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Haha Oliver literally just came in meowing repeatedly, I go downstairs, he's munching on something I don't know what it is, it's like a large mouse but with a different face, kinda degu looking? Idk
Everything he brings in he always leaves the stomach on the floor, do all cats do this?
Everything he brings in he always leaves the stomach on the floor, do all cats do this?

the mogs i used to live with tended to leave some sort of squishy bit from the night's 'take away dinner' when they didn't leave an entire dead mouse

i was never quite sure if it was meant as a gift or if they didn't like that bit...

Wolfie and the boys. I keep thinking they are buddies but then every so often Vincent gets arsey and insists he's the boss :rolleyes: I don't know who he thinks he is :(:facepalm:
This is such a brilliant photo :cool:
I think it's the stomach yeah, could be way off though, could possible be the bladder?? They eat by smells yeah, maybe the bladder smells like pee so they leave it xD or stomach acid?
Vintage Paw - really pleased to see you back posting :) Glad to hear you are thinking forward about giving a home to another little horror in future, just because every cat deserves to be looked after and loved as well as the sort of care you give. I've always been one to not stay long without a pet of some sort, piling care onto something that needs you is a good distraction - you still grieve, but it gives you something to do, and then you fall in love with that little horror too - the good thing about love is that it can be boundless, loving a new pet does not subtract anything from or in any way diminish the love you had for one who has gone, it's extra love on top.

(I have no idea whether that makes any sense, I'm struggling a bit to express myself)
Sad but lovely memory this morning, very early start. Was opening a ringpull tin of baked beans. Sachin started his early life with me on canned food and used to come bounding into the kitchen at the sound of a can being opened. The others would run in too as if Sachin had told them it was food, at least that's what I told myself rather than they were just following him. This morning the sound brought Mookie sprinting into the kitchen with that excitable "Food Moma? Is it food?!" look on his face. Apparently my dear little Sachie did pass the message on. Made my heart sing and sink all at the same time.
Hilli had the 0500 howls this morning - sounded really piteous. Got up and gave her some attention. The am pill was done a *bit* later, and followed with *more food*. She's slightly more settled atm.
What a shame :(

It's probably a complete coincidence, but all the cats I've known who've looked like that - long black fur that tinges ginger - have been right scratchy buggers, really quite anti-social. My nana had one when I was growing up, he'd sometimes come on your knee but you couldn't really touch him while he was there or you'd regret it. After he died, she took in a stray who looked identical, who had a very similar demeanor. Mind you, my nana never really learned how to handle a cat gently, which may have had something to do with it :hmm:

My Archie looks like that and loves other cats, he plays a bit rough though and doesnt have proper cat social skills - he's really forward and just bumbles up to every cat he meets - so other cats are always a bit wary of him
I'm new to this thread! So I'll run down the basics!
I have two cats, dizzee and Oliver, dizzee is mine . . . BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! . . . Bastard cat!

<obligatory welcome to THE cat thread>That's all well and good but pictures speak a thousand words</obligatory welcome to THE cat thread>
About the tiny leftover organs: eating the gall bladder of some mammals can make cats feel sick and vomit so sometimes they'll leave them behind. (but my loancat often crunches smaller mice and voles up whole, and doesn't always puke up after afaik)
About the tiny leftover organs: eating the gall bladder of some mammals can make cats feel sick and vomit so sometimes they'll leave them behind. (but my loancat often crunches smaller mice and voles up whole, and doesn't always puke up after afaik)
Bladders it is then! Cheeky buggers, it won't let me upload pics, says there too large :(
Stick 'em on Facebook first- it automatically resizes them ;)

Sure there are better ways of doing it, but that's what I do
Stick 'em on Facebook first- it automatically resizes them ;)

Sure there are better ways of doing it, but that's what I do
I can't use my Facebook anymore, we had issues with my name, and now I can't get on unless I send proof of my real name, what a kerfuffle

Let's see if it works?

Edit! Yes :) worked! Pic goes bigger if you click it! Used the site, postimg.org
No sign ups, just upload pic and copy message board imbed! :) that's dizzee by the way! Don't have a pic of oli yet!

Beautiful cat :)
Beautiful cat :)
Thanks ^.^ he's my little cool dude, he won't sit on you, beg from you, lie on you or anything, he just chills next to you and pretends he don't want no fuss, but loves it secretly! Oli doesn't look so good in pics ATM :( he's keep losing fur! The vet said its stress/anxiety, coz he lived with my partner at her dads for like 5 years, with another cat called Molly, then my partner left to live with me, and Molly died all in the same 2 weeks :( I don't think her dad was looking after them very well, and all Oliver's fur fell out! So he's well loved here now, but still missing his fluff!
Hilli had the 0500 howls this morning - sounded really piteous. Got up and gave her some attention. The am pill was done a *bit* later, and followed with *more food*. She's slightly more settled atm.

Unfortunately our Hilli is not doing well, she's not eaten for about 24hrs and the only fluid has been some water and then rehydration solution that she's licked up from a syringe. (When she was a few months old she has some liquid medicine via syringe for several weeks - so she knows how to sup from them !).

I've been out for most of today - helping sort out my neice, her car was written off by being rear-ended on the A1 yesterday. We went down to fetch their stuff out of the remains as her OH was "re-admitted" for more scans today.
Thanks ^.^ he's my little cool dude, he won't sit on you, beg from you, lie on you or anything, he just chills next to you and pretends he don't want no fuss, but loves it secretly! Oli doesn't look so good in pics ATM :( he's keep losing fur! The vet said its stress/anxiety, coz he lived with my partner at her dads for like 5 years, with another cat called Molly, then my partner left to live with me, and Molly died all in the same 2 weeks :( I don't think her dad was looking after them very well, and all Oliver's fur fell out! So he's well loved here now, but still missing his fluff!

coat can take a while to grow back. madamme's was from being starving, but i'd reckon it took 18 months for her to be properly fluffy.
Unfortunately our Hilli is not doing well, she's not eaten for about 24hrs and the only fluid has been some water and then rehydration solution that she's licked up from a syringe. (When she was a few months old she has some liquid medicine via syringe for several weeks - so she knows how to sup from them !).

I've been out for most of today - helping sort out my neice, her car was written off by being rear-ended on the A1 yesterday. We went down to fetch their stuff out of the remains as her OH was "re-admitted" for more scans today.

Oh no, I hope she picks up. How is she in herself? Does she seem perky enough? Hugs to Hilli.
Thanks Vintage Paw - Hilli's had a hug or two this morning.
She's walking about, but quite well given that her back legs are weak / shakey. She might have had a morsel to eat overnight but is certainly drinking and using the litter tray. No yowling but plenty of audible purring, she was silent last night when I was supplying rehydration via syringe. Just have to see how she goes today.
We're having our road resurfaced, they've got as far as digging up the old road and tarmacing some patches of it. Archie is having a lovely time rolling round in it all and constantly smells of bitumin :rolleyes:
Hilli has eaten a bit this morning - in a couple of sessions and had more to drink. And her pill. Just now she was purring and having a wash. (0930ish update) Feeling a bit more hopeful, normally she makes it clear when she's not well and that isn't the case atm. but meh all the same. But at 17 and a bit she's had a good innings - that's almost 90 translated to hoomin yrs.
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