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Beautiful cat - but how does it manage to co-exist so calmly in the same space as plastic without going a bit hatstand and shredding and ingesting the plastic? :confused:

She loves sitting on plastic bags, and sitting inside them. She shows no desire to eat them.

However if you're more than 15 minutes late feeding her dinner she will run over to some bag and start munching it, and will keep running back to it and munching again until you feed her.
Morning update - touch wood - Hilli is eating, drinking and moving about as well as she was about a month ago. After her morning pill her treat was some real chicken, that was (literally) snatched and all eaten whilst purring very loudly.
Relieved is an understatement ...
Morning update - touch wood - Hilli is eating, drinking and moving about as well as she was about a month ago. After her morning pill her treat was some real chicken, that was (literally) snatched and all eaten whilst purring very loudly.
Relieved is an understatement ...

Extremely glad to hear that!

Aww!! Look those tiny feet and little ears and the pretty face and the golden hair and the little hands and the little button nose and the thick whooshy tail - doesn't he look at happy, handsome cat
Thanks ...

MiaoMiao is carrierbag cat and I claim my £5 !
She's taken the title from Hilli, who also used to sit in the dog food bag and snack from it, Kim wasn't at all upset. Must see if I can find the snap ... instead
here is a carrier bag and very young contents carried by Kim ...

oad - kim and hilly
par StoneRoad2013, on ipernity

With my lot, that photo would be replaced by one of me trying to remove plastic from their mouths and getting into some sort of tug of war over the plastic bag. Oh apart from Sonic, he is wary of the sound carrier bags make. But Radar is a nightmare, he homes in on anything plastic or rubber and tries to eat it.
She loves sitting on plastic bags, and sitting inside them. She shows no desire to eat them.

However if you're more than 15 minutes late feeding her dinner she will run over to some bag and start munching it, and will keep running back to it and munching again until you feed her.

This is pretty much what Charlie was like. He ate plastic because he knew I'd come running to stop him, so it was a tactic every time he wanted food, attention, or for me to get the hell out of bed. However, he did on occasion throw up bits of plastic I wasn't aware he'd eaten, so it's entirely possible I was only partially aware of his penchant for the plastickier things in life.

His diagnosis of hyperthyroidism coincided with a particularly egregious plastic eating session, so it took me a few days before I realised the copious vomiting wasn't actually a result of plastic being ingested and potentially stuck somewhere.

Glad Hilli is doing better, Stoneroad. I'll send out that paste today.
Radar has always had a tendency towards "pica" (eating non-food items). He particularly seems to enjoy plastic, rubber, carpet underlay, and plastic-coated cables (particularly phone and ethernet cables). He will also try to eat wood, carpet, and various fabrics. He has been into this since the minute we first got him, and hasn't really stopped since.

I find Bitter Apple Spray quite useful, but I am not sure it still tastes bad to him after years of exposure.
With my lot, that photo would be replaced by one of me trying to remove plastic from their mouths and getting into some sort of tug of war over the plastic bag. Oh apart from Sonic, he is wary of the sound carrier bags make. But Radar is a nightmare, he homes in on anything plastic or rubber and tries to eat it.
Oddly, that pleased me. Idiot cat periodically eats plastic bags and I have always wondered if he was uniquely dim!
I wonder why they are attracted to them. I wonder if there's something missing from their diet that they'd get in the wild, and their stupid latent instincts tell them to go for the bag/cable/etc? Or maybe they are just daft.
I wonder why they are attracted to them. I wonder if there's something missing from their diet that they'd get in the wild, and their stupid latent instincts tell them to go for the bag/cable/etc? Or maybe they are just daft.

I thought with mine it was because her food comes from plastic bags and pouches so she associated plastic noises with impending food.
They do seem to like to create noise. Sitting on crinkly paper, rolling pens across a surface, ripping paper, and ripping/eating plastic. I wonder if some of it is driven by the interesting noises?
Ever seen a cat jumping around in a pile of dry autumn leaves - the crinkly paper/plastic might be the nearest substitute ?

After the huge amount Hilli ate yesterday she seems not to be interested in her food /treat chicken this morning.
. . . After the huge amount Hilli ate yesterday she seems not to be interested in her food /treat chicken this morning.

Same with ours - I think it could be something to do with the weather - heat and general can't be bothered
My new tenant, Chester the cat, is finally venturing out during the day. Yesterday he came out while my bf was doing the dishes and decided to sit on a dirty plate. So bf spent the rest of the afternoon not doing housework and playing with the kitty instead. :-p
GREAT :mad: Clive has finally figured out how to push open a window - today of all days - I'll open a downstairs window so that the "inside" brother can sing to the "outside" brother and so entice him in - it had to happen eventually I suppose - so now there's an outside cat with a full'ish belly and is showing absolutely no signs of wanting to come in for the day - which means I may have to let him stay outside for the day - have his brother in their safe room and FiFi can have the run of the house
Hello, I've been reading this thread for a while but somehow haven't posted! I have two cats - a black one and a tabby one that I got from a lady who was moving quite some years ago. They're mainly housecats but do like a wander in the garden supervised.

Last night I was just about to get them in and lock the door when one of them flew across the garden. I panicked a little thinking she was fighting but no, she came trotting back to me with a half alive bird in her mouth! She's never gone for a bird before. Lots of faff to get her to drop the bird before she came in the house, and by that time the bird was no more.
Hello, I've been reading this thread for a while but somehow haven't posted! I have two cats - a black one and a tabby one that I got from a lady who was moving quite some years ago. They're mainly housecats but do like a wander in the garden supervised.

Last night I was just about to get them in and lock the door when one of them flew across the garden. I panicked a little thinking she was fighting but no, she came trotting back to me with a half alive bird in her mouth! She's never gone for a bird before. Lots of faff to get her to drop the bird before she came in the house, and by that time the bird was no more.

I didn't 'like' for the dead bird, but for the fact she didn't fight or disappear.

Welcome to the thread :)

We're going to need pictures.
I mean, I know it's so soon, but I can't help myself. I've been looking at all the local shelter pages. I'm not ready to bring another little fuzzball home -- I need a little more distance emotionally, but also I'm sorting the house out and want to finish that and paint the living room and get a new stairs carpet before I do. Maybe in a month or so.

But anyway. If she's still in need of a home by then, I've found her.


The only problem is she's a bit of a distance away. So that depends if they'd be okay with that -- I'd be okay paying for a taxi that distance (about 20-odd miles) or trying to wangle a favour from someone. If they wanted to do a home visit they might ask the local branch, idk.

Having had 15 years experience with an anxious indoor cat, I'd like to use that experience to help another who needs that little bit extra special care. My lifestyle works very well with that: I'm used to being hyper vigilant when opening doors, I'm used to making sure the space is safe so there are places to explore without getting lost or hurt, I don't have many visitors and I'm home a lot, I'm used to giving a cat its space when it wants it with plenty of places to hide but also letting it tell me what level of attention is acceptable, and I'm used to being very aware of what might scare a nervous cat and adapting the environment and my behaviour accordingly. I mean, it'd be great to have a new young cat who was all cuddles and rah and had no issues, but I've learned how to care for a cat who isn't like that, and if there's one out there who needs somewhere to call home it'd be daft not to offer them that home.

If she's still there next week I'll give them a call just to register my interest, to make contact for the first time, and to see whether the distance would be a problem. It'll be a few weeks from then until I could take her, and I wouldn't ask or expect them to keep her for me if there was another person who could give her a good home in the meantime.

And anyway, I miss Ted. I need another cat soonish so I can go back to the vets and see him! I think he'd like Gypsy. Although... I might have to see if she's amenable to having her name changed :hmm:
Bloody hell! Just saw Vastra take down a bird. She was sitting there in the garden door wiggling her bum and i was laughing 'Not a chance!' but she dashed out and got it. I would have chased her off from pouncing if I thought she had a chance in hell (she's not especially light on her feet). I wonder if the longish grass and the rain blinded the bird to her. Oh well, guess I'll remove dead birdy once rain stops. :(
I mean, I know it's so soon, but I can't help myself. I've been looking at all the local shelter pages. I'm not ready to bring another little fuzzball home -- I need a little more distance emotionally, but also I'm sorting the house out and want to finish that and paint the living room and get a new stairs carpet before I do. Maybe in a month or so.

But anyway. If she's still in need of a home by then, I've found her.


The only problem is she's a bit of a distance away. So that depends if they'd be okay with that -- I'd be okay paying for a taxi that distance (about 20-odd miles) or trying to wangle a favour from someone. If they wanted to do a home visit they might ask the local branch, idk.

Having had 15 years experience with an anxious indoor cat, I'd like to use that experience to help another who needs that little bit extra special care. My lifestyle works very well with that: I'm used to being hyper vigilant when opening doors, I'm used to making sure the space is safe so there are places to explore without getting lost or hurt, I don't have many visitors and I'm home a lot, I'm used to giving a cat its space when it wants it with plenty of places to hide but also letting it tell me what level of attention is acceptable, and I'm used to being very aware of what might scare a nervous cat and adapting the environment and my behaviour accordingly. I mean, it'd be great to have a new young cat who was all cuddles and rah and had no issues, but I've learned how to care for a cat who isn't like that, and if there's one out there who needs somewhere to call home it'd be daft not to offer them that home.

If she's still there next week I'll give them a call just to register my interest, to make contact for the first time, and to see whether the distance would be a problem. It'll be a few weeks from then until I could take her, and I wouldn't ask or expect them to keep her for me if there was another person who could give her a good home in the meantime.

And anyway, I miss Ted. I need another cat soonish so I can go back to the vets and see him! I think he'd like Gypsy. Although... I might have to see if she's amenable to having her name changed :hmm:
Don't wait, go get her.

It won't change how you feel about Charlie, but it will be a kitteh that can look after you for a bit if you know what I mean. She's adorable, I can see it working well.
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