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Your daily cat and kitten news

It's on another thread. I was supposed to come and feed it twice a day while its owners were on holiday. it didn't like me. i took this pic:

:) at pissed off posh puss
Sonic keeps farting this morning. He is sitting on top of my computer which gets quite hot and has 5 fans blowing air out of it, so a lot of hot air is pushed in an upwards direction. Need gas mask :oops:
The cat keeps waking me up at 6am by trying to get under the covers, not good when you go to sleep between 1 and 2 am..
Charlie was at the vet for a check-up today. Ted's sent his blood away to a proper lab this time because he says it'll be a bit more accurate than the testing they can do at the surgery. Last time his T4 level was 7 :oops: That's far too low, but isn't particularly dangerous, just means he sleeps a lot and puts on weight. We were trying to get him stable though, after he fluctuated quite badly and had to be put on a higher dose of Felimazole to sort it out. I should get the results in the next few days or so.

And, well, yeah, he has put on weight. He's 5.85kg :oops: Hypothyroidism (super low levels of T4 hormone) is supposed to suppress the appetite. LOL. Nope.
Erm - I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but that feels (especially with pulling quotes from another thread and trying to have a discussion based on it in this thread) like a really weird post to make - and I really can't work out why. It just seems like a very strange thing to do or say.

Like I say, am just going to take a deep breath and walk away for a few hours, but your post just seems very very... odd.

And your references to my husband being ill, and making comments about the fact that I was upset he was ill and in hospital and in danger of dying, come across as snide and deliberately cruel.

Walking away now.

EDIT: (apart from there is some small pedantic part of me that really wants to come back and say your grammar is awful, please look up the different uses of apostrophes and Your/You're usage - I think I can walk away now I have said that).

And actually reading your post again what have I ever done to deserve that? There is something deeply wrong with you.
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My sister and her boyfriend bought a house a couple of years ago. It's a beautiful place, but it had been repossessed from someone who seems to have lost her marbles and it was in a terrible state. It also came with an elderly and extremely grumpy - or more to the point psychologically damaged - cat, who'd been neglected by the previous owner, and then bullied out by the fierce dogs she bought to keep the debt collectors away*. She was living in the shed and was too scared to come into the house, and when they did persuade her to come in she disappeared up the chimney (which was quite apt as her name is Sooty), and then into the cupboard under the sink, where she hissed at anyone who came anywhere near and only emerged at night. She also seemed to have a wee bit of malevolence about her: my sister's boyfriend is convinced that the pan she knocked off a high shelf and which just missed his head was deliberate, and they got back from a weekend away to find that she'd arranged all of their post in a neat pile in the hallway and weed on it. Eventually she retreated to live in the garage. They concluded that that was as close as she was ever likely to get to being domesticated and better than being in an unheated shed in winter, so they took to leaving her food there rather than in the kitchen.

I logged into Facebook this morning to find a photo of my sister's boyfriend working on his laptop, with Sooty sitting on his shoulder. For some reason, just last week she suddenly seems to have got over her fear, decided that they're alright after all, and turned into as friendly a house cat as you could ever imagine. :cool:

*Not long before she finally left a bailiff was seen running up the street with her Alsation's teeth firmly embedded in his right buttock. :D
I am not happy with Sachin. Last night I was in the living room having a brew before I skipped off to the pub to see a gig. All of a sudden I could hear a very distressed noise, something between wheezing and squeaking. Ran to the dining room thinking it was one of the cats choking horribly on something. Saw the back of Sachin and was ready to grab him and pound him to get whatever it was out of him when he turned and showed me a full sized live rat hanging out of his mouth! I shouted, he ran towards the cat flap, dropped said rat, panic set in!

Rat ran to the stairs, managed to climb a couple and then what was my first thought after Shitshitshit? Where is my tablet or phone so I can take a photo of it :rolleyes::oops:

Thankfully for me, not for the rat, it was leg injured so not a fast runner. I persuaded it back down the stairs with flappy hand signals and a carrier bag, not wanting to touch it as I've no idea if it's wild or domestic. It ran round the dining room, dived into a bookshelf with its tail stuck out. Sachin is very amused at this point and watching beside me. I was less impressed as I was suffering from the very real start of a migraine yesterday evening so the rising blood pressure was making my head pound more.

I pulled the books from the book shelf and the bugger ran again towards my closed back door. My back door has a loose plastic step mount cos it's not plastered in yet and as I tried to work out where the sod was, the plastic moved. Ahhh it's under that then I thought. I moved the folded down sports bag like cat carrier I have by the back door and put it on the dining table, opened the back door, shifted all the back door steps bits and the git wasn't there. Then I realised that the cat carrier was actually quite heavy when I moved it. I picked it up off the table and swung it towards the door at which point the rat became Super Rat and leapt out of it mid flight leaving me a sweary, near brown trousered mess as this brown blur passed my eyes and myself.

I cajoled it out of the door with the cat carrier and got the door shut sharpish. Then went to the pub after some more swearing and complaining to the cats. I came back from the pub. The rat was back. But dead :( Thank goodness for disposable gloves. I think Sachin must have killed it not long after I went cos the blood underneath it on the laminate was dry. A photo to best mate Mogden confirmed it as wild not domestic. I am blaming the student neighbours who have had 3 black bags of rubbish languishing in their garden since before Christmas. On the plus side, if there is one, I now know that vermin will not survive long in this house.

I had to get this out cos my brain is still suffering from migraine hangover and it keeps whizzing round my head but yeah, long story short, I was doing a bloody rat dance last night and it wasn't fun!
You should be proud of him! Go Sachin!
In retrospect I was but at the time I was furious, especially with a migraine. I don't know if it had anything to do with the quantity of roast chicken he's had this week and that was his "gift" but at least he's a decent hunter and only gets the vermin.
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