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It must have been cold last night cos both of mine slept on the bed last night.

They're both getting on in years (16,17 years old) but both in good health. But sometimes when I'm cuddling up with them I feel sad because I know they'll die and I'll miss them.

One-eyed-cat goes out into the back yard and he doesn't realise that I can see him through the window. He saunters in a distinguished fashion until he thinks he's out of sight and then his ears prick forward and he leaps and twirls like a kitten, chasing twigs and leaves and shadows and skittering sideways, even doing a parachute jump sometimes. Then he shakes himself off, pulls himself together, gathers his dignity about himself and mooches back to the house and in through the cat flap. However much I tempt and cajole him, he never ever chases and players with toys or string or laser pointers though. His playfulness is obviously a private pleasures and a secret matter.

Two-eyed-cat has taken to sleeping right beside my head at night. It's cute, but also a bit annoying: he wakes in the night and he puts his snout right up close to my ear and "accidentally" tickles me with his whiskers and purrs and purrs until I wake up. He only wants me to reposition my hand so that he can lie on top of it.

One-eyed-cat prefers to be petted and scritched in one specific spot on the back of his neck, just above the shoulder blades. If I don't get it just right he takes my hand with the tips of his claws and moves my hand to where he wants it to be. Having no understanding of human anatomy, or much concern for my discomfort, he expects my body to remain in the position that suits him so that he can recline against me, but wants my arm and hand to twist around unnaturally to accommodate his scratching preferences.
That's Bob taken to the vet twice this week - he's very up and down with his eating - we've almost given up trying to get meds into him as he's just not eating anything - so on Tuesday evening into the vet he went - our vets are really great they really do care about animals (which you would think would be a basic requirement but there's some out there that pretty obviously couldn't give a flying one) - anyway - he had an anti-nausea injection and a bit of an appetite booster which lasted for 24 hrs and then the next day we had to get a 1/4 pill into him which Mrs Voltz did through the use of a small piece of Cheddar cheese

And all seemed good - yet more special renal food ordered from Zooplus - which he's liked previously not it would appear that we're putting down a saucer of gravel for all the interest he's taking in it

Tried him on yet more "new" renal biscuits which he seemed to like last night and again this morning - except this time, after about 10 minutes of eating a table spoon full of biscuits "Whooh! Whooh! WHHHOOOOO!@!!" <splat!>

Up come the biscuits - a quick drink of water and a little sit down and he's back at the bowl of biscuits - this time they do stay down but the decision's made and he's off to the vet again this morning - again, luck was with us as they had a 10.30 appointment available

Two more injections and he's back home feeling very sorry for himself - hopefully he'll have a bit to eat this evening and he'll have bucked his ideas up by the morning

But he really is in the twilight days and weeks now - IF we get an extra month or two with him then that'll be really special but somehow I think that's the best we can hope for
That's Bob taken to the vet twice this week - he's very up and down with his eating - we've almost given up trying to get meds into him as he's just not eating anything - so on Tuesday evening into the vet he went - our vets are really great they really do care about animals (which you would think would be a basic requirement but there's some out there that pretty obviously couldn't give a flying one) - anyway - he had an anti-nausea injection and a bit of an appetite booster which lasted for 24 hrs and then the next day we had to get a 1/4 pill into him which Mrs Voltz did through the use of a small piece of Cheddar cheese

And all seemed good - yet more special renal food ordered from Zooplus - which he's liked previously not it would appear that we're putting down a saucer of gravel for all the interest he's taking in it

Tried him on yet more "new" renal biscuits which he seemed to like last night and again this morning - except this time, after about 10 minutes of eating a table spoon full of biscuits "Whooh! Whooh! WHHHOOOOO!@!!" <splat!>

Up come the biscuits - a quick drink of water and a little sit down and he's back at the bowl of biscuits - this time they do stay down but the decision's made and he's off to the vet again this morning - again, luck was with us as they had a 10.30 appointment available

Two more injections and he's back home feeling very sorry for himself - hopefully he'll have a bit to eat this evening and he'll have bucked his ideas up by the morning

But he really is in the twilight days and weeks now - IF we get an extra month or two with him then that'll be really special but somehow I think that's the best we can hope for


(((High Voltage and bob)))
Dammit - we got back late'ish last night and Bob was definitely not right - he was very wobbly on his feet, was wanting to drink water but was so wobbly he was dipping his nose into the water and then pulling back almost with shock of the water - most of the night he was asleep on the landing we blocked off the stairs so he couldn't fall down them

Woke this morning at about 6.00'ish hoping that, we think it was the meds he had the previous day were reacting with him not well, that they had worn off - when I took him to the vets last week he had a similar wobbly reaction but within 12 hours he was back and wanting to eat - this is now 24+ hours since the similar meds and it looks like he's on a bad Acid trip - he's got dilated pupils, he can't really settle, he's "scanning" his head back and forwards when he does wake up - all in all he's not a very happy bunny at all this morning - already spoke with the vet at about 8 and he's of the opinion to just let him ride it out for the time being - hopefully this afternoon will see him on the mend
Oh bless him :( at least he has you both to look after him but it must be really quite distressing to watch him like this. Hope he rallies a bit soon
Mrs Voltz took him to the vet this afternoon - he's got very high potassium levels which are slowing his heart down, he's dehydrated, his red blood cell count is very low and his white blood cell count is very high

so - he's being rehydrated and he's on something to reduce his potassium levels - this is really serious life threatening


The re-hydration may weaken even more his red cell count but the potassium levels MUST be got down

The vets also checked that he's not going anything untowards going on inside him which would result in the high white blood cell count - nothing's been found so we hope that it's "just" an infection causing the rise in white cells

He's right IN the woods are the moment and the vet's being honest and fair, he's seriously ill but we're treating one thing at a time

I don't feel that it's his "time" yet but we're getting closer to it - I really hope that he comes home this one last time

Again, this one has come right out of the blue - the severity and all that - he was at the vets yesterday and whilst obviously ill this was not even on the horizon - so we've all been caught out by this turn of events

Still, he's with the best of vets and if anyone Charlie and the team can
Bob was pts last night at 9 o'clock - he didn't respond to the rehydration and was a very poorly boy in deed
By all accounts Bob left this life as gently as he lived in it. He is greatly missed.
Bye bye Bob. From reports here you had a bloody good life and no doubt you're now noshing whatever you fancy.

Comiserations to your hoomans.
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