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Bonnie is certainly a looker. Here's to hoping she continues to settle in :)

Charlie makes a bee-line for men's feet - men who don't like cats most specifically. He likes to roll all over their shoes, stick his head up their trouser leg in ecstasy, etc. He's jumpy around anyone new, hates any changes to the status quo, is scared of the kitchen door (idk), but when he hears my mum and her partner come to visit (happens maybe 3-4 times a year) he charges downstairs and rolls all over Ron's feet and you can see Ron's knuckles go white as he clings to the settee in fear :D

Good old Charlie.
She's gorgeous discobastard!

I've been talking to a friend of mine about having ombré hair (basically where it's darker at the top and lighter at the ends) and realised that Loki's tail is on trend! Fancy that! My cat is fashionable :D
Jakey's whiskers are horribly shorn on the right side of his face (seriously they are all chewed off on one side!) - I can only assume that Sonic has been chewing them off during their mutual grooming sessions. :mad:
One of the cats I regularly look after is dying. Late stage chronic heart failure and probably cancer. If he doesn't rally in the next 24 hours, he's being put down on Thursday morning. My friend is very upset and I am sad too. Poor little Tubby. He is an affectionate little cat, friendly to all and very fond of using humans as sofas. But he has had a lot of health problems - diabetes, cysts in his ears, skin problems... Always cheerful though. :(
One of the cats I regularly look after is dying. Late stage chronic heart failure and probably cancer. If he doesn't rally in the next 24 hours, he's being put down on Thursday morning. My friend is very upset and I am sad too. Poor little Tubby. He is an affectionate little cat, friendly to all and very fond of using humans as sofas. But he has had a lot of health problems - diabetes, cysts in his ears, skin problems... Always cheerful though. :(


(((Tubby and OU and friend)))
He's gone now. He deteriorated overnight and my friend couldn't bear to see struggling so much. He wouldn't even cuddle though he managed a final purr in the taxi to the vets. Farewell Tubs :(
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Jakey's whiskers are horribly shorn on the right side of his face (seriously they are all chewed off on one side!) - I can only assume that Sonic has been chewing them off during their mutual grooming sessions. :mad:

cats do look rather odd when they only have half a set of whiskers. i've needed to have words with all 3 kids over the years about whisker trims.

but talking about mutual grooming, madamme was grooming bakunin the other night. he has a tearduct in one eye that blocks regularly, and leaves the eye with gunge at the side. he was lying in bed, madamme noticed this and cleaned it for him, then demanded that her back be properly stroked.

He's gone now. He deteriorated overnight and my friend couldn't bear to see struggling so much. He wouldn't even cuddle though he managed a final purr in the taxi to the vets. Farewell Tubs :(

RIP Tubby :(

Talking of tubby, I've just weighed my cats. Loki weighs 10lbs and Bubbles weighs 12. 12!! :eek: I've started cutting down on the ever-full dry food bowl :oops:
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Very sad to hear of kitties that have passed on and welcome to gorgeous Bonnie!

Have any of your cats encountered snow so far this year? We only had a light dusting, but surprisingly, Breeze wasn't that keen. Didn't have so much as a flake last winter so I had no idea how she'd respond. Usually she's fine with rain, with water generally, but after a very quick patrol of the back garden, she beetled back into the house. Charlie's insistence that she play some silly dog game probably didn't help though. :)

When it snows, Jangles likes to shout at us to be let out, then she gingerly steps in it for a bit and comes running back in, shouting at us and generally being very displeased.

Usually she'll have a massive shit in protest.
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zooplus order arrived this afternoon. the contents are already lighter by almost a complete tin. madamme has already knocked over 4 things, i'm guessing clumsyness is food induced stupor.
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My old cats hated snow - very very freaked out by it. They'd go to the window and turn back to me as if to say 'wtf is this white shit everywhere?!'

The boys haven't seen it yet. I suspect their reaction will be much the same. I do like the cold weather for making cats extra cuddly though :)
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((Tubby)) I really like grey cats and the huge personalities that they have. Don't tell my mostly black and white lot that though.

Bonnie is gorgeous!

My mob protest about snow. They take it in turns to cat flap watch and then hard stare at me as if I can make it stop. When I don't they try for the world record for fastest cat crap ever.
Yes, sorry to hear about Tubby, he looked like a super cat.

I had to decamp to the spare room last night because of MrT's snoring (had an essay deadline so was stressing and needed to get up v early), and Mousch decided to keep me company. Clearly the snoring was too much for her too.
Loancat's another snow hater who holds his people personally responsible for the white stuff and will tell them vocally he's not happy about it.
RIP Tubby :( What a gorgeous boy.

I am starting to think that our new cat is a little bit stupid :D

View attachment 66422
Those eyes!

Cats have a thing about bags. My lot have a thing for paper bags. Did I ever report the incident of Wilbur and the Primark bag? After some playing he managed to wear the bag like a scarf causing mayhem and confusion to himself and crossed legs laughter for me. He wedged himself in the cat flap, legs flapping and the bag flailing behind him. After I stopped crying and he skulked back in later I cut all handles off paper bags whenever I gift them to them as it was funny but quite dangerous on reflection.

I might make a tiny Moma of cats suggestion of slitting the handles and popping a bigger hole in the bottom which you can ignore of course. Still they are comedy creatures :)
I can just picture that Mogden :D As I've said before, I've always had old cats so am really enjoying the lunacy of a younger one (apart from when she's noisily rolling batteries under our bedroom door at 4am :confused: I don't even know where she found them - maybe she has opposable thumbs :confused: ). Having said that, our last cat was so fat at one point that he got stuck in the cat flap. That was cool.
I can just picture that Mogden :D As I've said before, I've always had old cats so am really enjoying the lunacy of a younger one (apart from when she's noisily rolling batteries under our bedroom door at 4am :confused: I don't even know where she found them - maybe she has opposable thumbs :confused: ). Having said that, our last cat was so fat at one point that he got stuck in the cat flap. That was cool.
I've had 2 startled cats wedged in the cat flap together :D So many good stories!

Why is it generic household items are the ultimate in cat entertainment at 3 in the morning?
I've had 2 startled cats wedged in the cat flap together :D So many good stories!

Why is it generic household items are the ultimate in cat entertainment at 3 in the morning?


Yes! I do not know. She's so fucking noisy at night that I genuinely don't think we'd notice if someone had broken in.

Orang Utan I don't know about angry posh cat story but it sounds good - is it on this thread somewhere?
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