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Your daily cat and kitten news

Were still both feeling very raw at the moment - there's a massive cat shaped hole in both of our lives - we lost Jess and Rusty earlier. Now previously I've had a fairly strict one cat in one cat out policy revolving around 3 cats - but with Bob being such a scaredy cat getting other cats when we lost the other 2 simply wasn't an option - so this is the first time in over 30 years when I've been catless - and it's not pleasant at all

We live in an old house and it makes noises - some are very similar to the noises Bob used to make when he came upstairs for his bed time cuddle and sleep. I've also heard the cat flap clicking last night - which it can't as it's locked closed to stop visitors coming in (granted that's how Calvin got Hobbes - and to a certain extent how I acquired Bob all those years ago but it's not really fair on other cat owners)

So now were in the market for a selection of cats to share our home with

Where we used to live in Weston-super-Mare we lived at a No 3 - so 3 cats became the 3 from 3

We now live at a No 24 :eek:

And what's the official unit of kittens? - do they come in baskets, bushels or buckets - "A bucket full of kittens my good man" does have a certain ring to it

But as with all things cat shaped - you don't choose them, they choose you. Mrs Voltz aka izz has for her heart set on several but from past experience I know that you know which one has chosen you and if it's a small pack of cats or one single sweetie then that's the way it's got to be - I know that izz wants a cat that's "hers" - one that will sit on her lap and sit on her side of the bed and have night time cuddles with her and I'm sure we'll find that animal
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High Voltage and izz - I'm sure that cat-shaped holes will soon be filled, I don't know where you are IRL, but I'm equally sure that there will be a rescue centre looking for you.

When I lost Flora, my first cat, it wasn't long before Hilli was rescued (as runts are not popular, but she's been a character) and I'll be doing the same again soon.
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Oh RIP lovely Bob and massive condolences to you High Voltage and izz :( It's so hard to adjust to a catless home. I was in a similar position last year and knew I wanted a cat, but didn't go looking for one because I knew one would find us. And she did. I hope you can take comfort in all the love and care you gave Bob, and a moggie that needs a new home comes your way soon.
A friend saw this at Cincinnati Airport..

Thanks all for your condolences - each day that passes the pain gets a little tiny bit less - still at the welling up stage mind so got a goodly way to go

On the positive side - We've got calls into 2 local re-homing organisations and there's a third, much bigger one on the way into Bristol that allows drop in visits - so that's going to be on the list to visit as well

Let's see what happens over the next weeks and months
The Taxcat had an especially successful day yesterday.

I bought some tins of tuna. She promptly taxed an entire tin of tuna before I got to have any, sitting there loudly slurping and smacking her lips as she ate what was supposed to have been the filling in MY tuna sandwich. The one I didn't get to have because she'd appropriated the filling thereof.

In desperation later that evening, and hoping to finish a late night snack unmolested, I sneak off to the bedroom with a steak sandwich.

I end up eating only HALF the steak contained therein.
the one benefit is that she went out all night, rather than climbing under the duvet with us. this damn creature has gone as far as to dig her claws into the sleeve of my shirt to pin it in place so it makes her a comfy pillow.
. I've also heard the cat flap clicking last night - which it can't as it's locked closed to stop visitors coming in (granted that's how Calvin got Hobbes

I thought a trap and a tuna sandwich was involved?

And what's the official unit of kittens? - do they come in baskets, bushels or buckets - "A bucket full of kittens my good man" does have a certain ring to it

the unit of kittens is a box, e.g.


although i think you can specify a small, medium or large box

i hope a nice kitteh (or nice kittehs) adopts you soon
seeing as madamme has been nesting under the covers so much an in the hopes of a good night's sleep, a cat igloo was purchased today. i know what you're thinking, but this time you're wrong. it will work. i have faith

Ha! Ha! Hahahaha Ha! :D

The "only" way you'll get this to work is if you put the igloo underneath the covers on the bed, making her sleeping arrangements even more awkward for you than simply sleeping under the covers

And again, have you kept the receipt and the box?
Ha! Ha! Hahahaha Ha! :D

The "only" way you'll get this to work is if you put the igloo underneath the covers on the bed, making her sleeping arrangements even more awkward for you than simply sleeping under the covers

And again, have you kept the receipt and the box?

i actually stuck loads of treats in it and they are still fuicking there.

but it was a charity shop purchase, only a couple of quid and if she really, really dosen't take it, then i'll give it to my mother for the cats she stole from me
The other day my office mate and I were discussing the comparative sociology of the occult in early modern Europe and contemporary Africa.

I noticed that a large black cat had arrived and parked itself outside our office door (the office opens out onto a terrace, for all the desperate smokers).

"Nah, it's cool", my colleague said, "he's got plenty of white fur as well".
This is my cat Layla and she is starting to do some odd things. I am worried she might be getting dementia as she approaches her 13th Birthday. Symptoms include late night wailing, erratic movement/pouncing and a new penchant for having a wee in the hall way on the post. I hope she is ok, I love her so much.

Why does One-eyed-cat sleep on the hard floor under the sofa bed? There is a lovely snugly felted wool blanket provided on the sofa, which he was delighted by for weeks. He's now sleeping underneath the sofa bed, on the hard wood floor. There isn't a central heating pipe under there or anything. The room is quiet. He doesn't seem unwell or depressed in any way at all. I think he's just being contrary (being a cat, y'know...)
This is my cat Layla and she is starting to do some odd things. I am worried she might be getting dementia as she approaches her 13th Birthday. Symptoms include late night wailing, erratic movement/pouncing and a new penchant for having a wee in the hall way on the post. I hope she is ok, I love her so much.

Might be worth a vet visit or at least phone call. Could be a UTI?
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