High Voltage
In the top 97% of Urban's most interesting posters
. . . Again anyone here with views on what point to do the inevitable, I've never had to do this before...
You'll know - - - I don't know how you'll know but you will
Unfortunately, over the last few years I've had to make the call 3 times = the first time with Jess was a real heart breaker - I called the vet out so she could be pts at home and the first time he came out he simply said "No, it's not her time yet"
Then a few weeks later, she was outside, and she wobbled a bit when she walked in - that was it for me
She wasn't in pain or suffering but I just "knew"
Same with Rusty - not in pain but had a far away look and I just knew that it was her time
The only one I slipped up a bit on was Bob - he was at the vets having some treatment which wasn't working so the vet called me to make the call - I should have gone to the vets to have seen him off but I didn't that's my one regret with Bob
You know your cat you'll know when it's time