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This is my cat Layla and she is starting to do some odd things. I am worried she might be getting dementia as she approaches her 13th Birthday. Symptoms include late night wailing, erratic movement/pouncing and a new penchant for having a wee in the hall way on the post. I hope she is ok, I love her so much.

She is beautiful and I can see why you love her. As Mogden quite rightly says, could be a UTI or some other physical thing and in any case should be down the vets, but if its any help at all, our Rusty started weeing in the house, we took her to the vet who ruled out any problem and we think now it was territorial. We had a catflap that was open all hours and would get visitors, we're now convinced it was territorial behaviour. Hope she's ok and is her happy healthy self soon.
Well Anton has now fully settled in. He is using the cat flap to go in and out and there have been no fights with Radley, the big ginger tom. Have stopped the feliway now. Have found Radley in Anton's litter tray which I think might be a territorial thing. I usually keep my bedroom door closed (this is Anton's space and he has his own chipped flap in and out so Radley can't get in) but have noticed that when my door is open and Radley thinks there is no-one in he will come in for a sniff.

Anton has brought his first mouse into the house. I heard lots of noise in my room two nights ago and awoke to scenes of a scrabble. I could also hear some scuttling from behind the record shelves but couldn't see anything. Today I noticed a rather unpleasant smell and lo and behold, a dead mouse under my bed.

The life of a cat owner eh?

Anton curled up.jpg
She is beautiful and I can see why you love her. As Mogden quite rightly says, could be a UTI or some other physical thing and in any case should be down the vets, but if its any help at all, our Rusty started weeing in the house, we took her to the vet who ruled out any problem and we think now it was territorial. We had a catflap that was open all hours and would get visitors, we're now convinced it was territorial behaviour. Hope she's ok and is her happy healthy self soon.

Thank you and that would make perfect sense - other cats have been visiting the front garden and she does it by the door to that. Will go to the vets as well though.
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This is my cat Layla and she is starting to do some odd things. I am worried she might be getting dementia as she approaches her 13th Birthday. Symptoms include late night wailing, erratic movement/pouncing and a new penchant for having a wee in the hall way on the post. I hope she is ok, I love her so much.

She's beautiful :)
I can only echo what others have said above.
Incidentally, my cat's called Leyla.
Had the cat "done" the day before yesterday, and it looks at my wife as if she is the great deceiver as she was the one that put her in the carry cage thing to deliver it to the vets.
Am starting to warm to her now (the cat that is, not my wife) as she has stopped pissing and shitting everywhere and we haven't seen any more mice in the house, but I would still have preferred a Jack Russell.
Oh, another odd thing . . . Got Charlie a spare collar the other day and Breeze was sniffing his old one. She's never worn a collar, so I thought, "Hmmm, I wonder . . ." OH insisted she'd hate it. Herbie (RIP) would never wear a collar.

Well, she was happy for me to put it on her and, it's still on. She seems to "like" it, if that's possible. It's quite loose and as she doesn't go out unaccompanied, it's unlikely she'd get it stuck on anything indoors, so I've just left it. Strange she's taken to it like this. (BTW, the photo is a yawn, not a wail of protest! It's the only snap I got where you could see the collar under all that fur.) :)

Edit - Just realised, you can see where she's had the tooth removed on one side. Wow!

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Oh, another odd thing . . . Got Charlie a spare collar the other day and Breeze was sniffing his old one. She's never worn a collar, so I thought, "Hmmm, I wonder . . ." OH insisted she'd hate it. Herbie (RIP) would never wear a collar.

Well, she was happy for me to put it on her and, it's still on. She seems to "like" it, if that's possible. It's quite loose and as she doesn't go out unaccompanied, it's unlikely she'd get it stuck on anything indoors, so I've just left it. Strange she's taken to it like this. (BTW, the photo is a yawn, not a wail of protest! It's the only snap I got where you could see the collar under all that fur.) :)

Edit - Just realised, you can see where she's had the tooth removed on one side. Wow!

Brilliant photo!
Oh, another odd thing . . . Got Charlie a spare collar the other day and Breeze was sniffing his old one. She's never worn a collar, so I thought, "Hmmm, I wonder . . ." OH insisted she'd hate it. Herbie (RIP) would never wear a collar.

Well, she was happy for me to put it on her and, it's still on. She seems to "like" it, if that's possible. It's quite loose and as she doesn't go out unaccompanied, it's unlikely she'd get it stuck on anything indoors, so I've just left it. Strange she's taken to it like this. (BTW, the photo is a yawn, not a wail of protest! It's the only snap I got where you could see the collar under all that fur.) :)

Edit - Just realised, you can see where she's had the tooth removed on one side. Wow!



so madamme liked sitting on me having her chest tickled and decided i could move onto belly. she did this by pushing my hand down and pinninh it in place with claws lolong enough to lie on it.
watch out for under-collar dreadlocks!
Thanks. Since she only wears a collar as a "fashion statement," I can take it off for regular brushes. She's actually rocking a blue velvet number at the moment, instead of the red-with-bones one in the photo.
Well. That was interesting - first visit down - in and out in <10 minutes

"How long will the cats be left on their own?"

from about 8-5 - exactly like we said on the form we filled in prior to you coming out to do the home visit - you feel like saying but don't

We really have no idea how the visit went - but if successful then 2 young boys are on their way to us in the not too distant - I hope so because they've been in the rescue shelter for coming up to a year now and they need a nice forever home
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Home visit number 2 completed and that was a much better visit - home visitor was here for 45 minutes - we knew her any way and we've spent time with No 3 or No 1 cat depending on what turns up first - she'll probably be No 1 cat

This home visitor had a clip board and a list of questions and was great - we passed with flying colours - she was a little concerned about our feed back on this mornings home visit - they're going to end up talking to each other as we're hoping to be homing 3 cats from 2 shelters - there's 2 brothers who are about 2 and have come from a multi cat (6) household - 2 were re-homed quickly and the remaining 4 have been in rescue for nearly a year - we're trying to get the 2 boys and then izz fell for an older cat at another rescue - she's only just been put into shelter and she's a right little tart and just wants cuddles - her last home had had her from a kitten and she's now 10 - then they had a kid - and this was stressing the cat out - they'd been trying to get the cat into shelter for nearly 2 years - so she's a little bit wound up, but when we've met her 2 or 3 times now she's been lovely - she doesn't react to other cats so mixing with the boys shouldn't be a problem

Whilst all of this was going on we missed out on a family of 3, which would have been perfect from the local CPL

We know we're getting FiFi and we're just waiting to hear about Clive and Casper but both of our gut feelings is that, for whatever reason, we might not end up with the boys, which would be a shame but the other rescue has already said that we can pretty much have our pick if this happens so by hook or by crook this is going to be our last cat free night - we pick up FiFi at 11.00am tomorrow - pics, naturally, will follow as and when
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