnect it. And also said if I'm still too scared to do it, if I organise someone else to move the piano I can give him a ring and if he's in the area he'll pop in and do it.

I'll see if Peggy has any musical inclination.
what if peggy is a piano playing cat, though?

and re missing kittehs -

"Missing cat reunited with owner after six years" - story here

looks thrilled to be back, doesn't he




*writes down the name for future reference*

I wonder if he'll put his wandering days behind him?
I'm told that whilst I've been on holiday, the weather at home has been so constantly wet that my tabby has started hunting and bringing home small frogs!
ok guys, serious question. i have 2 cats, they have a kind of mutual hatred/love for each other, in that one moment they'll be scrapping and another they'll be curled up on the bed asleep. when i first got winnie (the small one) pip (the big one) hated her and sunk into a weird aggression/depression thing and for about 6 months on the trot used to look at me with this rageful expression that said "i'll never forgive you for this" :( :D

anyway, 2 years on i seem to have forgotten about it all and am seriously thinking about getting a third (kitten, obs). am i mad? will little minnie winnie change from the happy-go-lucky ball of affection she currently is if she's usurped as the baby in the family? will pip turn into a vengeful beast again? will all harmony and discord be thrown into the ether by said new addition kitten. all advice gratefully recivied. last time i went into it with my eyes firmly shut and said i'd never do it again, but, well, KITTEHHHHHHHHHHHH! :cool: :cool: :facepalm: :rolleyes: :eek:

thanking you in advance for your cat related words of wisdom :)
I'm afraid I can't help, Dolly. Before I left home mum adopted a second cat, and they had a strained relationship although generally tolerated one another. It wasn't really fair on the first cat, with hindsight, but she adapted as best she could. It certainly would have been too much for her to have a third, but then not all cats are alike. You know Winnie and Pip best. Having gone through it once and seen Pip unhappy, I don't think I'd be able to do it again. But as I say, you know them best.
All the rubbish was gone by 11am. The house is tidy (as tidy as it can be), Peggy's room is all set up for her, and I've booked a taxi to take me to pick her up and bring us back tomorrow morning.

In other news, since it seems like I'm keeping it for a while, I'm considering having the piano tuned :facepalm:

Edit: the only thing I couldn't get rid of (apart from the piano) was an old, broken imac because goddammit apple why do you use weird screws that prevent me from removing the hard drive? :mad:
All the rubbish was gone by 11am. The house is tidy (as tidy as it can be), Peggy's room is all set up for her, and I've booked a taxi to take me to pick her up and bring us back tomorrow morning.

In other news, since it seems like I'm keeping it for a while, I'm considering having the piano tuned :facepalm:

Edit: the only thing I couldn't get rid of (apart from the piano) was an old, broken imac because goddammit apple why do you use weird screws that prevent me from removing the hard drive? :mad:

pound shops are pretty good for sets of widgets to deal with wired screws. son owns a set that he's so precious about, i'm not allowed to use it, i had to go buy another for myself
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