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I've just spent five minutes with a cat just like that. I've come back from a great night out feeling a little sad that it was all over and it came rushing out to me, headbutting the fuck out of my outstretched hand. He (somehow felt like a he) was so nice and friendly and up for a stroke that all woes were banished. What a smashing cat.

I love Maine Coons. So cuddly, gorgeous and photogenic. Is Breeze very chatty?

If I was offered a cat of my choosing I'd go for British Blue or a Scottish Fold.
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I love Maine Coons. So cuddly, gorgeous and photogenic. Is Breeze very chatty?

If I was offered a cat of my choosing I'd go for British Blue or a Scottish Fold.
All cats are great, all dogs are great, heck, all animals are great (I'm at risk of acquiring more pets, so I need to watch out!)

Funny thing about Breeze - she used to be very vocal, but speaking "Maine Coon" which is a sort of buzzing, trilling kind of sound - almost barking when she got excited (like when you were about to feed her.)

But, since Charlie arrived last September, she's started talking more like a normal cat. She used to only "meow" if she seriously wanted to get your attention, or was murdering a cuddly toy. I can't work out if it's because she thinks he understands "meow" better, or she thinks she has to meow to get our attention with Charlie-the-attention-seeker around.

Nice thing though is that she is a bit more cuddly now than before he came. She was always an, "Alright, you grabbed me and put me on your lap, I suppose I will let you cuddle me," whereas now, on occasion, she's been known to jump on one of our laps because she WANTS to. After about 5 minutes, you get dead legs though as she's about twice the weight of Charlie! :)
All cats are great, all dogs are great, heck, all animals are great (I'm at risk of acquiring more pets, so I need to watch out!)

Funny thing about Breeze - she used to be very vocal, but speaking "Maine Coon" which is a sort of buzzing, trilling kind of sound - almost barking when she got excited (like when you were about to feed her.)

But, since Charlie arrived last September, she's started talking more like a normal cat. She used to only "meow" if she seriously wanted to get your attention, or was murdering a cuddly toy. I can't work out if it's because she thinks he understands "meow" better, or she thinks she has to meow to get our attention with Charlie-the-attention-seeker around.

Stone, my tubby custard Maine Coon mix, is a triller. To speak to him I blow loosely through my lips for a sort of reverberating brrrr sound. Just done it now to understand how to describe it and he's come up to see me :)

I think they do change voice in the presence of others or with new company. My favourite cat video ever is that cat at a window barking and then meowing when it realises a human is watching.
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Same here. Stone is a weighty puddin' but it's fur not fat. I'm teaching him to stand up on his back legs for fuss so I don't have to pick him up so much although when I do he favours baby pose on his back.
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Same here. Stone is a weighty puddin' but it's fur not fat. I'm teaching him to stand up on his back legs for fuss so I don't have to pick him up so much although when I do he favours baby pose on his back.
Ah, Breeze just tried to position herself between keyboard and screen, so I grabbed her for a I-will-cuddle-you-like-a-baby-and-you-will-enjoy-it sessions. It was lovely and full of purrs, for the 5 minutes before the feet went numb, yes! :)

Pets in this house are divided between those who'll be held like a baby and those that won't.

Will = Breeze and Griff
Won't = Charlie and Malcolm
a question, oh mogworshippers, how long in a day should a mog have access to the 'nip ?

Fifi is currently enjoying a sock which has had some herbal catnip put in it, she can be a trifle over-excitable and does, at the moment, get over stimulated, should I restrict access to her 'nip or will she self-limit ?
Mine are buzzed and sober again within an hour. They have nip access about once a month but that's more cos it makes my place look like an explosion in a dried herbs factory!
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So, £60'odd later and a "cat tree" arrived via Zooplus - carried into the house and assembled after a hard day at work watching You Tube what's the cat doing?

Sitting on the back of the settee looking at the Cat Tree - I'm now waiting for the little shit (petite merde she's got a French style name after all) to hop into the delivery box - which, obviously, has been kept - along with the genuine spare parts - the ceiling isn't high enough for the final cat hammock and scratching post which would have added yet another foot to the over all height - the adjustable steady is braced (correctly as per instructions) against the ceiling so it really can't go any higher

Pics, naturally blah blah blah

Not that far off to be honest - izz was bribing her to get onto the tree with Dreamies and that worked - if "I" was a cat then this tree thing would be the Tom's Testi's and you'd have to prize me out of it - but FiFi is having far more fun at the moment "singing" to the 2 boys in their room and generally being naughty
Two-eyed-cat is here beside me in the bed. He has just farted. It truly stinks. I'm immersed in a stinky miasm.

One-eyed-cat has just joined us and as he drew breath to start purring he stopped short, looked shocked, sneezed, put on his affronted look, and jumped off the bed.

It's that bad.
I just heard a really alarming whooshing coming from the kitchen and discovered Loki boiling the kettle :facepalm:

I think I might unplug it overnight :D

That is fairly awesome, but I have to say that the top of the "this sort of thing" table is forever taken by me smelling singed fur and heading to the kitchen to find Radar sitting on top of the recently-used toaster and "fishing" in the slots with his paws. He still thinks I removed him from somewhere warm and grabbed his feet for no good reason, rather than that I promptly removed him and made sure his foot fur was no longer burning. The cat is a complete idiot with no sense of danger. :facepalm:
(He was fine).
. . . . me smelling singed fur and heading to the kitchen to find Radar sitting on top of the recently-used toaster and "fishing" in the slots with his paws. He still thinks I removed him from somewhere warm and grabbed his feet for no good reason, rather than that I promptly removed him and made sure his foot fur was no longer burning. The cat is a complete idiot with no sense of danger. :facepalm:
(He was fine).

Glad to hear that he was fine . . . so . . .

BRILLIANT! :D - I can picture this now in my minds eye and the look of indignation he must have had when he was unceremoniously dumped "somewhere"

And news on the Cat Tree front - FiFi has adopted the tree - she climbs up and down it and hides (at about mid chest to low face height) ready to "pounce" on her prey - which would appear this morning to be me

Bear in mind that I'm on double cat litter tray duty first thing so you'd think that she'd show a little appreciation having just freshened her facilities (which were light to the tune of one Poo! btw - how long should a cat go without . . . you know . . . "going" - she's been pretty regular and she's definitely eating and is using the box for a widdling so the new regime isn't causing her issues)
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