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Ha, rawhide twists and dog biscuits are also supposed to be for dogs, but don't tell Breeze! :)
Our beautiful Gypsy cat was run over last night and left on the road. A neighbour found her at 11pm and came to us this morning. It has been a very strange sad day. We buried her out in the countryside next to a pub specialising in cider so went and raised a glass to her 24 years she has been adored by the family.

I'm so happy that my BF had kippers for breakfast yesterday so one of her final meals was enjoyable and not the Felix pouches I bought and she didn't like.

R.I.P Gypsy cat x x x
Has anyone had experience of introducing a cat into a house with a small baby? After our last one met his end in Australia we're thinking of going to the shelter to get a new one next month (baby will be 4 months old). My wife's wants one, but is wondering if its a wise move.

My mum's cat went for baby when we visited, but she's a horrid thing that goes for any human that isn't my mum.

Senior cat was about 6 months old when I had my son - apart from sleeping in the pram while unoccupied by baby he was completely indifferent. AFAIK it's an urban myth that cats can suffocate a child by sleeping on them. Cats like warm, dry comfortable places, not damp wriggly, smelly, snuffly, farty howly places.

I think it can be challenging to introduce a cat to a toddler - I found that with ours that because the cat had always been there, we didn't go through the endless chase-scratch-waaah-chase-scratch-waaah process that we get when other people's kids are introduced to our cat. Or maybe I just have a very uncurious child.

In conclusion, get a cat. Do it, do it now. Cats.
My cat got diagnosed with asthma a few weeks ago. $400 in vet care later and he's alive. Expensive ass cat. Woke me up having a coughing attack last night. Annoying ass cat. Cat that wasn't even mine. Ex left it here when she moved out. Deadbeat ass bitch.
Junior cat (8 months) has recently been neutered and allowed in the garden for the first time - however since then either he, or senior cat (7 years old) has started spraying prolifically in the house. This was not a problem before - Senior Cat was always very well housetrained, as was Junior Cat. Now my house smells like a crazy cat lady house :-( . We haven't caught either of them in the act, so I don't yet know who's responsible (possibly both!).

Putting an amateur cat psychology hat on, I'd say that Senior Cat is pissed off about Junior Cat being allowed in HIS garden and is therefore kicking off about it - but also wondering whether there could be some complications of the snip that is causing Junior cat to be suddenly incontinent.
Or it might just be coincidence - the age cats get neutered is the age they start spraying and neutering doesn't always stop it.

Any ideas?
Junior cat (8 months) has recently been neutered and allowed in the garden for the first time - however since then either he, or senior cat (7 years old) has started spraying prolifically in the house. This was not a problem before - Senior Cat was always very well housetrained, as was Junior Cat. Now my house smells like a crazy cat lady house :-( . We haven't caught either of them in the act, so I don't yet know who's responsible (possibly both!).

Putting an amateur cat psychology hat on, I'd say that Senior Cat is pissed off about Junior Cat being allowed in HIS garden and is therefore kicking off about it - but also wondering whether there could be some complications of the snip that is causing Junior cat to be suddenly incontinent.
Or it might just be coincidence - the age cats get neutered is the age they start spraying and neutering doesn't always stop it.

Any ideas?
are you entirely sure it's either of your cats ? do you have a catflap and if so, does it use a magnetic lock or a microchip-only lock ?
My cat got diagnosed with asthma a few weeks ago. $400 in vet care later and he's alive. Expensive ass cat. Woke me up having a coughing attack last night. Annoying ass cat. Cat that wasn't even mine. Ex left it here when she moved out. Deadbeat ass bitch.
Love is rarely cheap or easy :D
are you entirely sure it's either of your cats ? do you have a catflap and if so, does it use a magnetic lock or a microchip-only lock ?

Well it's funny you should say that - I have just noticed a new cat prowling around our garden. Going to keep them in tonight and see if that makes any difference. Given that the two animals (and our previous now dead cat) have their arrangements about who's allowed to be where and when, it does seem very indiscriminate - I can well believe that some fucker's running in spraying all over the place. It certainly smells that way :-(
Our Cat Coco has just come back from Vets and what was first diagnosed as an abscess has now been found to be a cancer tumour,in her mouth, the prognosis is not good.

She's around 12 years old. From what I understand this is a common cancer in cats although there are different types with some more aggressive than others.

The vet has suggested she has only weeks to months to live and we are waiting for biopsy based upon sample taken.

Coco herself seems perky, she had some infection which has been treated with antibiotics her organs, kidney etc are all in good shape she's eating and purring... It's all a bit surreal.

I don't know if there are any posters on here with experience of this. The options of surgery and chemo are there but it is difficult to see whether this is futile and just going to add to the suffering for what might only add a few months to her life.

Advice/feedback appreciated :(
Sympathy moonsi til. Horrible to lose a pet

Mapped our cat has always been absolutely fine with J. It's about whether they have been socialised to children when v young apparently- if they haven't they avoid, or may take the occasional swipe, but the suffocation thing is urban myth. We had to spend a lot of time saying 'gentle' to J, but now they are proper mates.

No advice Batboy, but hope she stays well and doesn't suffer
Our Cat Coco has just come back from Vets and what was first diagnosed as an abscess has now been found to be a cancer tumour,in her mouth, the prognosis is not good.

She's around 12 years old. From what I understand this is a common cancer in cats although there are different types with some more aggressive than others.

The vet has suggested she has only weeks to months to live and we are waiting for biopsy based upon sample taken.

Coco herself seems perky, she had some infection which has been treated with antibiotics her organs, kidney etc are all in good shape she's eating and purring... It's all a bit surreal.

I don't know if there are any posters on here with experience of this. The options of surgery and chemo are there but it is difficult to see whether this is futile and just going to add to the suffering for what might only add a few months to her life.

Advice/feedback appreciated :(
It's only my position but I think we should not bring too much of the human world into our pets' lives. I would let Nature take its course and, when her time comes, help her gently out.:(
Our beautiful Gypsy cat was run over last night and left on the road. A neighbour found her at 11pm and came to us this morning. It has been a very strange sad day. We buried her out in the countryside next to a pub specialising in cider so went and raised a glass to her 24 years she has been adored by the family.

I'm so happy that my BF had kippers for breakfast yesterday so one of her final meals was enjoyable and not the Felix pouches I bought and she didn't like.

R.I.P Gypsy cat x x x
Really sorry to hear this.
BREAKING NEWS.... I have just spotted the neighbourhood's alpha male cat (possibly stray, still got its nads on) trying to get in our catflap. He looks like a bengal, amazing markings and turquoise eyes, but down on his luck or just getting old and scraggy.

My OH says it's unsurprising that Urban is 1) suggesting our cats are being fitted up by the authorities 2) Implying the work of an agent provocateur.
Microchip-operated catflap is your solution then. whether it's actually the alpha stranger spraying in your house, or his presence freaking out your 2 and making either or both of them spray from anxiety/territoriality, keeping the stranger away will solve the problem.
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