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Sorry to report that the Hilli cat is a bit off colour.
She now has to put up with being fed a pill twice a day (No need for welding gauntlets, yet) as the vet has diagnosed hyperthyroidism. At almost 17 she has had a good innings already, so we'll see how she is in a few weeks.
Porn on the tablet - she was typing on the laptop - IT Cat <proudz>

I've even taught her how to clear browser history ;)
Sorry to report that the Hilli cat is a bit off colour.
She now has to put up with being fed a pill twice a day (No need for welding gauntlets, yet) as the vet has diagnosed hyperthyroidism. At almost 17 she has had a good innings already, so we'll see how she is in a few weeks.

So sorry to hear this StoneRoad, as you say though 17 is a pretty good knock, and now it's all about spending what time you've got with her and making sure she's happy and pain and stress free - it's never nice but this is, I feel, the most important time (not the most fun, obviously) of having a pet in your life and that's the decisions you have to make now and over the coming weeks and months and getting them all right, which I'm sure you will

So here's to Hilli and her twice a day pill fest - long may it continue :)
Thanks High Voltage - Hilli is quite laid back about being medicated and I had a vet teach me some tricks many years ago. She swears but I'm quick (and after x3/day fluid by mouth for 4mths about 15 yrs ago, she knows she'll not win by fighting). It is a bit too soon to tell if it is working, but I hope so. She is relaxed enough atm.
Over the years, I have dosed various cats with their pills. This experience leads me to conclude that basically you need to get said tablet to the back of the tongue and encourage swallowing. I know that is easily said ! but I once said to a friend, the owner of a cat with a rep as difficult for tablets, that the cat was having her medication my way (easy), or my way(less easy) - she had her tablets.
I start off just with hands (one to hold head / open jaws and use the other to pop in the tablet) - working up to the heavy towel cocoon with assistant. If the straight approach is difficult, I sometimes go in from the side of the mouth, and Hilli gets some food in jelly as a reward / distraction to stop her spitting it out.
Only had to cocoon one cat for antibiotics (short course, thankfully). And not one of mine, even more thankfully. But by the end of course the level of swearing was somewhat reduced.
At least Ben de-dog eats his without complaint ......
I keep apologising to our youngest cat.

Not only did I forget it was her tenth birthday yesterday (due to election maelstrom) she also got a tory government as a present.
So Breeze went to the fur dressers today :)

Despite the expression, she was actually amazingly patient and calm. Had no idea what she'd be like.

Afterwards, she enjoyed meeting the groomer's dogs - "proper dogs" to her! (Unfortunately just had the pocket camera so missed some good Kodak moments.)

I can actually see her feet now - less furry, but still pretty huge. At least she won't be able to do the Risky Business sliding dance down the hall for a while! :D



square Breeze meets some proper dogs at the fur dressers, 8 May 15-001.jpg
My cat caught a mouse today which was great because she enjoys it, the not so great part was realising she had managed to jam a bit of mouse under the skirtingboard and I was going to have to poke it out, the really unpleasant bit was realising the mouse had been pregnant because out came two mice foetuses. It was icky, luckily a search of the hallway didn't turn up any more corpses, you can go right off the furry little buggers sometimes :)
My cat caught a mouse today which was great because she enjoys it, the not so great part was realising she had managed to jam a bit of mouse under the skirtingboard and I was going to have to poke it out, the really unpleasant bit was realising the mouse had been pregnant because out came two mice foetuses. It was icky, luckily a search of the hallway didn't turn up any more corpses, you can go right off the furry little buggers sometimes :)
OMG! My partner once squished a dead mouse under his bare foot while walking to the loo in the middle of the night but I think your story's as bad.
Over the years, I have dosed various cats with their pills. This experience leads me to conclude that basically you need to get said tablet to the back of the tongue and encourage swallowing. I know that is easily said ! but I once said to a friend, the owner of a cat with a rep as difficult for tablets, that the cat was having her medication my way (easy), or my way(less easy) - she had her tablets.
I start off just with hands (one to hold head / open jaws and use the other to pop in the tablet) - working up to the heavy towel cocoon with assistant. If the straight approach is difficult, I sometimes go in from the side of the mouth, and Hilli gets some food in jelly as a reward / distraction to stop her spitting it out.

It was on these very boards that someone suggested Arden Grange Liver Paste which is thick and can be rolled into a ball and you can stick your pill in the middle and cats love it...
So Breeze went to the fur dressers today :)

Despite the expression, she was actually amazingly patient and calm. Had no idea what she'd be like.

Afterwards, she enjoyed meeting the groomer's dogs - "proper dogs" to her! (Unfortunately just had the pocket camera so missed some good Kodak moments.)

I can actually see her feet now - less furry, but still pretty huge. At least she won't be able to do the Risky Business sliding dance down the hall for a while! :D



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I am amazed that H&S regs don't require full body armour to be worn when attempting to give a kitty a haircut...
Any suggestions for mini meat wet food? Sachin can't manage the stuff I give the brood and it set his teeth recovery back. He also can't handle chunky wet food and, ashamed as I am by it, he's on that tiny meaty bits Sheba stuff as I've been too knackered to comprehend sorting out a better option. He's gagging and spewing big chunks hence the need for little delicate bits.
Try some of the many pate ones - they're very soft and easy to digest - Jess when she was getting over having all of her teef out managed quite well on them
Try some of the many pate ones - they're very soft and easy to digest - Jess when she was getting over having all of her teef out managed quite well on them
Cool. Any recommendations on makes? I'd at least like a half decent brand rather then continuing with his McDonalds diet unless someone knows Sheba is super good for them (!)
My cat caught a mouse today which was great because she enjoys it, the not so great part was realising she had managed to jam a bit of mouse under the skirtingboard and I was going to have to poke it out, the really unpleasant bit was realising the mouse had been pregnant because out came two mice foetuses. It was icky, luckily a search of the hallway didn't turn up any more corpses, you can go right off the furry little buggers sometimes :)
Mate of mine's cat legged it into the house past her, then came back carrying *half* a bird.....
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I am amazed that H&S regs don't require full body armour to be worn when attempting to give a kitty a haircut...
I think they were amazed how good she was as well. Never in my life did I imagine I'd watch a cat having its armpits shaved! :D
Cool. Any recommendations on makes? I'd at least like a half decent brand rather then continuing with his McDonalds diet unless someone knows Sheba is super good for them (!)
Nature's menu pouches don't have "bits" but are even softer than a pate. You can get them at Pets at Home now. They do a senior one as well which I think is extra soft. Applaws also does a pate, although I don't think it's a complete. Lily's kitchen is also sort of pate like, but Breeze won't even sniff that. Matter of taste I suppose.


Breeze in "please can I have another tin of that expensive food, they are rather small you know" mode.
Thanks High Voltage - Hilli is quite laid back about being medicated and I had a vet teach me some tricks many years ago. She swears but I'm quick (and after x3/day fluid by mouth for 4mths about 15 yrs ago, she knows she'll not win by fighting). It is a bit too soon to tell if it is working, but I hope so. She is relaxed enough atm.

The household consensus is that Hilli is much better already - still eating and drinking like she expects Gideon to tax the stuff - with some slight weight gain and fur (despite a moult in progress) coming back into condition. Apparently, I'm still the slave from hell because of the tablets, this morning I needed the aid of a towel as I was running a bit late and not wanting to faff about - although the food reward / bribe was eaten quickly. And I got a headbutt and purr when checking the bowl (just in case she dropped the tablet ......... )
Nature's menu pouches don't have "bits" but are even softer than a pate. You can get them at Pets at Home now. They do a senior one as well which I think is extra soft. Applaws also does a pate, although I don't think it's a complete. Lily's kitchen is also sort of pate like, but Breeze won't even sniff that. Matter of taste I suppose.


Breeze in "please can I have another tin of that expensive food, they are rather small you know" mode.
I'll go and stock up on a few for the old boy then and see which one is favourite. He's been neglecting his grooming too so I'm thinking of packing him off for a wash and brush up as it would require chain mail for me to do it. He's much better than he was but still rakish in stature and not great with his fur.
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I'll go and stock up on a few for the old boy then and see which one is favourite. He's been neglecting his grooming too so I'm thinking of packing him off for a wash and brush up as it would require chain mail for me to do it. He's much better than he was but still rakish in stature and not great with his fur.

If you've not explored the wonder that is zoo plus then I suggest you do so - they've got a huge range of all sorts of stuff - not just for cats but, hey, who in their right mind looks at stinky d.o.g. stuff (sorry CRI :p)
StoneRoad - you seem to take a similar approach to me when it comes to medication - "this is going to happen whether you like it or not, so let's just get it over with as quickly as possible". Mine are all fairly easy to handle so I have never had to go the cocoon route, I kneel and place the cat between my knees facing away from me, because usually when they try to get out of being pilled they kind of try to crawl backwards. Sorry mate, nowhere to go. You can either take the pill or you can take the pill, there is no third option.

What is going on with my own cats - Radar had his 9th birthday last week. I am considering setting up a microphone to find out whether Jakey purrs when I am *not* near him. Because fuck me that cat seems to purr if I so much as look at him.
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