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Thanks everyone.

Charlie is now residing somewhere in Cheshire - in far more plush surroundings than me.

Prue - the specialist - is lovely. Very warm and reassuring.

No tests tonight, since it'd been quite the trek to get there and he was tired, hungry, thirsty and generally really fucking pissed off and scared. She had a good feel of his throat though, and said the tumour feels quite mobile, which is a good sign in terms of being able to remove it. Of course, she might find when she goes in that it's far more connected, but that's for another day.

Xrays tomorrow, of his lungs to check for secondary tumours. That will give us a hint as to what we're dealing with. Also full blood work again, sent out externally so they can have a proper look at his blood cells under a microscope etc.

All being well, surgery on Thursday. She'll try to remove as much of the mass as possible. She won't be able to do the usual 'remove some of the healthy tissue around it' thing that is the norm in tumour removal because it presses right up to his trachea, but she will aim for as near as damn. First priority is to improve his quality of life, by reducing the pressure on his airway, and hopefully reducing or stopping the hiccups and breathing problems. Next is to work out what exactly the tumour is. There are numerous possibilities, too many to mention really, ranging from the "huzzah, all gone, no worries, no cancer" to the "maybe only a few weeks left to live" kind. And of course everything in between. Treatment options are just as numerous depending on what she finds.

If all goes well with the surgery, and barring any other complications, he'll be home on Saturday. If she's at all worried about his recovery she said "simply put he won't be coming home until I am." They damn well look after them there. I have no reason to doubt their commitment to good treatment and care.

She's going to phone me every morning with updates, and after any treatment or test results. I can call them whenever I want, they are a 24 hour place, if I want to see how he is. I took in some of his food, and his tablets, and they'll settle him down and hopefully let him get some rest tonight.

Fucking yappy type dogs in the waiting room adding to everyone's stress.

I haven't depressurised yet. The taxi driver who turned up ended up being someone I've known for coming on 20 years - only as an acquaintance, mind - which made things easier since we could chat there and back. I've taken his number for the trip back.

Wound care will be tricky. It'll be a large wound. No external stitches, she says she hates them, they're more likely to disturb the wound with them, and it's awkward all round trying to remove them. Instead it'll be several layers of internal fixings with tissue glue, and crusty tissue glue on the outside. I'll be able to massage in some aloe vera to the surrounding shaved area to sooth it, to stop him wanting to scratch it I guess, but not to the wound of course. I'm really not looking forward to that whole process. No sleep for me!

So at the moment: may or may not be cancer; may or may not be curable; may or may not be able to remove all or some of the tumour; removal may or may not cure his hyperthyroidism if there's secondary thyroid tissue growing elsewhere pumping out hormones; may or may not be able to cope and might meltdown but god I think I'm going to sleep well tonight.

Trying not to think about how much I miss him or how shitty and scared he must be feeling right now.
Vintage Paw - wishing you and Charlie all the best, all the love and all the luck in the world xxx

Went through this myself with Jakey's cancer scare and fairly major surgery and biopsy late last year, I don't need to be a mindreader to know what is going through your head right now (I was in pieces, I could barely stop crying from the moment the vet said he had a breast lump til we were told it was benign, (after major surgery) about 3 or 4 weeks in total which seemed like forever), I know you are shit scared for your little cat and best furry friend, I know everything else in your brain is relegated to unimportant status while waiting on the surgery and test results, and the colour is somehow drained from your life because of the worry and fear.

I have everything crossed for you that the surgery goes well and that it turns out to be benign.

Love to the both of you xxx

EDIT: You are right when you say no sleep, I had to look after Jakey 24/7 for 2 weeks after his triple mastectomy - I slept on the sofa with him for the entire duration, as he may have got stuck under the bed wearing the collar and I woke up every time he moved; he had to have medication three times a day and his incision washed, he needed to be helped on and off the sofa and into the litter tray, and groomed every day because he couldn't do it himself, I even had to scratch his ears for him - it was really exhausting and I was so sleep-deprived by the end of it. I love him though, so it was worth every moment caring for him, and we came out of it with an even stronger bond. Don't get aloe vera anywhere he can lick it off, it is a strong purgative for cats!
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Thank you :)

You've got it about right, Epona -- I think I was numb last night though, all the travelling, I found it easy to switch off and go to sleep early (for the first time in a long time). I know it'll be a tough few weeks afterwards, but I'm prepared for it. I'll try to get as much sleep and 'me time' beforehand as possible, and it's a plus that it's happened over summer since him indoors doesn't have any teaching while the students are away and can be around to help, even if it's only to let me get some sleep.

Thanks for the info on aloe vera. I'll talk to prue about that. She said there are things they can give me to soothe the area, but I think she was suggesting aloe vera because it'd be cheaper. But he can lick his neck - he's flexible for an old man. I'd be happy to pay for something from them if I know it's safe.

Waiting for her first update, she's due to call shortly. I want to keep calling, to ask the nurses "has he had his tablets? Has he had some food? Did he sleep much? Has he been to the loo?" but I don't want to bother them. One of my coping mechanisms is to try to micromanage everything as a way to tell myself I have some sort of control over a situation - and of course running through my head is stuff like "god, what if they forget to give him his tablets?" or "what if they don't give him enough water?" I mean, they're a specialist vet surgery - of course they're going to give him his fucking tablets :D But there you go.
Thank you :)

You've got it about right, Epona -- I think I was numb last night though, all the travelling, I found it easy to switch off and go to sleep early (for the first time in a long time). I know it'll be a tough few weeks afterwards, but I'm prepared for it. I'll try to get as much sleep and 'me time' beforehand as possible, and it's a plus that it's happened over summer since him indoors doesn't have any teaching while the students are away and can be around to help, even if it's only to let me get some sleep.

Thanks for the info on aloe vera. I'll talk to prue about that. She said there are things they can give me to soothe the area, but I think she was suggesting aloe vera because it'd be cheaper. But he can lick his neck - he's flexible for an old man. I'd be happy to pay for something from them if I know it's safe.

Waiting for her first update, she's due to call shortly. I want to keep calling, to ask the nurses "has he had his tablets? Has he had some food? Did he sleep much? Has he been to the loo?" but I don't want to bother them. One of my coping mechanisms is to try to micromanage everything as a way to tell myself I have some sort of control over a situation - and of course running through my head is stuff like "god, what if they forget to give him his tablets?" or "what if they don't give him enough water?" I mean, they're a specialist vet surgery - of course they're going to give him his fucking tablets :D But there you go.

I completely understand, it is really difficult to hand them over into someone else's care.

Apparently neither Sonic nor Jakey make any noise when they have to stay at the vet, when I know they are both mouthy little buggers at home, they have perfected vocal whining and/or demands to the nth degree.

When I took Jakey in for his surgery and biopsy, I looked my vet sternly in the eye and said to him "I love this cat, you had bloody better look after him". Then I went to the bus stop to go back home and cried.

Hope you get a call soon to let you know that he has settled OK.

Prue just called. Charlie had a comfortable night. They discovered they had some of the Arden Grange paste I use to give him his tablets, and since he's resistant to being handled (very growly and lots of hisses) they used that and he took the tablets immediately. He's such a good boy :)

She's going to try to take blood later today, but if he's too resistant to it and it's causing him distress she'll leave it until he's knocked out tomorrow. Xrays will be done tomorrow, and looked at straight away, and if all looks okay she'll go right ahead and do the surgery. Today will be all about chilling out with oodles of feliway, keeping him calm, letting him settle. I have to say, even though I miss him I like this approach to giving him time to settle in. It lets them monitor him, see what he's like, and it gives him time to get used to the idea of being there and realising they're not trying to hurt him.

I want to move to Cheshire so I can use them as my regular vets :oops:

She's going to call about the same time tomorrow, which will be before any procedures I expect. She said I can call the nurses later for an update if I want. I probably will, to see if they were able to take blood, and to see how he is generally. I wish I could go and sit with him and give him some belly rubs while he naps. He's got a nice fluffy, squishy belly.

I slept with his pink mouse toy under my pillow. Yes, I'm a daft idiot.
In case you're at all interested, I took a couple of (bad) videos of him with his hiccups/whatever to show Ted and Prue a week or so ago.


^ I managed to cover up the mic half way through that one. You can see how his side spasms and flutters on the in-breath.


^ This one's longer. He was really bothered by them all day that day. We'd started to reduce his steroids but it made his throat flare up I think, making it harder for him. Please excuse my shitty back yard and dirty windows.
In case you're at all interested, I took a couple of (bad) videos of him with his hiccups/whatever to show Ted and Prue a week or so ago.


^ I managed to cover up the mic half way through that one. You can see how his side spasms and flutters on the in-breath.


^ This one's longer. He was really bothered by them all day that day. We'd started to reduce his steroids but it made his throat flare up I think, making it harder for him. Please excuse my shitty back yard and dirty windows.

I could only watch a bit of the second video, because it is just constant and obviously unpleasant, the poor little mite xxx
I'd love to give Charlie a snuggle and sniff. I too have done the uncomfortable sleeping for the sake of my cats.They're my kids. I'd spin the world with my feet for them if I had to :)
Thanks folks. Prue called this morning and Charlie had settled in overnight, although he was still grumpy and hissing when they wanted to go near him. They managed to get his tablets into him because they found some of the liver paste I use. I called earlier this evening though and he was refusing them, so the nurse said she'd have another go later. I hope he had them in the end :(

Prue will call again in the morning. Then it's xrays and surgery tomorrow. The scary bit.

I've been mostly okay today, keeping my mind off it. When I do start thinking about him I get upset and nervous fast, so I'm trying really hard to not think... I don't know if that's the right thing to do, but I know I'm going to have a stressful few weeks ahead of me (as will Charlie), so I suppose some respite is good while I can get it.

On the plus side, he's on his own in the cat ward, so that should minimise the stress - a bit at least.
I am sure they will have got him to take his pills. If I can pill a cat who isn't keen, then a professional shouldn't have too much bother.

He's in good hands Vintage Paw - but worrying is, I think, unavoidable.

Good luck for his surgery, please keep us updated - all of us regulars on this thread care and want a good outcome for him, I've been thinking about him a lot and hoping he is okay - we all understand xx
Charlie left us this afternoon.

During surgery Prue found that the tumour was massive - the size of two eggs. It had started to wrap around the nerves in his neck. As she removed it, and got down to the root, she found it had started to invade his lymph passages. In her experience, this indicated it will have spread, and there would be cancerous cells elsewhere. She said it was clearly very aggressive. While chemo was a possibility, it would have grown back, and she didn't think he would have more than 3-6 months with us.

Additionally, because it had started to wrap around the nerves, removing it disturbed them, and paralysed his larynx. She said this was likely to be temporary, but there was no way to know how long it would last - a few hours, a day, a few days, a week or more. It would require a tracheotomy so he could breathe. In cats, because of the secretions they produce, a trachy hole needs flushing very frequently. There's no way it would have been fair to put him through that. And then to put him through weeks or months of chemo, which would have required sedation because of how traumatised of vets he was.

She said usually most cats settle in - it's why they have them in there a day or two before procedures, to get them as chilled as possible. Charlie never settled properly. He was eating and sleeping, but wouldn't tolerate any interactions with the nurses or Prue. While he was there, he pulled out his leg stitches, no doubt through stress.

Had Charlie's demeanor been different, and had his larynx not been affected today, it may have been worth a shot, to at least give him and us a few more weeks, where he could come home and get settled. But the treatment required, plus the recovery from surgery and the trachy hole, would have been far too much for him. It would have been cruelty to put him through that, for what would have been my own selfish reasons to want to be able to hold him again.

He left us shortly after 4pm.

All the things are going through my mind. I know it was absolutely the kindest thing to do for him. That's not in question. I'm trying to hold the 'what if' thoughts at bay, because I know there was no way we could have known what this was without all the exploratory work we did. I know we couldn't have caught it earlier, because he'd been having regular checks and was for all intents and purposes the fittest 15 year old moggy around. But as you can imagine, apart from the obvious grief and inability to process a life without him here, I can't get it out of my mind that his last days were spent away from me, in a place he hated, so scared, so angry, feeling abandoned. As much as I understand the rationalisations - that I was doing the right thing trying to help him, and there was nothing else I could do - that doesn't help when I imagine him there, alone and frightened. This was my absolute worst nightmare, the last thing I ever wanted to happen, his last thoughts being thought in fear. As much as the pain will fade, I'll never, I think, fully get over that.

Thank you for all your kind words and support and encouragement. You've all been there following Charlie's tribulations over the past couple of years, and I've drawn a lot of strength from being able to talk about it all.


RIP my sweet darling Charlie of Doom. I'll always love you.
I'm gutted for you, Vintage Paw. You must be devastated. :(:(

Your love and care for Charlie was plain to see and he was lucky to have such a dedicated owner.
I'm not sure who was more lucky: Charlie having you or you having Charlie but I do know it was a remarkable combination. There will always be regrets and what ifs when your little spud leaves you. Please try not to focus on that, remember what an amazing life he had with you. I shall squeeze mine extra tight tonight. All our thoughts and purrs are with you Vintage Paw x
Oh Vintage Paw, I just popped on this thread for the first time in ages and first thing I saw was your very sad news. :( So sorry to hear this. I am utterly convinced though that you couldn't have given Charlie a better life than the one you provided. I'm so sorry that you're plagued by the thoughts of him spending his last few days at the animal hospital, when my Buffy cat died I had similar thoughts, but objectively it is just a snippet of his wonderful life with you. And as you say, when you knew that the treatment was becoming cruel for little likely benefit, you did the right thing heartbreaking as that was.
Oh nooooo. (not enough blue smileys in the world.) I'm so sorry it happened like this.

A wonderful picture of Charlie of Doom looking like Bagpuss was one of the first things about urban that made me think 'yeah, this is a community of likeminded people' and made me want to stick around here. Salutes to you CoD, happy hunting grounds forever.

Huge condolences and hugs to Vintage Paw - a magnificent owner and carer and companion to a magnificent cat. You truly did do everything you could ever have done to make him happy and loved.
Condolences to you, Vintage Paw. What a marvellous life Charlie had, and how much love you gave him.

Today I'm thinking about my ginger boy Sparky, who died 5 years ago this afternoon. You never forget, but the pain does go away in time.
Take care. x
Oh god Vintage Paw - I am so sorry, what an awful thing to happen :(

You were doing the right thing for him, do not doubt that for a second.

The pain and grief you feel right now will ease up a bit in time and you will be able to remember all the happiness - just hang on in there xx

Fuck, I am crying my eyes out :( :( :(
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