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Is anyone watching the 'Cats do funny things' thing on Channel 5? It is basically a compilation of all the cat videos on the internet but it made me laugh (again)
I just let Osh outside for the first time :eek: We live on a really busy junction and people drive like twats round here, so I was unsure whether to keep her indoors or not. But she's been so keen to get out that I didn't have the heart to keep her in any longer. She immediately jumped over the garden wall into the building site next door *bites nails* She has absolutely NO sense at all. Please come back, little cat! I might put her food bowl by the cat flap...
If the booming and crashing come from "next door" are anything to go by - the boys might be coming, slightly out of their shells a bit

Clive is slightly braver than Casper - he doesn't totally hide out of sight and will eat tuna and treats that are put slightly out in the open and I think it's him making some of the noise

Casper, on the other hand, really is a scaredy cat - the name was invented for him - I went into their room last night and he was on a low shelf and he simply froze - one paw in mid-air. I sat down quietly and took tiny side glances and he didn't move for a good minute - then out of my view and so quietly I didn't hear anything he disappeared into one of the many safe boxes we've left around the room for them to hide in

With these 2 any progress is going to be slow and, not painful, literally, but it's going to take ages. In my head a day with us undoing each day they were in the rescue and that was coming up to a year :eek:

The difference between Clive and Casper and FiFi really is staggering - she's a little madam, has totally taken over the remainder of the house - she loves watching the Bird in the Tree channel on Cat TV (the windows, incase you're wondering) after an initial "not really interested" she now loves her tree where she'll spin round one of the up rights chasing her tail in what looks remarkably like a Pole-dancer (not that I know what one of "those" <shudder;)> looks like)
I just let Osh outside for the first time :eek: We live on a really busy junction and people drive like twats round here, so I was unsure whether to keep her indoors or not. But she's been so keen to get out that I didn't have the heart to keep her in any longer. She immediately jumped over the garden wall into the building site next door *bites nails* She has absolutely NO sense at all. Please come back, little cat! I might put her food bowl by the cat flap...

She came back :thumbs: Ran in, scoffed, went upstairs for a massive kip. She's out again now and seems to be absolutely loving it. I'm really pleased we let her out (at least I will be until she brings in a baby bird). She's chipped and has been here for three months. Reckon that's as safe as I can make her.
the cat wot adopted us seems to favour mrs21 over me - I guess it is a feeder thing - she seems to knock on our bedroom door in the morning and mrs21 gets up to feed her , so she tends to leap on mrs21's lap in the evening and seems to shy away from me (and my lap) :(
the cat wot adopted us seems to favour mrs21 over me - I guess it is a feeder thing - she seems to knock on our bedroom door in the morning and mrs21 gets up to feed her , so she tends to leap on mrs21's lap in the evening and seems to shy away from me (and my lap) :(

'My' cat has turned into a little daddy's girl since we moved in together 8 years ago. :mad:

He gets up earlier and gets home earlier, so is the one to feed them.
the cat wot adopted us seems to favour mrs21 over me - I guess it is a feeder thing - she seems to knock on our bedroom door in the morning and mrs21 gets up to feed her , so she tends to leap on mrs21's lap in the evening and seems to shy away from me (and my lap) :(

some cats are more nervous of men

some cats are more nervous of men


Very true, my Jakes is scared of men standing or walking around.
Not managed to work out why, but he was like it before he came to live with us, so it is nothing that has happened here that has made him nervous.
I have another cat who is related and comes from the same household who is absolutely fine with anyone, so there is no real explanation for it.
Very true, my Jakes is scared of men standing or walking around.
Not managed to work out why, but he was like it before he came to live with us, so it is nothing that has happened here that has made him nervous.
I have another cat who is related and comes from the same household who is absolutely fine with anyone, so there is no real explanation for it.

Short of asking the kittehs, not sure we're going to be sure

I've seen various theories, including men having deeper voices, (generally) heavier treads, different smell.

Also, sadly probably the case that if a cat has had a bad experience with a hooman being violent, it's more likely to have been a man...
Can I go off topic a bit?

What do people think of Joe & Jill's dry cat food? I have bought it for the second week now; the three really like it and the meat content is quite high though I am suspicious of the 'meal' content. Do they really like because it is very good or because crack has been added to it?
Now we have to make arrangements for holidays and weekends away :facepalm: may be a silly question but do people take their cats on holiday? I'm talking holidays in the same country and that :hmm: would they run away if you let them out in a strange place? (like Dorset :hmm:)
When Puisin was initially making friends with us, it was through me, I'd be sitting outside having a smoke and she would come up to me and jump on my knee - mrs21 didn't meet her for several weeks :mad:
'My' cat has turned into a little daddy's girl since we moved in together 8 years ago. :mad:

He gets up earlier and gets home earlier, so is the one to feed them.
I moved in with my fella about 3 years ago and our cats are still very much our cats, mine follows me everywhere and his comes running to the front door when he hears my fella coming home from work. If their favourite person's not in the other will do but as soon as the favourite arrives the other one's completely ignored
Has anyone had experience of introducing a cat into a house with a small baby? After our last one met his end in Australia we're thinking of going to the shelter to get a new one next month (baby will be 4 months old). My wife's wants one, but is wondering if its a wise move.

My mum's cat went for baby when we visited, but she's a horrid thing that goes for any human that isn't my mum.
Now we have to make arrangements for holidays and weekends away :facepalm: may be a silly question but do people take their cats on holiday? I'm talking holidays in the same country and that :hmm: would they run away if you let them out in a strange place? (like Dorset :hmm:)
My friend always takes her cat on holiday. But I've never taken mine. Mine loathe being in the car too much to consider it.

You can get cat feeders if you're away overnight - I only get someone to look after the boys if I'm away more than a night
Can I go off topic a bit?

What do people think of Joe & Jill's dry cat food? I have bought it for the second week now; the three really like it and the meat content is quite high though I am suspicious of the 'meal' content. Do they really like because it is very good or because crack has been added to it?

I'd like to know this too please and would also like to know where the best place online to get quality cat food from is. Pets At Home is getting quite expensive and it would be good to know if there's anywhere cheaper. Thx!
I known several cats who go camping with their people, or to festivals.

I know a couple of cats who commute between different homes with no trouble at all.

I once knew a cat who'd travel with his human to visit the parents. He'd go on the Tube and the train in an open box and wander about or sit on the seats while en route.

And I've known plenty of cats who never ever even wanted to go out their own front door, who cried and vomited in they car, or hid under things if they were ever in a strange house.

As ever with cats, it depends on the cat....
Has anyone had experience of introducing a cat into a house with a small baby? After our last one met his end in Australia we're thinking of going to the shelter to get a new one next month (baby will be 4 months old). My wife's wants one, but is wondering if its a wise move.

My mum's cat went for baby when we visited, but she's a horrid thing that goes for any human that isn't my mum.

Depends on the cat & the shelter - some will not re-home to households with small children, not sure about babies (allergies?), but if someone will be at home all day that might be regarded as a positive point.
Now we have to make arrangements for holidays and weekends away :facepalm: may be a silly question but do people take their cats on holiday? I'm talking holidays in the same country and that :hmm: would they run away if you let them out in a strange place? (like Dorset :hmm:)

I really would not take a cat on holiday! All the ones I know or have known hate travelling, and they would be quite likely to get lost if you let them out in a strange place.....
obviously not my cat but

'Semi-feral' cathedral cat under suspicion following dog attacks in Wells-

Louis, a 17-year-old ginger tom, accused of pouncing ‘like a wild lion in the jungle’ on to unsuspecting pet pooch’s head

story (guardian) here


the kitty who used to live with my (now) ex would occasionally pick fights with dogs
I really would not take a cat on holiday! All the ones I know or have known hate travelling, and they would be quite likely to get lost if you let them out in a strange place.....
I'm thinking that too - mrs21 may over-rule me though :hmm: she has been off sick for 2 days and has been bonding even more with the cat :mad:
My friend always takes her cat on holiday. But I've never taken mine. Mine loathe being in the car too much to consider it.

You can get cat feeders if you're away overnight - I only get someone to look after the boys if I'm away more than a night

I've seen someone who runs a big festival stalls who travels with their cat...... Working a really early shift one morning this cat arrived out of the mist for a stroke, then fucked off.....

Went into a a place to sit an have food and the cat turned up again, it was the owners of the food place and they just take the cat around with them wherever they go.

It had a little wristband on its collar and everything :D
Jan who runs Jan's Van, the kiddie festival play area, has or had a cat in residence. I see her at Off The Tracks but she does other stints across the country.
Question for multi cat households - with the 2 boys being kept in one room for the time being - until they get a less stressed with their new home - I have a question - how do you make sure that BOTH cats are getting stuff to eat?

Clive is slightly more out going than Casper in that he'll eat tuna when it's put close to him but Casper is still at the really hidey stage - we're putting down plenty of food, they have access to more than adequate water but neither of us sees Casper eating anything but we do see Clive eating from both dishes when tuna is put down

In the morning and when we get home at night, usually both bowls are empty - there's more often than not 2 different "deposits" in the litter tray so I'm making the assumption that both are eating - any thoughts?
They're both eating :)
One of mine is in charge of food (the fat one, funnily enough :D) and he always gets first dibs on food. But the other one eats eventually. If there's 2 types of poo, 2 cats are eating
One of ours eats like a horse and is skinny as a rake, the other seems to hardly eat and is a bit of a porker.

Cats defy all logic.
Just back from 3 nights away at the coast with dog, cat, 2 guinea pigs and OH of course. It was the first time going with the Charlie as well, but we've travelled with Breeze and the pigs quite a few times. Breeze isn't exactly enthused about car journeys and once or twice has got car sick if a windy, rough and hilly road is involved. This time though, it was plain sailing both ways. Got quite a shocked look from the owner of the cabin where we stayed when all these creatures started pouring out of a Smart ForFour!

She loves being in new places - explores every nook and cranny and within about an hour, completely makes herself at home. She only goes out on the lead because basically, she's not street wise at all, might be okay but I don't want to take the risk. Weather was rubbish though except on Saturday morning, so she didn't go out very much. Was content to sit on the back of the sofa watching birds! :)

I really do think it's down to the individual cat. I know most take a looooooong time to adjust to a new environment and openly dislike car travel. The only way you can find out is to try - maybe a shorter trip to start with.

(Obligatory Breeze on holiday snaps . . .)


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