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. . . Again anyone here with views on what point to do the inevitable, I've never had to do this before...

You'll know - - - I don't know how you'll know but you will

Unfortunately, over the last few years I've had to make the call 3 times = the first time with Jess was a real heart breaker - I called the vet out so she could be pts at home and the first time he came out he simply said "No, it's not her time yet"

Then a few weeks later, she was outside, and she wobbled a bit when she walked in - that was it for me

She wasn't in pain or suffering but I just "knew"

Same with Rusty - not in pain but had a far away look and I just knew that it was her time

The only one I slipped up a bit on was Bob - he was at the vets having some treatment which wasn't working so the vet called me to make the call - I should have gone to the vets to have seen him off but I didn't that's my one regret with Bob

You know your cat you'll know when it's time
Batboy it's about quality of life, obviously. There's no reason a cat with missing/no teeth can't enjoy normal food once their gums have healed. Once upon a time I had a geriatric cat with no teeth at all and see loved cat biscuits.

There's a dictum: better a day too soon than a day too late. If it's not clear to you about whether your pet is enjoying a normal life and pain-free life, I suggest taking a vet's advice. Has the vet seen this eye infection?

At the end of their lives cats generally take themselves off to somewhere private and quiet. By that time, it's often too late to intervene and bring their lives to an end gently and kindly.
Those last about five minutes in our house High Voltage. My cats go absolutely mad for them

They do a deal of 3 for not very much money at all - there's some more on there way to Chez Voltagé - also a, what can only be described as a Heavy Duty cat baiting tool as well as some luxury eats for the boys
That's where we ended up, she's still hanging in. It's difficult to know at what point to take her to be euthanised.

She's still eating but spends virtually all the time curled up in a ball in the clothes basket, she's lost most of her teeth and is on a diet of soft food and steroid medication, I've just noticed her left eye is now infected, it's incredibly sad, I doubt she has more than two to three weeks, it's really shit to watch and we feel so helpless.

Again anyone here with views on what point to do the inevitable, I've never had to do this before...
I think people always say that you know when it's time...:( But think of it as a good life, well-lived, and then help her to a gentle ending.
Batboy, how does she seem in herself ? Is she enjoying a fuss still ? Can she move around ok - can she make it to the litter tray ?

You could try gently wiping the infected eye with a cold used teabag, that's still quite wet, this was recommended to us by a vet and its a good first aid thing if getting her to a vet is difficult or you notice it when the surgery's closed.
They do a deal of 3 for not very much money at all - there's some more on there way to Chez Voltagé - also a, what can only be described as a Heavy Duty cat baiting tool as well as some luxury eats for the boys
Oh I know but it's getting rid of the sodding sticks afterwards. I have to keep the spare ones locked in the boiler cupboard because it's the only one I don't open very often :D

Batboy it's about quality of life, obviously. There's no reason a cat with missing/no teeth can't enjoy normal food once their gums have healed. Once upon a time I had a geriatric cat with no teeth at all and see loved cat biscuits.

There's a dictum: better a day too soon than a day too late. If it's not clear to you about whether your pet is enjoying a normal life and pain-free life, I suggest taking a vet's advice. Has the vet seen this eye infection?

At the end of their lives cats generally take themselves off to somewhere private and quiet. By that time, it's often too late to intervene and bring their lives to an end gently and kindly.

We have been in out of the vets for last two months . the eye infection has come up over the last 36 hours , I have swabbed her and I am taking to vets tomorrow. I am hoping that they are not going to suggest she is PTS tomorrow as my partner is away until Friday and I know she would be upset at not saying goodbye. She seems to be going downhill pretty rapidly, its very upsetting to watch,
Batboy, how does she seem in herself ? Is she enjoying a fuss still ? Can she move around ok - can she make it to the litter tray ?

You could try gently wiping the infected eye with a cold used teabag, that's still quite wet, this was recommended to us by a vet and its a good first aid thing if getting her to a vet is difficult or you notice it when the surgery's closed.

she can get around and to the litter tray or to food, its like she wants to rest all the time, she has moved to 3 different sleeping locations. I can stroke her and she purrs, she's never been the most tactile cat she's quite nervey ( not made better by our territorial tom cat).
the tumour is in her gums/jawbone I've managed to clear the gunk with tissue soaked in warm water but it is clear that the tumour is putting pressure on her eye, she is quite subdued.
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I think people always say that you know when it's time...:( But think of it as a good life, well-lived, and then help her to a gentle ending.

I know, but it's hard because you just keep thinking the opposite i.e. trying to find away to make her better keep her alive etc.

I fear I am going to have to make the decision before my partner returns on Friday and I know that is going to open a lot of pain for her because when her Mother died she was also on a work trip and she didn't make it back in time to say goodbye to her.
Batboy, I am so sorry to hear that your cat is in poor health :(
If it were me in the position of being away, I would be upset that my cat had gone while I was away, but I would be upset about it anyway. I'd be infinitely more upset if I thought my cat had been suffering whilst waiting for me to come home. Have you been in contact with your partner and discussed it? I do think you ought to try to reach a consensus with him/her if possible. That is my take on it anyway, but you are the one looking after the cat so only you can make that call. Best wishes to you and your cat xxx :(
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I know, but it's hard because you just keep thinking the opposite i.e. trying to find away to make her better keep her alive etc.

I fear I am going to have to make the decision before my partner returns on Friday and I know that is going to open a lot of pain for her because when her Mother died she was also on a work trip and she didn't make it back in time to say goodbye to her.
One nice thing might be to ask the vet to do a home visit for the event. It will cost you £100 (or so) more than normal but, if you have the money, it's a lovely thing to be able to do, both for yourselves and your cat.
Batboy, I am so sorry to hear that your cat is in poor health :(
If it were me in the position of being away, I would be upset that my cat had gone while I was away, but I would be upset about it anyway. I'd be infinitely more upset if I thought my cat had been suffering whilst waiting for me to come home. Have you been in contact with your partner and discussed it? I do think you ought to try to reach a consensus with him/her if possible. That is my take on it anyway, but you are the one looking after the cat so only you can make that call. Best wishes to you and your cat xxx :(

I was in this position last year - Mr QOTH was away and our cat was dying of kidney failure.We talked about what to do, and as the person on duty at home, the decision was very much in my hands as to whether it was time or not. Poor old thing managed to hang on, until we could say goodbye to him together - he was in the vets being given I/V fluids which was keeping him alive and relatively comfortable. I wouldn't have wanted to do it alone to be honest, we were both in bits when the time came.

If your cat is comfortable (and especially if the vets can treat her eyes and maintain her in a pain-free state for a little longer) I'd be tempted to hang on, but really, you'll know what to do and your partner will understand whatever you decide.
Really sorry to hear about this batboy - it's a horrible decision to have to make. Have you been able to talk to your partner about the situation?
We have had to give junior cat a bath. He came to us at just under 8 weeks (he's now 8 months) and I wonder if he just never really learned how to wash himself properly - he'd let himself get properly stinky. Senior cat, like most cats, invests a lot of time in keeping himself looking magnificent but his example is not being followed. I was hoping he might at least give junior a bit of an extra lick as cohabiting cats do sometimes but he's having none of that.

Has anyone else ever had a cat with terrible personal hygeine? He was surprisingly tolerant of being washed and we all got through the experience without anyone losing an eye but it's not something I'd want to make a habit of.
Due to age and lack of teeth etc I've had to bath Jess probably half a dozen times and Bob had to be bathed just the once - in ALL cases I was fearing the worst but in each case the cat just sat in the sink of warm water and allowed me to get on with it

We've got a double sink so both sinks were filled with nicely warm water - the cats in question were simply plonked into the water and then a jug was used to get them wet all apart form their heads. From memory, for Jess we used a kitten shampoo, working on the logic that it should be nice and gentle but that didn't really work so the next time we used a drop or two of Ecover washing up liquid - this brought her coat up lovely, didn't cause any skin flaking like the kitten shampoo did and all in all was much better all around - and for Bob I used some human very gentle soap, seem to remember that it had olive oil as a base ingredient

Granted I never had to bathe Rusty - which would have been a challenge

For clarity the double sink was used to washed with soap and the other was used to rinse the cat off - I had pictures somewhere of Jess sat in the sink, piss wet through not being held onto at all - if it wasn't for the fact that she was quite ill at the time it would be highly amusing
I caught my cat robbing from a nest today :mad::( I saw her watching the birds in the hedge, then she must have waited till the parents were gone, snuck up and stole an egg. She was halfway through eating it when I caught her. Beast :( She turned up the other morning with blood on her fur too - not her own. I hate this time of year with cats.
One nice thing might be to ask the vet to do a home visit for the event. It will cost you £100 (or so) more than normal but, if you have the money, it's a lovely thing to be able to do, both for yourselves and your cat.

Thats a good idea... thanks
Really sorry to hear about this batboy - it's a horrible decision to have to make. Have you been able to talk to your partner about the situation?

just got off the phone to her. I'm going to vets tomorrow to see what they say.... this is turning into a really shitty week.
Well that was heartbreaking, emotional, surreal and quite stressful. But necessary .

The stressful bits were telling my girlfriend who is out of the country that our cat was going to be euthanised and then an incident that occurred as I left my house this morning.

As I went out to the street, I found my elderly neighbour (80 yo) lying in the road after he has come off his moped. We called the ambulance and cajoled him to stay conscious as he slipped in and out, at one point I thought we were going to lose him. I know his medical history and it is not good - heart problems, lung problems, pneumonia, MRSA you name it he's gone through it and nearly not made it through.

So it's rush hour and the ambulance has taking ages I am already over anxious as I have the vet booked and I'm not really looking forward to it. I have the cat waiting to be killed and my neighbour looking like he is about to die in front of my eyes.

Eventually after 40 minutes the ambulance gets here. He has stabilised and I am now off to hospital to see him. I am truly hoping this has happy ending.

On Friday I have funeral to go to.

Shit week is a gross understatement.
I'm getting through thanks. Neighbour is still in hospital, he had to have plastic surgery in leg wounds from bike accident. I think he is stable, would like to see him out of hospital as in last visit he nearly died after catching MRSA.

We had Coco cremated and I'm planning a little memorial in our garden where we will scatter ashes around a coco tree we are going to plant.

I'm just off to help with preparations for tomorrow's funeral of Alan Cartwright. I'll be glad when this week is through.
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