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hello millie

i am no longer good enough to providfe bed and breakfast and have to content myself with providing occasional breakfast service only. i've not seen madamme since yesterday morning, and that was only long enough for her to scoff half a bowl of food, then leg it. However, ti's warm, dry and there's a whole pub full of people for her to tart at and dry places to sleep and the local furry creatures to snack on. if I didn't see her at all for more than 4-5 days i'd pop over the pub to see if they had seen her. but she was only a few months old when she started fending for herself and she managed 18 months of that. so I shouldn't be that bothered for a while. mainlyi think she's sulking cause bakunin is away and is responding by not coming home much.
Mine managed to open the living room door and get out last night :mad: We shut them in there with a litterbox overnight as I don't like them being outside overnight and if they have the run of the house they'll bang on our door and try to sleep on our heads. I'm hoping this is a one off and I don't have to listen to them hurling themselves at the door handle to try again tonight
. . . I'm hoping this is a one off and I don't have to listen to them hurling themselves at the door handle to try again tonight

Have you had cats before? If you're hoping that they won't do, what I think is pretty much a 'racing certainty' - I suspect not

However, if you have had cats before and you're still asking this question - I suspect previous cats were incredibly well behaved

I've found it's a war of attrition with cats and the cat always has the most time

Rusty (RiP) at our old house spent HOURS flicking her paw under a thumb latch door to the "coal room" - could never figure out why she was doing this, until one day U came home from work to feed the cats and they were nowhere to be seen - there was, however, an open coal room door, a ripped open LARGE BAG OF CAT FOOD and lots of cat biscuits spilled out onto the floor - and bear in mind that Rusty wasn't particularly food focussed
Have you had cats before? If you're hoping that they won't do, what I think is pretty much a 'racing certainty' - I suspect not

However, if you have had cats before and you're still asking this question - I suspect previous cats were incredibly well behaved

I've found it's a war of attrition with cats and the cat always has the most time

Rusty (RiP) at our old house spent HOURS flicking her paw under a thumb latch door to the "coal room" - could never figure out why she was doing this, until one day U came home from work to feed the cats and they were nowhere to be seen - there was, however, an open coal room door, a ripped open LARGE BAG OF CAT FOOD and lots of cat biscuits spilled out onto the floor - and bear in mind that Rusty wasn't particularly food focussed

Nice one Rusty :)

I've had cats all my life! The suspected perpetrator in this instance is 13 years old. I know it's a vain hope and that I'm going to be listening to him banging the door for the next 2 weeks minimum :D
Has anyone out there any experience of badly socialised mogs ? I'm sure Mr Voltage has informed you all of the brothers we rehomed in March, so shy they wouldn't come out of hiding ? They're much better than they were but we do need to be able to handle them in case we need to get them to the vet but it just seems to be one step forward, one back at the moment. A few days ago they were coming to get treats but they seem to be back to where they were a few weeks ago now.

If anyone has any experience in this area I'd be glad to hear about it.
it returned this morning. I opened some of the expensive zooplyus stff that himself says she wouldn't eat for him. she scoffed the lot, and licked the dish clean. colour me supprised that she does actually like it, but plays awkward for the doormat in the family.

this was achieved by the simple expedient of not giving her any whiskers pouches for a few days. she's been out, she feeds herself and when she's in, she always has 2 bowls of dry food. shes not been starved. just not treated like the queen of fucking everything.
I very rarely have dreams that I can remember. Last night's dream, I was staying at mum-tat's house. I think we had been to some sort of event for cats protection (or similar - I'm a bit fuzzy about that bit)

The next thing was I opened the front door, and there was a family who had rounded up about a dozen stray cats and brought them round - along with a supply of cardboard boxes for them to sit in - and expected us to take them in.


I have spoken to mum this evening and no she hasn't acquired a load of stray cats today...
oh, and what's the current recomendation for flea stuff for her? and a recomended online supplier that isn'[t bank breaking.

Has anyone out there any experience of badly socialised mogs ? I'm sure Mr Voltage has informed you all of the brothers we rehomed in March, so shy they wouldn't come out of hiding ? They're much better than they were but we do need to be able to handle them in case we need to get them to the vet but it just seems to be one step forward, one back at the moment. A few days ago they were coming to get treats but they seem to be back to where they were a few weeks ago now.

If anyone has any experience in this area I'd be glad to hear about it.

stinkier treats. and play and patience.

and be at their level as much as possible while you try to offer treats. madamme ran from me until i lay down, then she started to approach. basically, get a book, lie on the floor, put treats near you. ignore cats. put next lot of treats closer. get a toy on a stick thing and just happen to play with it. ignore kitty, this is your toy. therefore it may interst her. another trick is to lie down and cover your body/lap with a blanket they will sit on. put treats on edge of blanket.

there's some stuff on the cats protection website, hidden somewhere in their education files (i think) about cats instinctive behavior, the woman who i've been talking to that organises cat care talks for schools and stuff, recommended it as good, even if you think you know cats really well. cause im going to do some talks for her. seemed a really easy way to get experience dealing with groups of school age kids that will look good if i go for a heritage job
My day so far:-

5.00am - Beep beep beep beep (alarm)

5.01am - Purr purr purr (FiFi sat on chest)

6.00am - FiFi gets off my chest - time to do the various "facilities"

6.20am - Shower

6.30am - Cup of tea and the start of the "Dawn Chorus" from the boys about wanting breakfast

6.35am - open 2 small tins of expensive very fishy cat food for Clive and Casper - Clive eats his and Casper tries to eat Clives not bothering with the exact same food less than 18" away

6.40am - Honk Honk Honk!!! - up comes contents of 1 tin + (where the + came from I really don't know) - this is now the second time that Clives done this - he CAN'T be allergic to fish, can he?

6.45am - clean up still warm can honk - then have my breakfast - which is rapidly becoming less appealing
So, let's talk about Cat Litter and various "Cat Facility" duties

I'll freely admit to being horrendously lax when it came to Jess, Rusty and Bob's inside comfort station maintenance - mainly because it was "Icky" and I was lazy and whatever

But when we picked FiFi up from cat rescue 1 - I noticed one of the young volunteers there "doing" the various trays and I had, what can best be described, as an epiphany regarding how we should look after our soon to be 3 indoor cats and there and then I vowed to myself that this time it was going to be different and this time it was going to be done right - and the thought of having 3 cats (and their various emissions) in the house for what was going to be a considerable time did influence my decision as well

More litter trays were bought along with a large bag of compressed sawdust cat litter AND A SLOTTED SCOOP - now this stuff is great, especially in the winter when we've got the Rayburn going, with any "solids" being flushed, the clean sawdust litter remains whole and is sieved out, leaving only the "used" cat litter to break down back into sawdust, which goes onto the Rayburn and which doesn't smell at all (apart from burning sawdust that is) - so that's the Winter months sorted - I'm happy with this solution

Except for when the Rayburn gets turned off and I then no longer have the burning solution

I've now switched to two different clumping cat litters - the World Best Cat litter - which is expensive but, very good

and a much cheaper "Corn Cat 7" which really is very cheap and works, but . . .

On the plus side - FiFi (of the truly horrendous arse) is going, in both uses of the word, outside now - so her tray is required minimal maintenance

But the boys - 2 large, strapping, young, active, healthy eating boys are a LONG WAY from being allowed outside and will need a tray or trays for some considerable time still

So fellow cat strokers, litter changers, feeders, entertainers and any other duties that the cat(s) in your life deem appropriate for you to perform

What solutions do you have?

I'm hoping that at least one person uses the fully automatic cat loo - maybe one of the cat litter box "spinners" - or are you all like me, a slave forever sieving, cleaning and re-filling OR have you taken the harsh-but-fair approach of kicking them out in the morning and last thing at night and let it become next doors problem
Trying the lads out on some ultra-expensive, personal import, organic, free range, luxury German cat biscuits

A. L. D. I.

Hope they like them as they were bloody expensive, I had to go without my tea tonight to be able to afford them ;)
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If Hilli tries to cram too much food down in a short period of time she'll puke it up ... having said that, it is a "normal behaviour" if there is too much food that can't be carried in the mouth then *eat it* carry home and puke up for later ! so that's what can happen, sometimes she pukes in the bath and then eats it later. (not me being lazy, just for most of the events / time span I was out, and only found the remaining, tiny bit of evidence, much, much later in the day.)
Cats can be allergic to fish, HV.


If Hilli tries to cram too much food down in a short period of time she'll puke it up ... having said that, it is a "normal behaviour" if there is too much food that can't be carried in the mouth then *eat it* carry home and puke up for later ! so that's what can happen, sometimes she pukes in the bath and then eats it later. (not me being lazy, just for most of the events / time span I was out, and only found the remaining, tiny bit of evidence, much, much later in the day.)

This makes sense - he was wolfing the food down

she waits until after the alarm clock goes off?

i think your cat is defective...


To be fair to Fifs - the 5 o'clock alarm is for Mrs Voltz - my official get up time isn't 'til an hour later
Bit more progress with the boys this morning

Had my first proper game of "Kill Toes™" with Casper this morning - this with FiFi still on the bed so within 3' of each other - bit of swearing from FiFs but Casper was more interested in, very methodically, killing my toes


Clive was up on the sofa having some treats - first one on the sofa was just to get him up there and from there he ate several placed on my lap and several more from my hand whilst standing on my lap
which of them gets the box to sit in?

There are currently 2 boxes full of cat swag and one empty box which has been left out for general cat usage - this box will be filled with the card and card based recycling on Friday - so there's another 24hr of potential cat usage

Currently location of cats:-

FiFi on our bed curled up and going back to sleep after a hectic nights sleeping on the bed - she's behind closed doors for the next 2 hours so the boys leave her alone
Clive is eating some of the new cat swag (Chicken mousse if you're interested, but only half a small tin and see if he keeps that down)
Casper is generally wandering around the remainder of the house that he's got access to (i.e. not the bathroom or FiFi's room) - so far he's walked passed his bowl of exactly the same that Clive's eating

You'll note - NO interest in the cardboard box - Broken Cats <sigh>

And the little shit has left half of half a small tin of chicken mousse - at least it's stayed down so far
As Sachin was getting towards the end he was a wolfer of food but it was straight back up. I had more success with putting a little bit down at a time and waiting for him to finish that. He'd inherited my mentality from my youth clearly where in a house with x amount of other siblings, if you didn't eat fast, you didn't eat.
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