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I hope Bubbles turns up soon! (Do not be embarrassed about the name, 2 of mine are Radar and Sonic, I named them and I am an adult).

Have you asked all your neighbours to look in sheds/garages? - he could just be shut in somewhere.
I hope Bubbles turns up soon! (Do not be embarrassed about the name, 2 of mine are Radar and Sonic, I named them and I am an adult).

Have you asked all your neighbours to look in sheds/garages? - he could just be shut in somewhere.
Not yet - will make some flyers this morning and drop them round people's houses
Not yet - will make some flyers this morning and drop them round people's houses

Cool, just make sure everyone opens up their shed and has a quick look around to check for your cat. If he is chipped, make sure to contact the chip company. Phone round local rescues in case he is brought in. Phone round local vets too so they can be on the lookout if anyone brings him in. Is he/she neutered/spayed?
Cool, just make sure everyone opens up their shed and has a quick look around to check for your cat. If he is chipped, make sure to contact the chip company. Phone round local rescues in case he is brought in. Phone round local vets too so they can be on the lookout if anyone brings him in. Is he/she neutered/spayed?
He's neutered and chipped and registered with both local vets. I will call rescues too but they're shut today but have put a thing on local facebook. I'm going on a flier/poster run now - have asked people to look in their sheds. I've called him outside every single garage/shed I can see from the street but nothing yet
He has no favourite noisy toy. I've rattled biscuits but tbh, if he was somewhere near enough to hear and able to, he'd come home. My cats are real homebodies - they never go out for more than a couple of hours at a time.

I did find out from one neighbour that the house opposite us with the very overgrown garden has been repossessed and they had an open house there on Saturday. So I'm hopeful he's trapped in there but can't ring the estate agents until tomorrow. It's boarded up with metal doors and I shouted through but couldn't hear him. But he's never been much of a miaower
I hope you have good news soon trashpony. We have had cats go missing before only for them to turn up long after I've given up hope. They do tend to get shut in places, one of ours got shut in one of the new build houses here which was being used as a show home.
If he had come to harm you would probably know about it by now. I've got everything crossed for Bubbles x
My mum said that if he were dead, he'd have been taken to the vet so I'd know. I hope she's right. I found myself hoping for massive vet bills in the night. It would be better than not seeing him again
My mum said that if he were dead, he'd have been taken to the vet so I'd know. I hope she's right. I found myself hoping for massive vet bills in the night. It would be better than not seeing him again

That made me cry, I understand completely. I hope he just went exploring in the house that is for sale and was accidentally locked in. I'd prioritise calling the estate agent first thing.
Well the estate agent kindly went and had a look around the house but he's not in there. Off to do another leaflet drop. I've called all the vets so he's on their registers. One of them told me to call the council as they keep a record of 'found' animals from the streets but I don't think I can bear to do that just yet :(
Well the estate agent kindly went and had a look around the house but he's not in there. Off to do another leaflet drop. I've called all the vets so he's on their registers. One of them told me to call the council as they keep a record of 'found' animals from the streets but I don't think I can bear to do that just yet :(
I know a few people who have found their cats after doing leaflet/flyer blitzes in their neighbourhoods. It can take weeks but its clearly worth doing all the flyers. (the trashpony family - including felines)
The work cats. My lifestyle doesn't allow me to have my own and I've become very attached to them. They came from an animal rescue shelter, they were the most skitish animals in the place and my client thought they had mental health problems like her. Over time in the home they have become the most tolerant, friendly animals you could have ever wish for. Outside they are slowly devastating the local wildlife population. They are named after the Smiths. Which probably says something. I appear to have become their key workers.

This is Morrisey aka Moz. Lean ass killing machine who the local rabbit population fear. Rebels against us feeding him dry food by killing them almost daily. Got a stoat the other day, but I'm putting this more down to stupidity. Lets me pick him up like a baby with all his paws in the air and purrs deeply. Follows me round the house.

This is Marr (aka Bear). Bigger and stronger then his bro, but yet the more placid one. Due to his more aloof nature we put him down as the biggest killer initially, but I think he mostly just shares in the spoils. Harder to build the trust of, but now the home is more settled he regularly distracts me from my paperwork by trying to climb on my shoulders whilst I'm in the office, yet cant sit still on my lap.
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The work cats. My lifestyle doesn't allow me to have my own and I've become very attached to them. They came from an animal rescue shelter, they were the most skitish animals in the place and my client thought they had mental health problems like her. Over time in the home they have become the most tolerant, friendly animals you could have ever wish for. Outside they are slowly devastating the local wildlife population. They are named after the Smiths. Which probably says something. I appear to have become their key workers.

This is Morrisey aka Moz. Lean ass killing machine who the local rabbit population fear. Rebels against us feeding him dry food by killing them almost daily. Got a stoat the other day, but I'm putting this more down to stupidity. Lets me pick him up like a baby with all his paws in the air and purrs deeply. Follows me round the house.

This is Marr (aka Bear). Bigger and stronger then his bro, but yet the more placid one. Due to his more aloof nature we put him down as the biggest killer initially, but I think he mostly just shares in the spoils. Harder to build the trust of, but now the home is more settled he regularly distracts me from my paperwork by trying to climb on my shoulders whilst I'm in the office, yet cant sit still on my lap.
Those cats are lovely and where you work looks good too. I wouldn't mind going there every morning :)
Every time this thread gets an update I'm straight in hoping that Bubbles has turned up - having had Bob go walk-about twice for 3 days each I absolutely know what you are going through

Bob did get himself locked into a garage once and he was such a scaredy cat that even when the door was opened he was too frightened of the person opening the door to actually run out - so I had to go back a second time and ask them to leave the door open for quite some time
Every time this thread gets an update I'm straight in hoping that Bubbles has turned up - having had Bob go walk-about twice for 3 days each I absolutely know what you are going through

Bob did get himself locked into a garage once and he was such a scaredy cat that even when the door was opened he was too frightened of the person opening the door to actually run out - so I had to go back a second time and ask them to leave the door open for quite some time
:( I keep checking too. Hope he saunters in soon x
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