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Treading a fine line between promoting a product and performing a public service announcement to cat servers - especially indoor ones or ones which still prefer to have an inside privy

Now, it's not cheap but as I spend 20-30 minutes each day sorting out 3 cats "facilities" it does have a certain appeal as a labour saving device

Sorry in advance for the American accent
Condolences, Batboy.
discobastard - this is semi-officially called "meerkatting" by cat people and is not out of the ordinary. (or perhaps that's just what your soon-to-be-bipedal furry overlords want you to think.). My loancat does it too. very disconcerting at first...
Today, this happened. Should I be worried?
View attachment 70279

cat is taking the mickey

Thanks everyone for your comments. She' at peace now we miss her terribly,
What I have learnt is the need for regular check ups on dental hygiene. This may pick up on oral cancers earlier which is quite common in cats, I never realised this, you sort of assume you take a cat to a vet when they are ill, not when they appear fine. RIP Coco ximage.jpg
Thanks everyone for your comments. She' at peace now we miss her terribly,
What I have learnt is the need for regular check ups on dental hygiene. This may pick up on oral cancers earlier which is quite common in cats, I never realised this, you sort of assume you take a cat to a vet when they are ill, not when they appear fine. RIP Coco xView attachment 70325
She's lovely, RIP Coco
Gorgeous, gorgeous cat. It's ridiculous how much you can miss a small animal (although she looks like a lovely big beast). Hope the funeral went as ok as these things can.
Let FiFi out on the lead again, today - naturally she was out of it fairly quickly, only this time I let her have a good walk around - Mrs Voltz was not quite so relaxed about the event, but all I did was let her walk around, keep her in view and let her know where I was and she came home all safe and sound

Except now, we've created a monster who wants to get out at every opportunity

Just got to teach her how to use the cat flap and she'll be "good to go"
Thanks everyone for your comments. She' at peace now we miss her terribly,
What I have learnt is the need for regular check ups on dental hygiene. This may pick up on oral cancers earlier which is quite common in cats, I never realised this, you sort of assume you take a cat to a vet when they are ill, not when they appear fine. RIP Coco xView attachment 70325

I'm sorry for your loss, beautiful cat, all you can really do is try to give them the best possible life - even with regular vet checkups there is no guarantee that things will be picked up, it's not as if they do an MRI scan at an annual checkup or anything. Hope your neighbour makes a good recovery.
Treading a fine line between promoting a product and performing a public service announcement to cat servers - especially indoor ones or ones which still prefer to have an inside privy

Now, it's not cheap but as I spend 20-30 minutes each day sorting out 3 cats "facilities" it does have a certain appeal as a labour saving device

Sorry in advance for the American accent

Where's the toilet rolls?
pogofish - love it!

Hilli has not been that fussed over catnip (toys) although her predecessor was something of an addict for catnip. I dried some for her .............. but had trouble growing anything like enough.
Phew! Just back from the vet with Sachin. You may remember him from such episodes as "Moma I think I ran into a stick and now my eye hurts" and "I'm a guts and will eat anything and now my teeth hurt". So today, gum trouble again. He's been a bit dribbly but I kinda expected that with his gnashers missing. However there has been a noise to his eating in the last week or so, a grinding noise like 2 stones rubbing together. I could have sworn he was hiding a stone in his cheek and using it to grind food. Trying to look at his mouth resulted in serious injury to me and a grumpy Sachin.

Over the weekend I noticed he was smaller, not a surprise at this time of year as it's shed the winter coat time, but I could feel his backbone rather too much, he's dipping in at the back and his fur isn't clean. So off to the vet today for an MOT. He's 8 so he's had a blood draw for a "senior" check and a shot of antibiotics and steroids for the teeth and red gums he grinned at the nurse but massacred my arm when i tried to do. He was the perfect feline tart on the table! So they suspect just his teeth but might be his thyroid or kidneys. I said I'd rather know now than leave it. So after a week and a bit of hiding from me cos he knows I know his teeth aren't right but I couldn't get close enough to see how wrong they were, he's back to softy mode. Blood results tomorrow!
Bloody hell - but that was tense

We've given FiFi a few unsupervised let outs into the garden over the weekend and continuing to when I get home. This evening was no exception, she's pushing how far she goes away and how long she stays away - to put this in context, tonights adventure was about 45 minutes

Then we fed her and I took up some eats for the boys. All seemed calm so once again I left the door to the boys room open to let them come out for a wander around

FiFi's in her usual place on her cat tree and the next thing I hear is a gentle cat hissing, I look up and Clive's got his head poking through the bannisters having a good old look around - FiFi stay's put and Clive comes down into the living room - a bit of swearing from FiFi but she stay's put - Clive continues his walk around - I stopped him marking in FiFi's box but he didn't run away when I clapped my hands together more of a look up and stopped - both cats were in the living room for a good 10-15 minutes with nothing more than a bit of swearing and hissing - so for a first meeting I think it went pretty damn well

<and breathe>
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