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gratuitous idiot cat picture.
I might have to hop on a bus and go and see her in the week. You know, just to assess whether we'd get on.

I don't think she's been spayed. So there's that.

Peggy after Marvel's Peggy Carter, obv.

Creme Puff (August 3, 1967 – August 6, 2005) was an American cat who died aged 38 years and 3 days....

Creme Puff lived with her owner, Jake Perry, in Austin, Texas.[1] Perry also owned Granpa, who was claimed to have been born in Paris in 1964 and died 1998, aged 34 years and 2 months. Granpa was posthumously awarded 1999 Cat of the Year by Cats & Kittensmagazine.[3][4] Granpa was featured in an earlier edition of Guinness World Records.[5] The co-authors of at least one book have pondered whether the longevity of Perry's cats may have had something to do with an unusual diet of, among other things, bacon and eggs, asparagus, and broccoli, concluding that Perry "must be doing something right."[6]

*buys all the bacon, eggs, broccoli and asparagus*
Hmmm my namesake Mogden had a thing for broccoli, egg yolks are a favourite of the current brood and Mookie absolutely loves green juice which is the yucky bit from a forgotten cucumber in the salad drawer. And 38 years. I can't imagine having had a cat with me since near birth til now. *buys more eggs*
Broccoli is rich in calcium (even more so than milk, apparently) and I believe calcium deficiency can be a thing in cats since they're not eating the bones of their prey with a standard domestic diet. Maybe some cats thrive with that little bit extra calcium, and maybe Mogden had some kind of sense that it was good.

Do your lot have the egg yolks cooked or raw? And if cooked, hard or runny? Eggs are delicious so I can't fault them.
Good point. I'll bear the calcium thing in mind.

Egg yolks are raw. If I'm on egg white omelettes or accidently floor one they will lick it up but only if the yolk has burst. They all get freaky about touching an intact one. Some are partial to scrambled egg too.
Alfie got into a fight again last night and got his ear mauled, which is all bloody. I wash and disinfect the wound twice a day and he doesn't like that at all. I thought they are supposed to stop fighting when they get the snip. I think his problem is that he runs around with his tail in a tight curl and as cats communicate with their tails the other cats probably don't know what to make of him in conflict situations. Silly boy. :(
Look who I found on Iris' Facebook page:


Peggy is still with us after being returned to the rescue in May.... She is used to being an only cat so she would need to have plenty of space if you have an existing one. Won't someone please come and adopt this poor girl who was returned because her new owner fell terribly poorly?

I think that 'been there 6 months' thing might not be quite right. This was second hand from someone who sneakily went there to ask if they had any indoor cats purely to force me into an unholy furry relationship before I'm done clearing the house :D Maybe she was rehomed for the 3rd time 6 months ago and just came back?

Either way, look at that face!!
Thanks, everybody. As I've said to others - concentrate on the good memories. Currently thinking about her playing with a pingpong ball, as an indoor cat they were fun for her.
But ... In the bath, at about 0300 hrs ...

I've been away for most of the day and only got back from visiting my FIL about half an hour ago (roughly) he's on palliative care now and not really aware of the surroundings. That's two "rush" calls since Hilli passed on that neither of us really need just now and there will be more.

Vintage Paw - Peggy is lovely ...

OH and I are having the discussion about when ...
So sorry to read about Hilli StoneRoad.

We're back from a week away and I'd had a faint but misplaced hope that Bubbles would have returned while we were away but he didn't. I feel so cheated - not even two years :(
Laid Hilli to rest in the garden this morning, underneath the cat climbing tree and next to Kim (whose food she used to nick !)
After a few pleasant reflections over cuppas, the OH set off to visit father, about 15mins later we get a call - no rush, FIL has passed away peacefully.
I'm having a shite few days ... so, please excuse me !
Oh Stoneroad, I'm so sorry to hear about your fil. Not that there's ever a good time for any of this to happen, but it's extra crap that it's happened all at once. That it was peaceful is good, try to hold onto that. Much love to you and your OH xx
I found a bit more renal and 12+ food, so I'm going to take it up to Iris' tomorrow, as a thinly veiled excuse to go and meet Peggy.

Just meet, mind. It wouldn't be safe for her here yet with the towering stacks of black bags and boxes waiting to go to the tip. I can barely get from the backdoor to the gate either because they're all stacked in the garden. Times like this I almost wish I'd learned to drive.
Just back from meeting Peggy. She's lovely. As soon as I made eye contact she ran over and started rubbing her face against the cage. I got to open it up and give her some good, long strokes and tickles for 10-15 minutes. Lots of quiet purrs and quite a few little miaows as well.

They think she's maybe about 10, but seems in good health, if a little rotund. She hates other cats so they can't let her out for her exercise with the others in the conservatory or garden, and she's been there since May now. She first came to them in 2007 after her owners split up or moved or something, then again in 2013 for a similar reason, and then again this time after her elderly owner became too ill.

It's all just in Iris' home. You go in the front door and it's just a living room totally taken over by people bringing in cats, looking after cats (there was a 6 year old little girl caring for a 6 week old kitten who they'd just brought in who was in a sorry state - he sat on my knee for a while and started to fall asleep while purring), then out back a garden with lots of pens and a back shed area with more cages and a communal cat area for the ones who can free roam with other cats. Peggy is at the back of all of that in a long cage off the ground, away from the others. I think she's desperate for love.

Anyway, I've done the paperwork and they're keeping her for me until it's safe to bring her back here. She s laid back enough so if I haven't finished everything she'll probably be okay with a little bit of noise and hustle and bustle. Hopefully she'll be here in 2 or 3 weeks though. There's been very little interest in her because of the combination of her age, her dislike of other cats, and her need to stay indoors, so it's unlikely anyone else would come for her in the meantime.

So yeah, Agent Peggy Carter and her tail, Jarvis, will be joining the VP household before too long :)
Just back from meeting Peggy. She's lovely. As soon as I made eye contact she ran over and started rubbing her face against the cage. I got to open it up and give her some good, long strokes and tickles for 10-15 minutes. Lots of quiet purrs and quite a few little miaows as well.

They think she's maybe about 10, but seems in good health, if a little rotund. She hates other cats so they can't let her out for her exercise with the others in the conservatory or garden, and she's been there since May now. She first came to them in 2007 after her owners split up or moved or something, then again in 2013 for a similar reason, and then again this time after her elderly owner became too ill.

It's all just in Iris' home. You go in the front door and it's just a living room totally taken over by people bringing in cats, looking after cats (there was a 6 year old little girl caring for a 6 week old kitten who they'd just brought in who was in a sorry state - he sat on my knee for a while and started to fall asleep while purring), then out back a garden with lots of pens and a back shed area with more cages and a communal cat area for the ones who can free roam with other cats. Peggy is at the back of all of that in a long cage off the ground, away from the others. I think she's desperate for love.

Anyway, I've done the paperwork and they're keeping her for me until it's safe to bring her back here. She s laid back enough so if I haven't finished everything she'll probably be okay with a little bit of noise and hustle and bustle. Hopefully she'll be here in 2 or 3 weeks though. There's been very little interest in her because of the combination of her age, her dislike of other cats, and her need to stay indoors, so it's unlikely anyone else would come for her in the meantime.

So yeah, Agent Peggy Carter and her tail, Jarvis, will be joining the VP household before too long :)
Oh I'm so happy to read this. Who is chopping onions!
We're moving house soon, and I want to steal a cat from the street, the owner of the cat doesn't let him in her house, only for food then kicks him out again, coz the other cat she has doesn't like him, so she lets that one indoors and chucks the other one out.
Is it bad to just pinch him even if I'll be offering him a happy loving home with cuddles and munchies?
He practically lives with us anyway! Always in our house when we're not there and if he's outside and were coming home, he greets us at the car and follows us inside :)
Can you talk to the owner? I suspect my beloved Bubbles is living in someone's house who thought I wasn't taking very good care of him. I also don't know if I should renew his insurance because I don't know if he's coming back
We're moving house soon, and I want to steal a cat from the street, the owner of the cat doesn't let him in her house, only for food then kicks him out again, coz the other cat she has doesn't like him, so she lets that one indoors and chucks the other one out.
Is it bad to just pinch him even if I'll be offering him a happy loving home with cuddles and munchies?
He practically lives with us anyway! Always in our house when we're not there and if he's outside and were coming home, he greets us at the car and follows us inside :)

Pinch him. If his existing human isn't taking care of him properly then take him. Doesn't sound as though they'll miss him much and he's obviously decided you're a better bet.
Just back from meeting Peggy. She's lovely. As soon as I made eye contact she ran over and started rubbing her face against the cage. I got to open it up and give her some good, long strokes and tickles for 10-15 minutes. Lots of quiet purrs and quite a few little miaows as well. . .

Once again, the old "I'm going to choose a cat" is proved wrong - the cat chooses you and it sounds like this little madam has already made her mind up that she's going to be coming home with you sometime soon

She'll be going to a lovely forever home with you both
I third talking to the current owner, adidaswoody - keep things friendly, and appearances can be deceptive.
My parents in law always liked to have cats, one of which seemed to live "outside" almost only visiting to check for food, but which was also a lap cat in the worst of the winter weather, but had been ousted from topcat role by another, younger cat so had upsticked to stay in the barn down the road.
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