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Thank you all. Back from work for the final bit at 4. He had lots of chicken this morning, his most favourite thing in the world, and bugger me he's now eating crunchy biscuits. Makes me bleed inside cos that means he feels better but he's in no shape to go on. I have managed to trap Wilbur though and I'm hoping i can take both in, one for the you know what and one for the bite treatment.

Buggering bollocks to cancer :(
My lovely tissue fearing, leftover roast meat stealing, high 5ing, knows when the dinner is cooked boy is gone. It was actually quite peaceful and i think the build up was more traumatic. Bye Sachin. I have a spot for you on the sideboard x

Wilbur is full of rage and confusion. He has an abscess on his cheek, is house bound and drugged for a few days and is collared with something that would make me laugh ordinarily.
Awww, Mogden, so sorry about Sachin. And sympathies to Wilbur too ... is it wrong, in this moment of distress, that I did laugh a tiny tiny bit about your description of him as "full of rage and confusion" ?

(because obviously it's not amusing AT All when an animal suffers. But it can be a little ray of dark humour when cats look less than uber-cool, or when their loving owners tease them a bit.)
Don't feel guilty about Sachin, he was bathed in love and affection to the very end and his last meal was his very favourite. Everything you did was to keep him comfortable and secure. I hope the clouds lift really soon.
Awww, Mogden, so sorry about Sachin. And sympathies to Wilbur too ... is it wrong, in this moment of distress, that I did laugh a tiny tiny bit about your description of him as "full of rage and confusion" ?

(because obviously it's not amusing AT All when an animal suffers. But it can be a little ray of dark humour when cats look less than uber-cool, or when their loving owners tease them a bit.)
Don't feel guilty about Sachin, he was bathed in love and affection to the very end and his last meal was his very favourite. Everything you did was to keep him comfortable and secure. I hope the clouds lift really soon.
While the vet took Sachin out for his cathter for his injections i did laugh in a hysterical, snot bubbles but making me laugh way at Wilbur. He's super grumpy now and trying to get comfy.


I know it's not really the done thing to post a photo like that so soon after Sachin but i think my grief needs a smirk and he'd be the first to have a giggle at Wilbur's predicament.
(((Mogden))) I'm glad Wilbur's misfortune has made you smile on a sad day :)

Still no Bubbles. Loki has become a velcro cat, following me from room to room. He's really lonely :(
Mogden - so sorry, hugs to you.
I hope Wilbur recovers soon and can have the collar removed (I know how hard it was when one of my really active cats had to have a surgical collar).

trashpony - I hope to fuck that bubbles turns up soon, hopefully well and unharmed xxx
(((Mogden))) I'm glad Wilbur's misfortune has made you smile on a sad day :)

Still no Bubbles. Loki has become a velcro cat, following me from room to room. He's really lonely :(
Hi Trashpony,

Our Siamese disappeared about 2 yrs ago, after 3 weeks we'd just about given up all hope when someone knocked on our door to say she'd seen our cat in her garden.....nearly a mile away! She was thin and a bit wild but fine and had been hiding on a building site next door to the lady's garden.
What really helped is that we put about 500 fliers through people's letterboxes and stuck notices on just about every tree possible....and people were really helpful and we had lots of calls from complete strangers offering to help....

Don't give up hope....and GOOD LUCK, I know how awful it feels not knowing.
Thinking of everyone going through difficult cat-related times at the moment, hope the sad times fade and the memories are a comfort and hope Bubbles comes home soon.
Echoing the sadness about Sachin Mogden. So sorry to hear about that. Hope Wilbur heals soon

Paws still crossed for Bubbles, I remember a former Urb poster's cat went missing for ages a few years ago. She did a major and ongoing flyering campaign, and knocking on doors, and the cat eventually returned safely.
Thanks for all the kindness and good news stories. It's really helping me not to get too downhearted.

Did another 100 fliers today (and wtf is with those bristly letterboxes?! You can't get post through them :mad: ) The people I spoke to said they'd seen the posters and had looked in their sheds so that's good. A few posters have come loose in yesterday's winds so I'm going to secure those and do a few more and cover a wider area. I am now offering a REWARD so hoping that will encourage people to go and look in their sheds.
I once found a neighbour's cat hiding on my curtain rail in the spare bedroom. S/he had been there a while as when the owner came to fetch her/him s/he was quite thin.

Poor little thing had been terrified and made no noise.
There was a suspected sighting in the park. Someone called me, texted me a photo and held the cat in a lovelock until I got there.

It wasn't him :( but I have the WHOLE town looking for him now.

Bubbles - there is nowhere to hide. We will find you :cool: (the sea also cuts down potential escape routes tbf)

Even though it wasn't him, I am glad that people are on the lookout for him and helping.

Have you considered contacting the local radio station? They could make a brief announcement at the end of the news or something.
Is there a local FB page for lost animals, or a community page? We've got one here in Leytonstone and lost cats and dogs are always being posted, and also often found, which is particularly cheering.
Is there a local FB page for lost animals, or a community page? We've got one here in Leytonstone and lost cats and dogs are always being posted, and also often found, which is particularly cheering.

I have bombarded the town's various facebook pages as well as the lost cats page. One that was lost after Bubbles was found hiding in someone's back bedroom so people do look at it.

trashpony have you told your postman? Also, people here often put a photo poster up in the sorting office so all the town's posties will see it.

No but that is a brilliant idea! Our postie does a different route now so we get a variety of posties but I will print off a poster and drop it at the sorting office in the morning and try and waylay whoever's doing our route tomorrow too.
I had a dream this morning that he'd got stuck in the arm of my coat hanging on the back of the radiator and then there were two cats frolicking in the hall. <sob>

Four people asked me on the school run if he'd come home yet. I've become the town's mad cat lady :oops:
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