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Since Charlie of Doom had his teeth out, he often ends up like this:

Our kitten, Oshawott, is settling in really well now, despite spending the first 10 days with us up a chimney/under the kitchen sink/behind the bed in the spare room. It's so lovely to have a cat again! (Our last mog, Freddy, was put down about 18 months ago.) She is the sweetest cat I've ever had, too - she actually cuddles me with her paws, nuzzles my face and lies on me all evening, every evening. Very satisfactory :cool: I've only ever had grumpy old rescue cats before. She is a rescue - was dumped in a box just before Christmas - but very young so not much emotional baggage I suppose.

Wrt names, she got called Oshawott for about 5 minutes. Now she is: Osh, Oshie, Oshkins, Osh Kosh B'Gosh, Squash, Baby Thing, Tiny Thing, The Mighty Bosh, Stinky and (this one by my small son only) Catty.

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Stalking our snake in the last one :hmm:
Sorry, I do think I missed giving a proper reply to this.

What a gorgeous little cat! She looks so much like my Radar, who is affectionate but on his own terms (ie, when he wants affection he will be all over you, when he doesn't want it there is a potential for ending up with his canine teeth embedded in your hand - proper cat!) She looks absolutely lovely :) Also condolences re. Freddy, I do hope that Oshawott is keeping you from dwelling on him too much, just remembering him with fondness as is only right.
Since Charlie of Doom had his teeth out, he often ends up like this:

OMG he is just so cute! My Sonic sits with his tongue like that sometimes for no apparent reason, it's nothing to do with dental work, I actually think it's because he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and forgets to put it away when he has been grooming :oops:

Give Charlie a kiss from me and all my clowder :)
OMG he is just so cute! My Sonic sits with his tongue like that sometimes for no apparent reason, it's nothing to do with dental work, I actually think it's because he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and forgets to put it away when he has been grooming :oops:

Give Charlie a kiss from me and all my clowder :)

Charlie says thank you very much for the kisses :D

You can just about see that his top lip is caught on one of his 2 remaining bottom canines. It creates a bit of an Elvis snarl, and then his tongue doesn't know what to do with itself and just pops on out. It's even more amusing when both sides get caught. I feel bad for laughing at him. Poor love. I think it must be a bit uncomfortable for him - he's got two scars where the fur never grew back and there are little indentations where his teeth get caught. They're healed though (they were scabby little wounds at first), so I think it's probably just a bit uncomfortable rather than actually tender and painful. Poor little bugger!
Charlie says thank you very much for the kisses :D

You can just about see that his top lip is caught on one of his 2 remaining bottom canines. It creates a bit of an Elvis snarl, and then his tongue doesn't know what to do with itself and just pops on out. It's even more amusing when both sides get caught. I feel bad for laughing at him. Poor love. I think it must be a bit uncomfortable for him - he's got two scars where the fur never grew back and there are little indentations where his teeth get caught. They're healed though (they were scabby little wounds at first), so I think it's probably just a bit uncomfortable rather than actually tender and painful. Poor little bugger!

Poor lad, I do hope he gets used to his new mouth, it's been a little while now though hasn't it? At least I hope he is not biting the inside of his face or in any discomfort, I imagine it just took a little bit of time to adjust.
Thanks for your kind comments everyone. Very hard choice to make but am happy it was the right one to have her put down. She hadn't been herself for about 3 weeks and had barely eaten for a week and had become very skinny. The vet said her liver was failing.

She's an irreplaceable little creature, but we have deiced to move forward are are going to battersea in a couple of weeks to get another rescue cat.

House just feels empty without a cat now.
Sorry, I do think I missed giving a proper reply to this.

What a gorgeous little cat! She looks so much like my Radar, who is affectionate but on his own terms (ie, when he wants affection he will be all over you, when he doesn't want it there is a potential for ending up with his canine teeth embedded in your hand - proper cat!) She looks absolutely lovely :) Also condolences re. Freddy, I do hope that Oshawott is keeping you from dwelling on him too much, just remembering him with fondness as is only right.

Thank you :) Freddy was very much ready to go at the end and it was the kindest thing to do. We do think about him lots though. Yeah, most of my cats have been like your Radar - at best :D

I was wondering, as you seem really knowledgeable, if I could ask about food? I've always just gone for Whiskas etc but a friend has recently opened my eyes to how crappy it is. Is there anything affordable but healthy?

ffsear It's so sad when you've just lost a pet, because everything at home reminds you of them. I'm glad you're giving another moggy a chance at a happy home though. I really hope it helps with the grief.


They may not yet be curling up together to sleep but they are all relaxed around each other (mostly)
Next door's two cats have been sleeping and eating at ours every day/night for the last three weeks. Their owner doesn't seem to notice or care. Our gain I think :)
My strange cat rejects roast chicken, raw chicken, raw mince, fish.... but open a packet of crisps and she's all up in your grill :mad::D

In more classic cat behaviour, she has also rejected all the cat toys I've got her in favour of a small plastic pen lid, which she has been chasing round the house for a week.

Here she is snoozing in the most inconvenient place she can manage - that is me, trying to write :D

I was wondering, as you seem really knowledgeable, if I could ask about food? I've always just gone for Whiskas etc but a friend has recently opened my eyes to how crappy it is. Is there anything affordable but healthy?

Thank you, I do not think I am that knowledgeable it's just that when I got cats I really tried hard to learn as much as I could about them to make sure they had the best possible lives :)

A really good budget food is Bozita wet food, which is 92% meat - it would not be suitable for any cats with an allergy to chicken as it is mostly made from chicken. There is no soya or wheat or corn or other grains in it, and is a good quality and good value food for most cats.

I buy mine from http://zooplus.co.uk
New cat! A year after poor Phoebe was laid to rest. This is Bonnie *waves*. She's a bit unusual, very jumpy and hid under the TV for three weeks but has now come out of her shell a bit. She's either all over me on the sofa or running for cover at the slightest movement.. hoping she'll relax more eventually. She's a rescue cat and suspect she had quite a hard time in her previous home, hence being jumpy about being approached anything other than very slowly.
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Bonnie is lovely! I hope she will become less nervous soon, or at least that she realises she now has a good and loving home :)

Blimey she is just a completely lovely looking cat though, so cute, her markings are beautiful. It breaks my heart that anyone could have treated her badly tbh.

(Mind you one of my cats was raised really well with all the love in the world but for some reason is afraid of men who are stood up - as soon as they sit down he is all over them and affectionate. However he wails and runs away if any man in his vicinity stands up - including one male who feeds him regularly - sometimes it is really difficult to work out how a cat got fearful of something - for Jakey I suspect his tail accidentally got trodden on when he was a kitten or something, he has certainly always been very very loved).
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Wow, Bozita is cheaper than Whiskas by the kg :eek: Brilliant, thanks!

Wrt fear, one of my friend's dogs (yes I know, wrong thread) is terrified of my very gentle husband. She pees herself when he's around. It's baffling (and quite upsetting for him too!). Friend has had the dog since she was tiny and she's not scared of anyone else :confused: Animals sometimes have their own mysterious reasons.
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madamme went into panic mode anywehre near an adult's feet for ages. she was fine with kids, but not adults. and she can still go really skitty-kitty if you try to use yourself to block her exit or entrence to a room. I'd suspect sh tried to get somewhere onetime and got a shoeing for her trouble. it's not being trodden on. she's a black cat that likes to sit in wait for people on the path she knows they will take. she has been accidently kicked, various parts of her trodden on and on one memorable occasion, sat on. turning to talk to her and she's fine 30 seconds later and demanding attention. so whatever sets of her panic must have been quite unpleasent. basically, they can get over shizzle in general. but can have some specific triggers stay about.

oh, and madamme has 30 quids worth of trial options arriving from zooplus in a few days. whatever she won't eat, i'll give to my mother for the cats she stole from me.
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Bonnie is lovely! I hope she will become less nervous soon, or at least that she realises she now has a good and loving home :)

Blimey she is just a completely lovely looking cat though, so cute, her markings are beautiful. It breaks my heart that anyone could have treated her badly tbh.

(Mind you one of my cats was raised really well with all the love in the world but for some reason is afraid of men who are stood up - as soon as they sit down he is all over them and affectionate. However he wails and runs away if any man in his vicinity stands up - including one male who feeds him regularly - sometimes it is really difficult to work out how a cat got fearful of something - for Jakey I suspect his tail accidentally got trodden on when he was a kitten or something, he has certainly always been very very loved).
Yes she definitely has a thing about me looming over her, so she likes to sit under the chair when I'm moving around. But she's come on so far since she arrived a month ago. It was really hard having such a scared kitty in the house after having such a relaxed cat in the past, but I think we're going to be great friends :)
And thanks so much for the lovely comments about her. I'll post some more pics at some point. Am using Feliway which I think has helped her to relax a bit. And Dreamies are a good incentive!

we used cat treats to teach madamme to de-lap when asked, rather thqan dig in her claws and hold on while you tried to remove her. a gentle push on the bum and a few treats on the floor and she got to know that the hand on bum meant that she had to move
we used cat treats to teach madamme to de-lap when asked, rather thqan dig in her claws and hold on while you tried to remove her. a gentle push on the bum and a few treats on the floor and she got to know that the hand on bum meant that she had to move

That doesn't stop her giving a disgruntled miaow and giving me disgusted looks, though. I must have an especially comfy lap, I guess.
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